

                                                                                                             Amarillo, TX

Wednesday October 7, 2009


     6:00am  I got 6.54 hours of sleep.  I cleaned up most of the house yesterday.  Last night I crashed out on this mattress  in a room in the back.  I'm going to smoke.


     6:44pm  I haven't done anything today.  I woke up this morning and ate a little peanut butter.  Cale came by and he  hooked me up with a little steak burger thing.  I'm still hungry right now, but I found another jar of peanut butter I can  eat.  Oh yeah, I was trying to manifest a hit of weed dust and looked in the drawer of this table and I found some mushrooms!   I ate them.  I'm still kind of loopy on them right now.  I haven't seen any visuals.  Ah, the walls were kind of breathing earlier.  Anyway, I've been chilling on this mattress all day listening to all my recordings making sure nothing got taped  over.  Kurt had to pull a double.  I already talked to him on the phone.  I admitted to eating the mushrooms.  He wasn't mad.  It was like bottom of the bag stash anyway.  It looked old and forgotten about. Anyway, I had a nice relaxing day.  I think Kurt told me he had a backpack he could give me.  I'm going to hold out for that.  I overheard him say he would pay me money if I washed the dishes, and I did all of them today.  This huge mountain of dishes that were dirty are all clean now.  I swept and cleaned up the house again.  Even after just one night of them hanging out here it was trashed again.  I cleaned up really good.  I am ready go go back to San Antonio and do my typing spree. 

     9:37pm  I just had the most awesome presentation with Kaylie and Seth.  Kaylie, more than Seth, this beautiful girl.   She loved my story and was all smiles throughout the entire thing.  She gave me a big hug at the end.  It seems like I totally inspired her.  She agreed with every single bit of it, whole Odyssey and all.  I took her picture.

Next day..

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