


Ventura, CA

Sunday October 8, 2006

                   I lost the Ojai tape. In Portland we stayed at Brian and Melissa's, Carol's friends.  Brian buys and sells cars from the auto auctions and we scored us a 1987 Subaru 4x4 hatchback for like a hundred and fifty bucks.  We drove up and visited with Carol's birthmom Deanna in Port Townsend, Washington and then drove the Subaru South.  Carol brought me to Ventura County.  Well, one night we were parked by the Casa Sirena hotel in Oxnard, where we would get in their hottub for free.  In the morning I went for a walk and when I came back Carol was gone!  Sueño was still there.  So were Carol's keys.  She just vanished.  I waited around for four or five hours until I got the sense to call the police and asked, "I misplaced my girlfriend about five hours ago.  Is she in custody?"  Some cop was patrolling in the morning and found Carol asleep in the car.  He ran her ID and  he took her in for an old warrant out of Barstow, that she had already taken care of. 
                   Well, since we were planning to go to Venice Beach and since I had nothing to do and was a nervous wreck, I went to Venice Beach by myself.  On the oceanfront I made up a sign that said, NEED HELP BAILING GIRL OUT OF JAIL, just like the one I had at the Rainbow Gathering.  But, there wasn't a generous gathering in Venice Beach that day.  I flew that sign for hours with no luck.  That night I drove all the way back to Ventura County to Foster Park where we had been crashing and dashing. 
                   Lo and behold, when I woke up the next morning Sueño was missing!  I wracked my brain thinking where he could have gotten out of the car.  I was positive he had been with me the whole time.  It's like he just disappeared into thin air.  Anyway, I went to Ventura and hung out on the pier and told my free story.                 
     1:01pm  I am having a really bad day. I can't believe I lost Sueño. I'm going to miss him so much. I already miss him. Poor kitty. Anyway, I came back to Foster Park. I'm going to chill here and maybe he'll show up. Dude, if he was going to show up he would've come back by now. I don't think he got out here. I've been hanging out with these homeless people who camp here, because I have to wait until tomorrow because of Carol. Oh yeah, this is a new tape I just put in. The last one I labeled Ojai. I got smoked out by the dudes here. We're going on a hike now. I initiated it.

     2:10pm  I decided I want to go to the beach and tell my story. I should be trying to spange Carol out of jail, but I won't even start to try until after I talk with her. People aren't going to hook me up here. This ain't no Rainbow Gathering. I don't have Marty's two hundred dollar head start from the last time I had to bail Carol out of jail. I want to end it already, man.
     2:30pm  These dumbass ignorant kids here at Seaward Beach. They turned their ears off real quick. I'm just looking around scanning for people to tell my story to.

                   I spotted this lady on the beach reading a book and I approached her with my story. She had a foreign accent, like British. First she asked me, "Is it religious?" I told her no and went into it. Right after I started a couple of those punk kids from before came up to me and said I had to leave. I was bored there anyway, so I told them, "Fine, I'll go tell my story somewhere else. This place sucks."  Hmm, it's not religious, I promise.  I like the sound of that.

     2:33pm  I just got eighty-sixed from the beach. One of those punk kids came up to me and said, "Hey, I think you gotta leave. Get off the beach."

                   Right after I got kicked off the beach I went and told Keith about it on the corner of Pierpont and Seaward. He works at Pierpont Produce. I told him my story and he volunteered me some produce. Some strawberries. I appreciate it, Keith. Everybody gets credit.

     3:03pm  I came to the Seaward Chevron. Just to take a piss, not to get gas. I should try and get gas.

     3:23pm  I saw this psychic reader lady sitting in front of the Vons. I hit her up for my story and she said, "No, I'm just doing my readings. Get away from me."

     4:13pm  I went to go look for some park and I came up to this dirt parking lot by the highway and Main Street. I saw some guy in an RV and asked him for a cigarette. Mark gave me one and I'm telling him my story now.

     4:52pm  It was cool, I got to tell my whole story to this guy Mark.

     5:00pm  I don't know if I already mentioned, but I have to wait until Thursady. I was able to get some information from this lady. Carol's warrant was for driving with a suspended license and some other stuff. From like years ago in Barstow.

     6:05pm  It's about time I made an update. I parked the Subaru over underneath the highway close to the Ventura Pier.

     6:10pm  Hell yeah, I had a badass presentation with this guy Daniel. He didn't have time because he was busy fishing off the pier. I'm stoned. Oh yeah, I got some good resin hits in the car. I'm going to go to the pier and go talk to people there.

                   Dude, I am so undercover, man. I got my hoodie covering everything. My Fuck Bush shirt was just for downtown, hehe. Cool, there's a guy sleeping on the floor. Awesome. I'm going to go talk to people.

     6:13pm  I'm walking down the pier. Whoa, the sunset is just beautiful right now. It's friggin' gorgeous. Everybody's fishing.

     6:30pm  Miguel me dio un cigaro en el Ventura Pier. Te lo agradesco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.


     7:51pm  Man, I am having fun in Ventura on the Ventura Pier. I can't believe Carol never took me here! This pier is really cool. It is the perfect platform for my storytelling.  Pun intended.  I can tell my story here like crazy. There's a lot of Mexicans fishing on the pier so my Spanish comes in handy.

                   I am telling Nestor my story. He's pretty well traveled, he says. I'm all high, hehe. Thanks, Nestor. I appreciate it, man.

     10:12pm  Wow, what a great night I had on the pier. I found the pier. I still can't believe that Carol never took me to this place. I've been telling my story like crazy tonight. It's been awesome. This guy Nestor really liked my story. We were all talking about energies and everything. He seemed to be a really educated guy. From El Salvador, I think. He made me think about Franklin, my father. I should love him. I should be nice to him. I just might forgive him again. I at least have to respect the bloodline. It's some pretty quality stuff. Not to brag or nothing. Anyway, I'm going to drive off to that dirt parking lot where I talked to that guy Mark earlier. I'm going to crash out. I don't know what's going to happen with Carol. Maybe I can use this as a reason to seem mad and break up with her finally. Or, I could just tell her fuck it, I'm not going to bail you out of jail again because I rather tell my story. I won't tell her that. I'll just tell her that it's a lot harder getting the bail money in Ventura than at the Rainbow Gathering. Umm, I guess I should at least try. I don't know. I'll worry about it tomorrow. Oh yeah, I got smoked out rowdy tonight. It's awesome at the pier. I can't believe Carol never took me there. Alright, bye.

Next day..

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