


Ventura, CA

Monday October 9, 2006

     6:00am  I just woke up in the Subaru in the parking lot. I slept alright. That Nestor guy last night gave me a lot to think about about my dad. I should forgive him. But then I remembered how I already forgave him and he failed again. He just doesn't get it. I don't know.

     7:13am  Today's the ninth by the way. I just drove off to the pier. Today is Monday so I can go to the college if I want to, if I get bored. I'm going back to the pier now. I need to take a shit. I'm sure they have public restrooms there.

     7:37am  I came to the Burger King here. I asked the nice lady in Spanish if I could use the restroom because I need a key. My batteries are running low I think.
     7:38am  My recorder is messing up. Sometimes I look at the tape and it stops moving. I don't know what's going on. Anyway, I'm going to go back to the pier.

                   Dean: "You can't put me in the generous part. You have to put me in the big asshole part." Dean just hooked me up with a cigarette on the pier. He told me he's a big asshole, but I don't believe him. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks.

     10:27am  Today is the ninth by the way. I can't believe Carol never took me here. All this time we drove around Ventura and Oxnard she never brought me to this pier. I am still not sure what I am going to do about her being in jail and everything. Tomorrow I'll go to her court thing at nine. Oh yeah, last night the pier was awesome. I had some great presentations. Right now I am over here looking at the surfers down the way from the pier.

     11:53am  I told Mike who was standing on a bench when I walked by my story. He liked it and he volunteered me five bucks! I appreciate it. I told him all of my stories.

     1:03pm  This dude Mike I told my story to. He was so reactive during the entire presentation. I ended up telling him all of my stories and in the end he said, "I agree with a hundred percent of what you just said." Then he actually read all my papers I have. All my reports. Autonomy vs Heirarchy, Not From the Rich, he's even reading Are You a Slave to the Illusion now. He's all interested. His parents kicked him out and he's a highschool dropout. He's all into my stuff. He might just be my sidekick, hehe. Carol just got replaced, ha. I have to get back to work. I can't let anything get in my way anymore. There is so much work to be done. I cannot be with Carol anymore. She's in jail, anyway. She might be let out in five days because the warrant is all the way from Barstow. The cops told me that if they wanted to renew the warrant that they would have to extradite her. I don't know if they're going to go through that much trouble. Maybe she'll get time-served. I don't know, but either way if she gets out early I am still going to break up with her. She can have the car if she wants.  Of course she'll want it.

     1:43pm  I had a damn good presentation with this guy and this girl. I'll ask them their names when they come back around. They loved it. Mike just finished reading Are You a Slave to the Illusion. What do you think, Mike? Mike: "It's the truth."

     1:53pm  Susie gave me a cigarette on the pier. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Oh yeah, remember how I said Mike had volunteered me five dollars? Anyway, I ran into some guy I knew from Boulder. I am everywhere. I ran into him in front of Mike and he got to witness my everywhereness, hehe. This guy had like three hundred dollars and wanted to buy a whole ounce. I went and asked around for him on the pier and this one drunk guy had a couple nuggets, but the guy wanted quantity. I used those five bucks Mike gave me on of those nuggets of weed for me. I smoked Mike out. I got a couple hits. I'm walking to the car right now. I'm going to go to the library.

     2:05pm  Okay, I'm at the car. I'm going to go to the library now. I don't know where it is, but I'll find it.

     2:27pm  I came to Ventura College. I asked them where could I park if I wasn't a student. This one kid told me along the street only. Not in the parking lot at all. So I doubt they'll let just anybody use their computers.

     2:32pm  You do have to be a student to get on a computer.

     2:37pm  Fuck this college, man. They have a huge room full of non-used computers in the Library Resource Center and they won't let me use one because I am not a student. Fuck that shit. How wasteful is that?

     3:00pm  Oh yeah, I got lost. I went all the way down Harbor Boulevard to the Ventura Harbor with all these sailboats. I asked the UPS guy which was the right way and he told me I had to go all the way back. I'm back at Seaward, turning left. I ended up at that Seaward Beach I came to yesterday where those punk kids told me to leave. Fuck those kids. I heard a lot of people talking shit about them. They're called the Pierpont Rats, I think. I got shot down at the college and nobody knows where I can use a computer besides the public library.

                   I think the real name of this city is Buenaventura. Everywhere there's these things saying City of Buenaventura founded in 1782.

     3:38pm  I am back at the pier. I'm going to walk out there and see what happens.

     4:08pm  Dean, who I met last night hooked me up with two cigarettes already. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:17pm  I had seen these two kids walking around with cameras. I was itching to tell them my story. When I asked them if I could tell them my story they asked me if they could take a picture of me. Document me, please. They took pictures of me holding my sign and everything. They're going to email them to me and tell me what they think of my website. I appreciate it, guys.

     4:38pm  Oh man, I just had an awesome presentation with this older lady. She told me she used to have a nosering. She said I was an angel. At first she was all, "Oh, you don't want anything? I don't have any money or anything." I told her, "No, it's a free story. I just want you to listen."

     4:41pm  Sylvia from Armenia gave me a cigarette at the restaurant by the pier. I appreciate it, Sylvia. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Shimmering Eagle.

     4:56pm  Bud hooked me up with a cigarette on Main Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:14pm  Oh, I forgot to tell you. Over by the library they are having some anti-war rally or something. Refuse Illegal War. Ehren Watada, I don't know. I went to it wearing my Fuck Bush shirt. It says "Don't support legal terrorisn," so I though it a fitting occasion.

     9:23pm  Oh yeah, I made a friend. This young dude named Sean. After the presentation I stood at the door holding my sign, but not too many people cared. I made friends with this guy named Sean and he offered to buy my sign for five dollars! At first I told him no, that it was mission critical. I came over and wrote him out another sign just like it. With those five dollars I'm going to go to the pier and get some weed, hehe. Oh yeah, Mike tells me that they're having open-mic tomorrow at The Roasting Company across from the Century Ten Theatres on Main Street at seven 'o clock.

     10:49pm  I came and parked at my Sanjon parking spot. There's no other cars here at all. I hope it's safe there. Sanjon and Harbor Blvd. I got five dollars off this dude. He wanted to by my WPTMJ sign. I made him a whole other sign because I cannot afford to lose mine. It's perfect. I'm going to see if I can get some weed.

     11:00pm  Jason, some guy on the pier who listened to my story earlier gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I just walked back to the car at Sanjón. I think I'm just going to crash out here. With those five dollars Sean gave me I got smoked out. I got a couple hits. This cool guy Dean smoked me out. He had been in the military in Iraq and shit. He's cool. He always gives me cigarettes and he confirms my purpose in my life. He doesn't do that, he just recognizes what my job is. I'm going to go drive away and crash out.

Next day..

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