


Arcata, CA

Friday October 10, 2003

     7:30am  I woke up around 7:10am. I was fiending for a cigarette. I found a little pouch of tobacco Randi gave me, but she didn't have any rolling papers in it. So, I pulled out my wallet and I had a crumbled up paper in there. I rolled it and smoked it. Jonathan just woke up and asked me if he could get on my mattress. I told him no, that maybe I was going back to sleep, but I changed my mind. I'm awake. I'm going to read my Future Shock book. I went back to Jonathan and told him, "Hey, you can get on my mattress if you want." When he did, I put my sleeping bag over him since it was cold. He was all, "Thanks, man." Now, I'm going to read my book.

                   Whoa, a lot of people crashed out here at the barn last night.

     7:42am  We had some newcomers at the barn last night. Wyatt, Charlie and Quiet. Charlie didn't have a blanket or nothing. He was just laying there in the cold.

     9:01am  We're having a big morning party at the barn. There's still like three other people crashed out.

     9:24am  I'm walking away from the barn. We had a big group of people at the barn this morning. People were still sleeping. We had a big gathering at the barn. We were all talking and smoking. First, I thought, "Man, this is perfect. Morning Story Time." I tried to tell my stories, but dude, there was just too many people there and they started talking about other shit. I'm walking into town. Let's see what happens. For some reason I thought today was going to be Saturday and I could spange up my bus ticket to SF, but it's Friday. I have a whole other day before I can hopefully get my busfare.

     9:38am  I walked to the donut shop. I need a nickel to get a donut.

     9:49am  I walked to The Endeavor and this dude who was sitting down waiting for a bus got up and asked me, "Hey man, how's the book coming? Got that webpage up, yet?" I told him, "Nah man, I gotta get back to San Antonio first. I want to go back down through New Mexico so I can tell all the people I'm still working on it."

                    Damnit, Sandy's not there and nobody can tell me where she is. That sucks.

     10:11am  I'm bored. I don't want to walk up to the school because they're going to feed at 11:30am. I'm just going to go to the public library and check my email and read my book.

     12:06am  I typed up a long-ass email. I had typed a lot of it up and then I lost it all. It sucked. I had to retype it all again. I was at the public library over here behind the cop-shop. I was surprised. They usually only let you on for like an hour. I was sitting there typing then all of a sudden I hear the noon-alarm going off. I was in there for two hours.

                    Only half an hour late to eat at The Endeavor.

     12:54pm  Jesse hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:37pm  I have a good update to make. I was just not doing anything this morning. I walked up to my spange spot and I remembered I had left a little roach of weed there. Sure enough, it was there. I didn't spange at all. I came back to the sidewalk where the trash can is between the bars and I said, "Hey, can somebody spare any tobacco?" This guy Dustin was all, "Yeah, of course, man. For world peace? Totally."

     1:39pm  Right before I was about to make that good entry, this dude Wyatt came up and asked me what's going on. Oh yeah, this morning we had a big party at the barn. I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not. I took a picture of my shrine.


                    Anyway, this guy who crashed at the barn just came up. Now let me finish making my big important update.
                    I went over to the sidewalk and tried to bum a cigarette. This guy Dustin said, "Hey, for world peace? Here you go." He was somebody I'd talked to before. He tells me, "Hey man, I run a radio station. It's a free world radio station. It's global." I told him, "Really? Umm, wanna hang out?" He told me, "Yeah, I had seen you around with your little tape recorder and I wanted to talk to you." I told him, "So you're not a street kid? You have a residence in Arcata?" He said he had his own place in Eureka. Now, this might be my big break . . . and I know I'm always thinking I'm getting big breaks, but I actually never don't. I don't know. He seems to be legit. He has a radio station and he's loving my story. Just wait until I tell him the rest.
                    Anyway, I'm just walking around now. Oh yeah, we went to the plaza and he told me, "I'm a musician and it's time to concentrate on music now." I told him, "That's cool. I can wait." So, I came and made this important entry. That's what I'm doing right now. Oh yeah, I took a hit of weed that I had saved at my spanging spot. I had forgotten that yesterday Spunflower came up to me and asked me if I had a piece. She said she had some crystal. Me thinking the whole time she meant she had some crystally weed, I took off following her. That's when I saw that Maya girl again. She was all ignoring me and shit. When I walked up to her I said, "You don't know how to say hi?" She's all nuts and shit. She was with some other dude. Maybe she raped him, too. Hehe. Oh yeah, I had forgotten that Spunflower had taken a hit of crystal-meth out of my little one-hitter. That hit I took at the spanging spot fucked me up a little. It had been resinated. It really pissed me off, but I did it inadvertently. Say no to drugs.

                    I took a picture of the back of the shrine.  

     2:10pm  Man, I walked up to the hitch hiking spot. I saw that there were two kids already down there so I said screw it and waited in the shade in front of Porter Street BBQ. What was your name again? Sean was generous enough to pick me up. I stood there for like less than a minute. See how you can count on generosity? Thanks for proving me right, Sean.

     2:20pm  That was awesome! Just like that. I got a lift to Eureka. I got bored with Dustin and his guitar playing. He didn't seem too interested in interviewing me. I said screw it, I'm going to go to Eureka and stand in front of the place they sell boots at, Picky Picky Picky. I can just ask people for spare change for new boots and show them the ones I'm wearing. Maybe I'll get them. If not, Plan B is just walk to The Raven House and do some laundry.

     2:26pm  I'm at Picky Picky Picky looking at the boots. I've been here before to look at the same boots. I was just bored. There is this awesome pair of boots here. The brand is Danner. Model is Pronghorn #42202. $150. These are waterproof boots, but it's got a running shoe sole.

     2:42pm  Pat hooked me up with a Rolly in Eureka. Thanks, man.

     2:55pm  I'm walking in Eureka. I'm almost to The Raven House. I'm at the corner of S and 6th Street. I just ran into Cheyenne, some girl I've told my ideas to before. Wow, walking down Eureka even, people know me.

     2:57pm  I'm at The Raven House.

     4:00pm  That was a total waste of time. I'm already back in Arcata. This other guy in Arcata said, "Anybody need a ride to Eureka?" And, it turned out The Raven House closed at six tonight. I had gone to Picky Picky Picky and looked through their boots. I had been there before. Now, I'm going to go get me a donut.

     4:25pm  I just went to the Jacoby's Storehouse and took a healthy shit.

                   Man, what a waste today was. I went out there and I just came right back. I didn't do laundry. I didn't do shit.

     4:29pm  I'm going to get an early start and start spanging. It's Friday night.

     5:30pm  I haven't been logging much lately. What have I done today? I didn't do shit. I've been all unproductive. Oh yeah, I got smoked out! That girl Jenny, Envy, she came up. I asked her, "Hey, got anything to smoke?" She said she had some trim and we came to that backyard real close to my spanging spot. This other dude came with us, too. We smoked and we just got up and left. While we were leaving, we were closing the back gate and this car pulled up. Apparently the owners. I just didn't look and walked over to my spanging spot. That's it for now.

     5:40pm  Wayne just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:45pm  Joe is giving me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I can get me an apple fritter now. I'm hungry.

     5:56pm  I bought three chocolate buttermilks. I had three dollars in my wallet and it's $1.95 for three donuts. I'm going to go hook Randi and Cocapelli up with chocolate buttermilks. They came to my alley to hang out with me.

     6:32pm  Paul Coon hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate, brother.

     6:34pm  I just walked up to the sidewalk and I was able to bum me a fat Marlboro Red 100. Now, I'm going to go back and share it with Cocapelli and Randi. They're at my spanging spot.

                   Janna, I didn't even have to ask. She walked by and said, "Hey, I told this guy I was going to give him some money earlier." She hooked me up with some change. Cocapelli said, "That was awesome!"

     6:21pm  I just put in this new tape. They're feeding in the plaza. I'm going to go eat. Oh yeah, I have to remember to read 1984. Maybe when I go to the library next time. I'll sit down and read it. That was a suggestion by Cocapelli.

     6:25pm  Oh yeah, Food Not Bombs is in the plaza. I'm going to eat.

     7:10pm  I just took a picture of Randi.


                   She came over here by the Co-op. The tree, the people's backyard is no longer a hangout spot. So, we're over here behind all this construction. Oh yeah, we just got Randi to show us her nipple! She had said, "If all you guys show me yours, I'll show you mine." She backed her shit up. She was all yelling at me, "Don't put that in there!" Nothing but the truth, baby.

     7:26pm  Randi just suggested that we jump around. Jump up, jump up and get down. So, we just did. Everybody did .  . . except Cocapelli. Cocapelli said, "I did a little." Hehe, he did a little.

     7:40pm  It's spare changing time.

     7:41pm  Mark came by and hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

     7:42pm  Eric just gave me fifty cents. Sweet.

                   Spare change for a bus ticket?

     7:45pm  What was your name? Aly is hooking me up with some change, again. Thank you, sister.

                   Aly walked by and reached into her purse. She asked, "I'm in your book, right?" I told her, "You're in it again."

     8:10pm  Sears had just been sitting down on the sidewalk. He just stands up and hands me a dollar bill, just like that. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:25pm  I was just standing there spanging and Sears asked me if I could get him some alcohol at the liquor store. He's old enough, just lost his ID. We're going to go smoke weed. He said I could get me a Hornsby's and he let me keep the change. Cool.

     8:52pm  The brother who hooked me up earlier without me asking him is hooking me up again. I was walking down the sidewalk looking to bum a cigarette and he says, "Here, you want a cigarette?" His name is Paul Coon, that's right. He asked me if I was a writer. I told him no, I'm a liver.

     9:07pm  Brian gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, brother. That's very generous of you.

                   Brigg just handed me a dollar also. Sweet!

                   And what's your name? Jessie just handed me two dollars in change.

     9:10pm  Whoa, that was rad. People just started handing me money. That was awesome. Dude, I made like five bucks after that.

     9:15pm  I'm walking to the barn. These two other brothers are on the way to the barn, too. Oh yeah, don't forget to mention that I met someone who had slept in that barn ten years ago.

     9:37pm  We're still walking to the barn.

                    Everyone check out

Next day..

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