


Garberville to Redway, back to Garberville to Richardson's Grove, CA

Wednesday October 13, 2004

     9:37am  Oh yeah, that place I went to eat in Redway the other day was the Mateel Community Center. We're all hashed out at the camp. Some good shit.

     9:46am  I left camp. I'm walking into town. Oh yeah, I smoked some hash this morning. Some good hash. I'm all stoned. Wake-n-bake. Anyway, I am going to try to walk into town and score me a food box.

     10:12am  Al just gave me a dollar! I can do my laundry now. Badass.

     10:52am  Luke hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Ray's. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:22am  I had a great presentation with that Luke guy. Right now I'm walking to the Mateel again. They feed at noon. Let's see if I can make it. That guy Luke told me, "It was very nice to meet you. Good luck with your walk." I told him, "You'll hear about it." I'm blowing people's minds.

                     Oh yeah, this sucks! I lost my utensil kit! That sucks! I held on to that thing for years. Chasity had stolen that for me. I wanted to someday go to Florida and tell her, "Guess what I still have?" Damnit, I wanted to do that. Please Love, let me find my thing. Grant it back to me.

     12:15pm  I am just now walking up to the Mateel.

     12:38pm  I'm over here at the Mateel eating lunch. Laura came out with a big thing of cinnamon rolls and she's passing them out. I appreciate it, Laura. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:58pm  Eric hooked me up with a cigarette here at the Mateel. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:30pm  I came over to the laundromat close by. I was going to do my laundry. I accidentally bought some fabric softener, I thought it was detergent. Scott helped me out and he let me use a little of his detergent. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     1:32pm  Oh yeah, this girl Elena had offered to give me a ride back to Garberville. Then, I was outside smoking and I peered out into the road. I saw this cute, hip-looking girl with a red backpack in the laundromat. I thought, "Hey, I wish I could tell her my story." While Elena was driving onto the road, I saw that girl again at the laundromat. This little bell went off in my head. Oh yeah, I need to do my laundry. I told Elena, "I changed my mind. Drop me off here." But, when I got to the laundromat she had taken off. At least I'm getting my laundry done. I don't know though. I'm going to have to ask for spare change for drying. Oh yeah, and that guy hooked me up with some detergent. I had accidentally bought some fabric softener.

     2:02pm  I came to the Shop Smart bathroom and took a shit. I wrote Victor the Liberator with a peace sign on the wall with my white marker.

     2:25pm  Oh yeah, that girl with the red backpack I had seen earlier came back. Her name is Kathy. I hit her up for my story, but she said she had to go buy a pack of cigarettes. She'll be back though to listen to my story. I told her the whole thing about seeing her from the Mateel. I told her, "You are why I am doing my laundry in Redway today." Probably freaked her out.

                   I got a ride back to Garberville lickity-split.

     5:22pm  I went back behind the Nacho Mama's place where I bummed a cigarette off that Tequila guy. This one guy I tried telling my story to still wouldn't listen to me. He let me bum a cigarette.

     5:38pm  Oh yeah, I'm going to try and hitchhike South. I don't know where.

                    This other homeless dude took me to a camp near this school. It reminded me of A-Camp from the Rainbow Gatherings. All these old ignorant people.

     5:53pm  This little kid walked by. He was the son of the guy, that homeless family over by the school. I told him, "Hey, can I tell you a really cool story?" I told him my story. I didn't tell him the odyssey, but I got all the way past how I get free food.

                   Please Love Almighty, grant me a ride. Please.

     6:27pm  Cory picked me up! I wasn't standing there long. He's going to take me to that same gas station in front of the RV park I went to last year. Anyway, he took me there. In Richardson's Grove, California. About twenty miles away from Garberville.

     6:45pm  I need to make an entry. Cory stopped at the same gas station I walked to last time. He bought some beers and we came over to some camp. He just asked me if I ate meat. Sure, as long as I'm not hungry anymore. We are in Richardson's Grove State Park.

Next day..

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