


Richardson's Grove to Laytonville to Ukiah to Hopland to Sebastopol, CA

Thursday October 14, 2004

     7:45am  I'm at the Patriot gas station in Richardson's Grove. I got my ride to Willits from this Mexican dude.

                   Manuel me esta dando un ride a Willits. Te lo agradezco, hermano. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     8:40am  I just got dropped off in Laytonville. He was going all the way to Willits. I said screw it, I came to Laytonville last year, so I'm going to come back and tell my story. I'm hungry. I want to get some food somewhere. I have a dollar. I'll go to the Chevron.

     8:47am  Jay hooked me up with some change so I can get my donut. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:11am  I went to the bathroom at the Chevron. The donut I had this morning didn't sit too well. Oh yeah, earlier I met this girl who came up to me and asked me, "Didn't I meet you in Arcata last year? You were in the barn, right?" She told me she still remembered my mission.

                     I'm going to get out of Laytonville. Oh yeah, I got some bad signs earlier. These guys I met earlier were all ignorant.

     10:45am  It was cool. My old recorder died today. Here in Laytonville. It's cool that I had this backup which now I am able to use. The smart man backs his shit up.

     11:10am  I had a good presentation with these two girls.

     11:29am  I'm here sticking my thumb out. The guy who had given me a ride up here just drove by. He yelled, "Hey, Victor!" Cool, he saw me again. He's going back home North.

     11:30pm  Jeff is hooking me up with some cigarettes. Badass. I'm trying to skip town.

                     Oh yeah, where I am in Laytonville is in front of The Bank of Willits. Laytonville branch.

     11:51pm  Gene and Susan, I was just standing here at the bus stop giving people peace signs. They offered me a ride to Willits. Perfect. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:15pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm in Willits. We stopped in Rio Bravo. I'm going to see if I can score some food.

     12:39pm  Sonya, en un restaurante Mexicano me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Gracias. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

                     Callin' the shots. Callin' the shots. I'm going to sit down and eat.

     1:00pm  After I ate my Mexican food I sat down in the grass. All of a sudden, I saw the bus to Ukiah pass by. Cool, the bus passes by here. I didn't get on it since I was eating. I guess it comes in another ½ hour or something. Then it occurred to me that it probably doesn't run anymore today. It has the schedule times on the bus stop. It only runs twice and that was the last one for today.

     1:15pm  Stopped at the Mobil gas station to take a piss. I tried writing Victor the Liberator on the wall, but someone knocked on the door and came in and I only got to write Victor the.

     1:17pm  I went into Clam East Plaza, affordable family clothing. They didn't have any shorts, and the girl apologized for not having any. I told her not to worry about it and she said, "Oh, but I have to. I wanted that sale." I looked her right in the eye and told her, "It's about a lot more than just a sale."

     1:38pm  I came to the same gas station I came to last time I got a ride here. Let's see if it happens again.

                   Bought me a cream cheese muffin.

                   I am only a measly twenty miles away from Ukiah.

     1:57pm  I came over to the edge of town, at that gas station I got a ride last time. I'm going to stick my thumb out right here.

                   I am only 120 miles away from San Francisco.

                   Please Love, grant me a ride out of here.

                   I've seen a lot of pretty girls driving by in this town.

     2:12pm  Brian picked me up already. I wasn't out there long. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:25pm  We're in Ukiah.

     2:38pm  I'm walking down the sidewalk in Ukiah. I just walked past the Discovery Inn. I came here last year(12-3-03, 11:27pm). They have all these wooden sculptures. A big bear. It's cool. It's still here.

                   Oh yeah, that guy Brian who gave me a ride gave me a new destination. I'm not going to stay in Berkeley too long. He told me I just had to go to Santa Cruz. I'm going to go check that out. I've never been there. He said it was cool. And he told me about some place called Sebastopol too.

     2:55pm  Somebody's hooking me up with some fries in Ukiah. At the same place that nice lady gave me all this free pizza last time(12-3-03, 12:02pm). They don't sell pizza there anymore. New owners.

                    I remember last year I smoked some weed behind this place. The lady working at this place last year told me, "Just go back around the corner." I remember this place.

                    Oh yeah, the name of the pizza place is now Adam's Charbroiled Burgers.

                    Oh yeah, I went to the food bank next door and asked them if they could help me out with any bus fare. They told me they didn't have anymore. I'm going to walk back to the Safeway and wait for somebody to walk by and I'll tell them my story. Maybe I'll get smoked out again like I did last time I was here.

                    That Mexican dude who had given me a ride earlier, I asked him, "How many times have you picked up a hitchhiker before?" He told me never. I told him, "I am honored to be the first hitchhiker you've picked up."

     4:05pm  I went over to the Round Table Pizza and I told these two guys my story. They listened to the whole story wide-eyed and intent. I was even hauling ass and when I asked them if I was going too fast, he told me I wasn't. Perfect, perfect.

     4:10pm  Ninety seven degrees.

     4:13pm  I stopped in at the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzuchi Foundation, Taiwan. I gave the lady in there my intro and asked her if she was willing to listen. She wouldn't listen to me at all.

     4:17pm  Todd hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Safeway. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     4:47pm  Man, I'm already in Hopland. Ryan gave me a ride from the Safeway in Ukiah.

                    I came to Burgers My Way. I saw this guy and a girl walk in. They looked pretty hip, so I'm going to wait for them to come out and see if they're going South.

     5:10pm  Please Love, grant me another ride. I ask you please.

                   I'm right here in front of the Mini Mart, the Burger Mini Mart. Petro Gasoline.

     5:13pm  George hooked me up with two cigarettes at the burger place. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:53pm  Kai is already giving me a ride. He's getting me all the way to Santa Rosa. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:04pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Kai smoked me out. As soon as I said marijuana he went, "Do you want to smoke a joint?"

     6:32pm  Remember how I mentioned earlier that I wanted to go to that Sebastopol place? Kai just happens to be going to that same town! So, I'm going to follow the signs and go there and see what happens.

     6:43pm  Guess where I am now. I am in Sebastopol. Of all places. I just heard about this place today. I'm thinking I'm not going to go to San Francisco at all. Screw Berkeley. Not this time around. The feds are going to be waiting for me there. I'm going to go to Santa Cruz. That's where I'm going.

     6:54pm  The first people I talked to in Sebastopol, I hit these girls up for a story and in the middle of it she started laughing.

     6:54pm  This ignorant old lady right now. She was sitting in her car and I asked her, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? I just want you to listen." She was all, "That's okay, that's okay, don't." I asked her, "Have you always been that ignorant?" Ha, and she just saw me right now talking into my tape recorder.

     6:55pm  Badass, Taqueria Sebastopol. I'm going to eat.

     6:57pm  Eva, en Taqueria Sebastopol me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, Eva. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     7:20pm  I went to the laundromat after I scored the Mexican food. I saw this guy in there driving a VW bus. I asked him, "Where are you headed?" He pointed and asked me, "Where are you headed." I told him the same way. Hehe, let's see where I end up tonight.

     7:25pm  I just randomly ended up on Bodega Avenue. This is the highway to get to the coast. I'm going West. going to hit the coast. Oh yeah, and that dude Kai earlier gave me the roach, like half a joint. Oh yeah, I asked the guy who gave me a ride here, Frank if he was willing to listen and he told me, "I am not." I said, "That's precisely why I asked." He told me good luck when he dropped me off though. I'm going to walk West. Towards the beach.

     7:40pm  I walked all the way down Bodega Avenue. I'm at Pleasant Avenue North right now. This is a ritzy place. Oh good, a 7-11. I'm going to go tell my story.

     7:44pm  Alguin que no pude entender su nobre en mi grabacion me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias

     8:12pm  I saw this guy walking and I hit him up for a story. He listened to part of it. He had to go, but he gave me a new direction. I think he was gay too, but that's not the direction he gave me. I was contemplating just going to the coast and just getting around, actually, I'm dumb. I thought I could get to Santa Cruz without having to go through San Francisco. He said that was impossible. He told me to check out some place called Bolinas, California. It's down Bodega Highway. I'm going to walk that to the coast. It'll be fun. It's awesome how I landed here and I'm getting directed everywhere.

                  Oh yeah, I already have a squat for tonight. It's behind this Buddy's Pizza Place. There's an alley back there. I'll crash there.

                  Sweet, found me a quarter on the ground. Thank you, Love. Oh yeah, I meant to thank you for answering my prayer by giving me that ride earlier. I found me a quarter. 

     10:21pm  Oh yeah, I haven't made an entry in a while. I read some Awake! magazine at the laundry place. I was just waiting for it to get dark so I could go crash behind the pizza place. I came here and there's a little secluded trail next to the fence. I got all my stuff out and I'm going to go to sleep.

Next day..

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