

San Antonio, TX

Monday October 13, 2008

     5:56am  I just woke up. Whoa, I got a whopping 8.39 hours of sleep last night. I haven't done that in a while.

     11:27am  I just caught up on all my typing. I'm going to start proofreading and adding pictures and updating the journal on my site. Alright.

     7:53pm  I've had a good productive day on the computer. I added pictures and I proofread. Made HTML files and everything. It's updated all the way until the 12th. I didn't have that many pictures. I've been really busy lately. I've gotten so much computer work done. Right now I'm driving to Sonic to get me and my mom something to eat. I need to get some more weed too. I called Billy and the other Billy.

     4:44am  I've stayed up tonight. My mom spent the night at my sister's apartment. Ugh, my sister is going through all this drama. Another loser deadbeat got her pregnant. She's about to pop. About six months along now. I met his loser ass the other day at the baby shower. Yesterday, I think. This white goofy lookin' dude. He's a bum and doesn't like working. He's working at West Telemarketing, which isn't that hard to do. My grandma gave my sister like two or three hundred dollars
to buy a crib for the baby. He's working at West and getting a paycheck and he just told her he's not going to pay her rent. That she was going to have to use the money my grandma was sending her for rent. He's a deadbeat motherfucker. That's something my "father" Franklin would do. It's weird. I'm not that tired. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. It's not like I have to wake up and go to work tomorrow, or nothing. Actually, I do. Work on my site and work cleaning the house. I've got a couple jobs here.

     5:00am  I'm going to bed.

Next day..

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