

 San Antonio, TX

Tuesday October 14, 2008

     10:55am  I am waking up. I only got 4.4 hours of sleep. I can take a nap later on. I'm going to go check my email.

     8:22pm  Man, I had a long ass lazy day and did nothing. I've been hanging out in the UFO channel on Undernet(#ufos) hearing about all this October 14th bullshit. It still hasn't shown up yet. They day's not over yet.

                   It was just a big hoax to sell some book.

     8:40pm  Mission accomplished. I got my sack of weed. I met Little Billy on the other side of the ditch and bought a dimebag.

     1:25am  I'm going to bed. Oh yeah, did I ever mention how about a long time ago when I was near Chicago I got some ride from some heroin addict. Remember that time when I was at some gas station and some guy pulled up playing that Me First and the Gimme Gimmes song? The song that goes, "I want you to want me, I need you to you need me," but all punked out. It turned out it wasn't a Me First and the Gimme Gimme's song. His name was Chad. Him and his girl Edie had taken me to eat at a buffet place. Well, Edie messaged me on MySpace and I replied. I've got a whole update to make about that. Chad had videotaped my presentation and she posted it on my MySpace profile. I am not too proud of that video though. I sound all monotone. 

Next day..


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