

                                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Thursday October 16, 2008

     6:00am  I got eight hours of sleep. That's good.

     8:53am  I actually went back to sleep. I'm going to go wake and bake again in the back yard.

     10:25am  I am leaving the house. I have three cameras in my pocket and I have my little hard drive so I can get some pictures printed out. I want to have the dog head pictures and the picture of San Antonio. I need to get my visual aids so I can leave again. I'm training for my departure. For today's walk I'm thinking about walking Lean Creek. Hiking the creek bed. I want to see if I can find that place I found my fossil at a long time ago(2-25-04:9:03am). I'm going to walk to the Citgo and get some ice first off.

                     I am still walking in the street and making cars go around me when I walk down Old Tezel. This street needs a sidewalk, damnit.

     10:39am  I just left the Citgo. Cool, some guy in a car just waved at me. I'm going to walk down Guilbeau to the Walmart and I'm going to hike Leon Creek all the way to 1604.

     11:13am  I just hiked all the way to the Walmart. I've got three cameras in my pocket to drop off.
                     I didn't drop off my cameras because I found out that at the Walmart they won't just give me CD's, that I have to get prints too. So I still have the cameras and I'm going to go to a Walgreen's and see if they can do it there. I'll eliminate some options before I go back to Walmart and pay for prints with CD's. There's a Walgreen's on 1604 and Braun Road that I can stop at on the way back.

                     Cool, I'm over here by the other cliffs. I took a picture. I'm going to walk the creek as much as I can today.

                     Rocks in OP.  Dry creek.

     12:00pm  I took a smokebreak over under the Prue Road Bridge. I'm going to keep walking now.

                     That's like the fourth or fifth deer I've seen today.

     1:08pm  The weirdest shit. I think I'm on the same side of Prue Road I was on earlier. Thing is, I've already gone under the bridge, but somehow I'm back on the OP Schnabel side. I see the antenna right there. I could've sworn I had been hiking the creek going the opposite way. I don't remember going under the bridge again. Crazy. I'm going to walk up to Prue Road again. That totally trips me out. All this time I had been hiking one way on the creek and all of a sudden I end up at OP Schnabel. I must've gone through a timewarp. I mean a wormhole.

     1:21pm  Holy shit, this is starting to look like OP Schnabel again. I've been going in one direction this whole time.

                   Okay, I'm not in OP Schnabel again. I ended up over here by Parkwood.

                   Behind the neighborhood they have a paved path. There's a fence running along with the creek on the other side of it. Ahh, I rather be on the natural pavement than this sidewalk. I'm going to double back and walk all of that creek I just missed.

     1:35pm  Walking in the dry creek right now.

     1:45pm  Oh, I ended up at this lake out here. I think it's the Oxbow Lake. I'm going to keep walking. I think I see a little kid fishing. I see bikes.

     1:50pm  It's the Oxbow Pond, not lake. I could've sworn that I saw little kids fishing, but when I got closer they looked more my age. I walked up and they totally recognized me right off the bat. This dude John who says we've smoked together lots. He said, "Yeah, last time I saw you years ago you had a tape recorder..." I cut him off and said, "You mean like this one? I'm still at it." We're going to smoke some weed. Hell yeah, what a small world.

     2:42pm  I didn't tell you, I had a badass little smokebreak at the Oxbow Pond. There was people I knew! This one guy Carl who seemed really, really familiar. I think he had tourette's(1-29-04:5:45pm).  This other dude was there who was wearing scrubs. He listened to my story a lot. Oh yeah, and John hooked me up with some crackers for my creek walk.

     2:51pm  I ended up at the Bamberger Nature Park. 12901 Babcock. It's all Babylon out here. I'm going to double back and try and get back in the creek.

     2:57pm  I just hit Babcock.

     3:03pm  Coming back up to the entrance of the park again. I'm going to go down a trail and get back in the creek.

     3:45pm  I had a smokebreak at this place I found where there was a milkcrate to sit on. I'm having a great hike today. Just switched to the other side of the tape. I'm walking Leon Creek. I've been hiking it all day.

     3:47pm  I'm finally going to walk underneath Babcock pretty soon. I thought I would've by now. The creek runs parallel to Babcock for a while.

     3:53pm  I popped out of the creek and Danver Drive and Glidden Drive. I see a gas station over there. I'm going to go top off my ice.

     4:02pm  I went to the gas station on Hausman and I'm walking back to the creek. I'm going to keep walking that. I think I'm going to walk to UTSA and if I have a good transfer in my stash I'll ride the bus home. Not home, but to 1604 and Braun Road so I can go to the Walgreen's there. I'm going to take a meal break and eat these crackers I have in my pocket.

     4:43pm  I walked to Babcock Road and I'm turning right on UTSA Boulevard.

                   Whoa, in all the traffic my little brother saw me and him and his friend are going to pick me up, sweet. He all yelled at me now, "Stay right there, stay right there!" All the traffic is all backed up here and everyone is staring at my shirt.

     4:52pm  I just got dropped off at the bus stop at UTSA. I need to find out what the letter of the day is.

     5:21pm  It sucks, right when I got dropped off the bus came and I wasn't able to find out the letter of the day. I got on and paid with a dollar. I paid fare and sat down and looked at the transfer I was just given. The letter is A. I looked in my stash and I had an A! That sucks. Anyway, I just got off the 605 at Tezel and Braun. Forget Walgreen's. The bus didn't go that way. Maybe I'll just walk home.

     5:39pm  I am home. Today was like a rerun of yesterday.

Next day..

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