


Santa Cruz, CA

Monday October 18, 2004

     7:15am  I just woke up behind this dumpster. I wish I had my poncho. It's cold.

     7:40am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I came over to the Albertsons and took a shit. I wrote Victor the Liberator on the wall.

     8:17am  I came to Long's Drugs to see how much the cameras were and Alexander hooked me up with a peanut butter sandwich. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:00am  Dominic gave me a cigarette on Pacific Avenue. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     9:20am  Man, I can't get anybody to listen to me on Pacific Avenue. This guy was all ranting on about chromosomes and stuff. I told him, "Well, since you won't let me tell you my whole story just let me tell you the important part." He wouldn't even let me tell him about the spirits.

                   Oh yeah, I'm walking to the beach. I need to get two dollars more for a camera. I have five dollars.

     9:32am  I just walked to the Santa Cruz Wharf.

     9:44am  I came up to the dock and you walk down these stairs and there's all these seals hanging out here barking real loud. I'm playing with them with my walking stick. They're just chilling on the wood things and I'm scaring them into the water. Man, I need a camera. I just need two bucks then I'll come back here and take pictures of them.

                   They were all barking. Rawr, rawr, rawr. Oh yeah, and they're not seals. They're sea lions.

     10:15am  Jerold is hooking me and Frank up with some cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:38am  I walked down the boardwalk a little bit. I'm going to turn around and walk down Pacific Avenue and spange up two dollars for a camera before I go back and explore some more. There's a big carnival nearby I want to take a picture of. I want to take a picture of all the seals too.

                     I mean the sea lions.

                    Right before I turned to walk back to the ave, I had a great presentation with these two kids. They listened to me like crazy. I got their email addresses and everything. I didn't tell them my odyssey. I've got things to do. I'm going to go spange up two bucks.

     10:45am  I'm going to go in Las Palmas Taco Bar and ask for some free food.

     10:47am  Ricky, en el taco bar me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                     He told me, "I'll give you some beans and rice for Jesus Christ."

     11:29am  Nora, en el Salvation Army me esta dando un libro. Te lo agrdesco, Nora. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

     12:01pm  Juanita gave me a cigarette on Pacific Avenue. I appreciate it, Juanita. Everybody gets credit.

                     Rick is going to smoke me out. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:27pm  These two kids walked by and they had a camera. Because of that I hit them up for my story. I told him my intro, but he didn't have time to listen. I got his email addrress. I told him, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio," and he took a picture of me.

                     Oh yeah, and this dude stopped by and he gave me some weed! He asked me for a light and he had a cigarette case and he hooked me up with a roach!

     12:34pm  I had another great presentation.

     12:35pm  This old lady came up to me and I asked her if I could tell her a story. She sat down and I told her how ignorance was the world's greatest problem. Just then she stood up and walked away. I told her, "Thanks for proving me right. Have you always been that ignorant?"

                     I had an awesome presentation with this girl Meredith. I told this girl my first attempt story and everything.

     1:49pm  Meridith came back and asked me, "Have you eaten today?" I told her, "I can always eat. I walk for a living." We went to this Mexican restaurant and she bought me a quesadilla. She gave me two bucks so I could get my camera. Perfect.

     1:58pm  Tom walked by and he gave me a cigarette on Pacific Avenue. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:42pm  This guy hooked me up with the little spare change I needed for my camera.

                   Oh yeah, this one dude I told my story to earlier told me there was a big storm coming in and tonight would be the worst of it. Ah, that's my sign to leave. I'm going to take pictures and I'm going to go.

      2:48pm  I took a picture of the skatepark. Now I'm going to go to the wharf and take pictures of the sea lions.

                    I came to the public landing at the wharf. There's no sea lions. Damnit, they're all gone. I thought they'd be there all day. That sucks.

                    I took a picture of the big carnival on the other side of the waterway.

     3:24pm  I've been thinking about sex a lot for some reason. I went by the skatepark and saw this really hot girl skating. She had really nice tits. I got a hard-on. I went and found a secluded trail by the railroad tracks and jerked it.

     3:42pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette on Pacific Avenue. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:57pm  I ran into Moonraven, who I had met in Arcata back in 2003(10-2-03, 9:37). I got pictures of him in the barn, I think. I'll put a link to where I met him last year.

                   He was the one with that cool bible.

     4:30pm  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. Earlier by the wharf this bitch accused me of stealing her Nalgene bottle. I told her, "This is mine. I can show you the damn receipt."

                   The smart man backs his shit up.

     4:48pm  I walked by the 99 Bottles of Beer On the Wall bar and Chad, Christine and Courtney out here. I hit them up for my story and gave them my presentation. I got an email address from them and she just volunteered me two dollars! I didn't even ask them for money. I appreciate it. The universe provides.

     4:50pm  I just asked this guy if he would sell me a two dollar joint. He asked me if I was a cop and I showed him my peace tattoo on the back of my neck. He said, "That don't mean shit."

     5:32pm  I just had a marvelous presentation. I got to tell my whole story.

     5:45pm  I had a badass presentation with this kid who is trying to sign up people to vote for Kerry. A really good presentation.

     5:58pm  Ashley hooked me up with a cigarette on Pacific Avenue. I appreciate it, Ashley.

     6:32pm  This dumbass and his girlfriend just walked by. I told them, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" They just started cracking up the minute I said something.

     6:48pm  Phil hooked me up with a cigarette on Pacific Avenue. I appreciate it, Phil. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:56pm  I came to the pizza shop and Elisha's giving me two slices for two dollars. I appreciate it, Elisha. Everybody gets credit, thank you.

     8:00pm  It was awesome. I had two dollars and I was trying to get some weed. I got hungry and came to the pizza place. The pizza was $2.20 a slice. I went in there and said, "Hey, can I get a slice for two dollars?" They said yeah. I picked one out and then the lady said, "No, give him both of them for two dollars." She hooked it up! I ate one slice and figured I would want a cigarette after the other one. This guy and a girl walked by and I asked her for one. She obviously ignored me and then her dude told her, "Give him a cigarette." He told her, "Give him enough for two." She had some rolling tobacco. I told her, "I don't want two. I just want one." The guy told her, "You're going to give him enough for two." I think this guy overheard me telling people my story or something. He told me, "She's very generous." Her name was Carolyn. I appreciate it, Carolyn.

                   Hehe, she was all pissed off he made her give me some.

     8:32pm  Patrick walked by earlier and asked me how I was doing. I told him I was the happiest man in the world. I hit him up for my story and he listened. He hooked me up with a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother. American Spirit no additives.

     9:02pm  I told my story to some other people. Man, I've been telling my story all day. I'm going to go look for a place to squat. I'm going to go to the bridge by the skatepark.

     9:32pm  I had an awesome presentation with this guy Deon. This 6'8" guy. He told me about a rooftop I can crash at. Cool.

Next day..

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