

                                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Monday October 20, 2008

     7:15am  I got seven hours of sleep. Today is Monday 10-20.

     11:18am  I have to make a big update. Right when I walked outside to start walking downtown I see JC, my next door neighbor going out to his car. I asked him if he could give me a ride to the Shell Station on Tezel and Guilbeau. I had enough change to buy some cigarettes. Right when I was waiting for JC to come back to his car I see Joe Mata. He let me bum a cigarette. He asked me if I was going to Travis Park and I told him yeah, that I was walking there. He even offered me some busfare but I told him it was cool, that I walked for a living. Right after JC dropped me off at the Shell station I realized I left my ten dollars at home. That's what I was going to get some weed with. I'm walking back home now. That sucks, but oh well. It's a beautiful day.

                     Oh yeah, I am wearing my marijuana wreath today. And my Thank You For Pot Smoking shirt.

     11:47am  I am back home.

     12:08pm  I didn't tell you, but JC gave me another ride to the Walmart. He was still outside cleaning his car when I walked back. I went inside and got the ten bucks and ate a hotdog then I went back outside and asked JC, "I don't suppose you're leaving again anytime soon?" He gave me a ride to the Walmart, awesome. Thanks a lot, bro. I figured that if I didn't have a transfer with the letter of the day, that I would walk downtown. When I got there I didn't have one. The letter of the day is D. I didn't have any D's, but the nice lady 88 driver gave me a courtesy ride. I told her I'd walk it if I had to, which I would've. So I'm going all the way downtown on the bus. I'm going to see Joe Mata at the park. I should've accepted the change he offered me. Ahh, I got a free ride anyway. Maybe I'll walk back.

     12:53pm  I just got off the bus downtown on Martin. I talked to Dee and Fernando on the bus.

     2:07pm  Man, I was totally meant to come downtown today. I met up with Jade and Roland in the park and I bought a dimebag and we walked over to the 420 bench on The Riverwalk to smoke. On the walk there I saw this dude sitting down with a frame backpack. He looked all bummed out with his head down. I walked up to him and asked him if he was from San Antonio. He said yeah. He was talking under his breath complaining that he was going to go get a job, that he didn't know what to do. I totally invited him to come smoke with us. At first he was hesitant because he was waiting for the bus. "There's always the next bus, bro. Come get high then go look for a job. It won't suck so much then." All four of us walked to a bench on The Riverwalk and I rolled a fat joint. The guy with the frame backpack was sitting on the ground and I told him, "Let me tell you my story about marijuana and eliminating money. It should cheer you up." I started my rant and he accepted to listen. He was still looking down the whole time but at every pause he told me to keep going. I ended up telling him my entire Odyssey. I even told him the Note From the Rich. His name is Brian. Afterwards we walked back up to street level and to the bus stop I had scooped him up at. He told me thanks for smoking him out and the story. I told him I was just doing my job and that I hoped I had brightened his day some. He smiled and told me that I had. Duty called. I'm walking back to the park now.

                   Me on cannon.

     3:26pm  I had a good presentation with Tom or Bob? "I'm Texas Tom, I'm Cali Bob." I took his picture. He's from Venice Beach. I've been there.

     3:30pm  Indio just walked up to me. He's been in my book before. I'll look you up. I just gave him my website. Check it out, man. As the mission evolves.

     3:47pm  I didn't tell you, I'm already walking back home. I'm walking down Navarro. I'm at Navarro and Soledad. About to walk under 35. I had some great presentations in the park today. Hmm, maybe I'll go check the tennis courts at McFarlin.

     3:58pm  Crossing Cypress. I'm walking to the tennis courts.

     4:02pm  I stopped in at the Burger King to take a piss.

     4:07pm  Dude, I was just walking in front of SAC and this guy sees me and my marijuana necklace and calls me over. He says, "Aren't you the guy who walks all around town? Was it that you that walked by that EBAY store years ago(5-19-05:5:21pm)? What was your name, bro? Phillip. Thanks for making contact.

     4:12pm  There's a lot of balls stuck up in the practice wall today. I'm going to have to scale the whole length of it.

     4:32pm  I just scored me nineteen tennis balls! I hit the jackpot today. I wonder how I'm going to take these home. I think I see a cop parked right there. I'm going to walk up to him wearing my marijuana necklace and ask him if he's got a plastic bag in his car, hehe. I'm walking towards him right now and I don't think it's a cop. He got scared and got in his car real quick.

     4:34pm  Nan, I was wondering how I was going to carry nineteen balls home and Nan is being nice enough to give me a bag to put them in. I appreciate it, Nan. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:35pm  It was cool. The guy saw me walking towards him and got scared and got in his car. Then I see this lady sitting down in her car. I walk up to her and she smiled real big. I told her how I had just collected nineteen balls for my walking stick, and if she had a plastic bag I could have. She said she didn't have a plastic bag. I told her any type of bag would do. She gave me this gift bag that she had which will do the job perfectly! I walked to my pile of balls and they fit perfectly in the bag. I walked back by Nan's car and told her, "Perfection, everything happens for a reason," and kept walking.

     5:10pm  I am having a great presentation with Dread and his girl in San Pedro Springs Park. With my great score of tennis balls I walked through the park looking for a shady bench to eat a banana and smoke at. I spotted this black dude with dreadlocks sitting with his girl and went over and asked them if they wanted to smoke a joint. His face lit up and he said, "Sure!" I even let him roll it. We smoked a fatty. I am telling them my story now. At first he gave me a couple
interruptions so I stopped talking. He eventually told me, "Sing your song, I'll listen." I told them my whole entire Odyssey with Note From the Rich and everything. What a great day I'm having today.

                   That was such an awesome presentation I just had with Earl(Dread). He told me he really enjoyed my story.

                   He let me sing my song.

     5:57pm  I decided I'm walking back home via Fredericksburg. I haven't gone this way in a while. I'm going to go to Medical Center and hit up the tennis courts at the Oak Hills Country Club. I want to top off my bag with balls.

                   Another random honk and wave.

     6:08pm  About to pass underneath I10.

     6:25pm  I didn't tell you. I am already to the top of the hill on Fredericksburg. I walked to the bus bench at W Agarita Street and Fredericksburg. I came to the bus stop and ate my Panquesitos, these mini poundcakes my mom brought home for me. I'm going to smoke and then keep walking. It's a beautiful day today. Man, I don't want to leave San Antonio at all. Even though all those tennis balls I scored today is a sign to take off traveling.

                   Please Love, give me a clear sign if I should go or not. I just keep getting signs to stay. I can do my work here just fine. Finer than most any other place. I am known here. I can play the social networkng specialist game in San Antonio until the day I die.

     6:30pm  I am walking now. Up from my break.

     6:41pm  Passing Hildebrand over by the Deco District HEB grocery store.

     7:09pm  Passing Balcones Heights Road. Santa Fe Place Apartments.

     7:22pm  About to cross Hillcrest.

     7:25pm  Walking over Loop 410.

     7:42pm  Turning left into the Oak Hills Country Club. It's all dark so I hope no security guards stop me. Actually, I hope they do. They should like my marijuana necklace.

     7:52pm  Popping out of the country club on Louis Pasteur. I couldn't find any more balls. It was dark. I still have all nineteen balls in tow. I'm going to go take a break in the grassy field in front of the dental school at the UT Health Science Center.

     8:00pm  I just got to the grassy field and I'm going to sit down. I'll air my boots out too.

     8:20pm  I am up from my break. I took a good breather. I'm in no hurry. I need to bum a cellphone. I'm thinking about walking Wurzbach to Bandera from here. I aired out my socks and they feel a lot better now.

     8:34pm  I am just now getting to Merton Minter. I wanted to go look around the tennis courts at the UT Health Science Center. There were all these people out tonight exercising. I had noticed that all the walkers were going around the tennis courts for some reason. It ends up they're doing all this construction and they've got all these detours people are taking. No tennis balls anywhere. I'm going to keep walking.

     8:37pm  Walked to Babcock and I'm cutting through Deer Oaks Business Park to Wurzbach.

     8:58pm  I crossed the street and I'm going to cut through the neighborhood diagonally over to Evers. I turned right on Desilu and turning left on Prentiss. This way I'll hit Evers closer to Huebner.

     9:05pm  Popping out on Evers, turning right.

     9:30pm  Just hit Huebner, turning left. I tried to get ice at the Evers Road Mart, but they didn't have a soda machine.

     9:35pm  I came to the Shell station on Huebner and Bandera. I'm going to fill my bag up with ice.

     9:41pm  Paul, at the Shell station here at Huebner and Bandera was nice enough to let me fill my bag up with ice. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     9:51pm  I left the Shell and then I came right back. I had wanted to smoke a cigarette. Paul didn't have any customers so he came outside to smoke too. This guy pulled up in a car and saw my weed necklace and smiled and told me, "You fit in with the situation." I'm not too sure what he meant by that. I'm going to offer him my website when he comes out. He works at the Ancira car dealership. I can see his shirt.

     9:55pm  I am leaving from the Shell station. Sweet, I can go hit up the Pizza Hut and see if they have any mistakes.

                   Shit, I left my bag of tennis balls at the Shell station. I have to go back.

     10:00pm  I got my tennis balls and I'm walking again. Hmm, there's a Fruity Coma place they just opened up with all these Mexican people in front. I need to stop there one of these days.

     10:03pm  Hell yeah, the guys at the Pizza Hut hooked me up with a pizza. Thanks a lot.

     10:10pm  I just crossed Eckhert. It's awkward carrying this Pizza Box, but I'm going to walk it over to the Mainland Walmart and use the courtesy phone to call my mom and see if she'll come pick me up with dinner. Hmm, I can't possibly walk all the way home holding this pizza. Hehe, what a delicious excuse I've got.

     10:24pm  I just got to Mainland. I'm walking to the Walmart.

     10:35pm  Walking in the Walmart.

     10:42pm  The coolest shit. At the Walmart the courtesy phone was broken so I couldn't call my mom to come pick me up. I'm holding a pizza box and I didn't want to have to walk all the way home with it. So I start walking outside to borrow somebody's cellphone. I see some dude walking behind me as I'm nearing the front doors. I turned around and asked him if he had a cellphone. He ended up being this one kid I had given my website to when I walked by the New Territories basketball courts not too long ago. He had signed my guestbook and told me about the new Zeitgeist movie:

Date: 2008-10-06 05:47:42
Name: NT Represenative
Number: 309

New Territories basketball courts about 2 or 3 days ago. Sorry we didnt have a cigarette. Anyways..Zeitgeist 2 is on the net! Truth!!! Stop by the basketball courts and hang out. Peace!

                     Anyway, Garret, his name is, he's going to give me a ride to Old Tezel!

     10:36pm  I just got home. I had such an awesome day today. I even brought home dinner tonight. What a magical day I had today. It was awesome. I should walk everyday.

     12:44am  I'm going to bed. Man, I had such a great productive day today. My feet are kind of sore. I'm going to try and walk tomorrow if I can. I do have a lot of typing to do. If I'm too tired I'll just type all day.

Next day..

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