


Big Sur to Monterey, CA

Thursday October 21, 2004

     7:17am  I woke up last night a lot because it was cold. I stood up and walked around. Oh yeah, around 4:20 I woke up. There's like a little trail close to where I crashed. Over by the coast. I walked in the trail a little bit and all of a sudden I found a sleeping bag! It was a bit dirty, but hell, it was a sleeping bag! How perfect, eh? The universe provides.

                   Right now I'm looking through the Esalen Catalog, which I was waiting for the sun to come up so I could read it, so I could decide if I wanted to go back and try the gatekeeper again. Man, that place is all about money.

                   I read through this Esalen catalog. It's all about money. I've decided I'm not going to go back and try t to talk to the gatekeeper again. Even though I have pictures to take. Their email address is in the catalog.

                   I'm going to get out of here.

                   I still have some sunflower seeds, so I got food. I lost my tennis ball last night and my walking stick's dying. It was so cool that I found that sleeping bag to keep me warm last night.

     7:48am  I took a picture of where I crashed, over by the highway. There's that little trail where I had found that sleeping bag. I walked it right now and eventually I came across a much better campsite under a tree. Much better than where I crashed. I took a picture of some house they built on the cliff nearby. Man, this place is hardcore Babylon. I'm going to try to skip town and get out of here.

                   This Esalen place was extremely ignorant to me. They didn't listen to any of my shit. They cut me off all quick. I didn't get to tell them what I was doing at all. At least I have their email. They'll hear about it when the rest of the world does.

                   Oh yeah, I'm never going to hitch a ride out of here..

     8:14am  Pease Love, please help me. I beg you. I mean, how am I going to get out of here?

     8:32am  Seymour just rescued me again! I was stuck out here.

     9:45am  Oh man, I never told you what happened. See, I was standing there close to where I slept and sticking my thumb out to cars going in either direction. When they kept going and didn't stop I would yell at them, "Greedy ass!" If I wouldn't have been yelled, Seymour wouldn't have realized it was me! He turned around and rescued me again! Right after I said that prayer.

                                  It turns out that he was on his way to Esalen yesterday. He works there. He does psychotherapy there. He just drove right passed the gatekeeper. We didn't even stop. He brought me to one of the hot tubs, we stripped naked and got in. A hot spring one. Oh man, what a change of scenery. A minute ago I was on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere stranded. Nobody was picking me up. Now, all of a sudden I am in a hot spring naked! He gave me some cigarettes and he even paid twenty dollars for my guest pass. Awesome. I'm going to walk around and explore. I'm supposed to meet him at 12:30 and he might have a job for me. Like a position that needs being filled.

     10:03am  I'm sitting down at this telescope close to the baths, where Seymour said I could smoke a cigarette. It's weird out here. You can't smoke anywhere barely. This place ain't that free. This isn't a utopia. This place still costs lots of money. There's people walking by me not even acknowledging my presence. A lot of people have said hello.

                     Dude, I just had this awesome presentation with this black dude with dreads. He listened to a lot of my stuff. He had to go to work. I got to the part where I say, "I am San Antonio. Well, at least it fits the story real good."

                     That was awesome. He was all nodding his head at every point, especially the marijuana part.

     10:42am  Another great presentation with this older lady who just walked by. She didn't have time for the odyssey. She agreed with everything I said.

                     Some great presentations this morning. I am infecting this place with some truth.

     11:37am  I went for a hike in these woods. There's a sign that says, "Don't hike alone." I ended up at some bridge and I tagged it with Victor the Liberator.

                     In overhearing conversations, that's all people talk about here, money.

     12:03pm  I had a great presentation with this girl. She was waiting for her boyfriend. I got all the way to the part where I told her about my signs and stuff.

                     In the back of the catalog they have biographical information of all the members. Let me read Seymour Carter's:

                     "Seymour Carter, Gestalt and Sensory Awareness teacher at Esalen for more than three decades, is a lifelong student of the ever-evolving models of personal identity. He combines studies in family systems theory with Buddhism and other body/mind-oriented practices. p. 46"

     12:12pm  Oh this guy walked by and he asked me, "Oh, were you hitchhiking yesterday?" How he recognized me was my goatee. I had different clothes on yesterday. He asked me, "How long have you been growing it?" I told him a couple years. Probably more than that.

     1:20pm  Seymour finally showed up around 12:40. I asked Seymour, "Hey, does that twenty dollars you paid for my guest pass, does that cover lunch?" He told me yes so I went in the lunchroom and pigged out. Seconds and everything. I was sitting there in front of the lunchroom and there were a lot people hanging out outside. All these "elites." People with lots of money. I noticed there was this oriental guy. I'm wearing my black T-shirt that has the dream symbol in Chinese. I made sure he saw it, hoping he would be able to read it. He did. He actually commented, "So you have a dream." I told him, "Yes, can I tell you about it?" He listened to the first part, but then he walked off. At least he knows.

     2:10pm  Seymour and I are leaving back to Monterey. Oh yeah, awhile before I left, before Seymour showed up again, I saw this girl Ella sitting down reading a book. I walked up to her and asked her, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? It's more interesting than what you're reading. I promise." She listened to me good and when I asked her if she was still willing to listen she told me, "Keep going, keep going." I told her everything. I even asked her if I could tell her another story and she said yes. At first she had some points of view, but after a while she let me talk. It was great.

                   At least she'll be talking about me. She seems to believe in me. Oh yeah, Seymour and I are leaving now.

     4:21pm  Not only did I celebrate 4:20 on time, but Seymour brought me over to Carmel Beach. It's beautiful here. I took a picture of all the rocks and the ocean. I'm still in shock. Look at where I ended up.

                   With all these things that have happened to me recently, it should be proof-positive that karma exists and if you just let the universe provide, it will. I mean, look where I ended up.

     4:37pm  Look at the magical adventure I'm having. I'm glad I'm out of that place. Actually, I'm not. I had a good time. That Ella girl listened to all my stuff. She gave me a big warm hug. More than one. What a recharge.

     5:18pm  I forgot to tell you. I got dropped off back in Monterey. Seymour dropped me off at some plaza where there are all these kids hanging out. I'm going to go tell my story. I left my stick with Seymour. He told me he'd meet me here tomorrow again at the same place. The plaza. I'm going to go bum a cigarette and tell my story to somebody.

     5:19pm  Tim hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Morgan's Coffee and Tea. I appreciate it, Tim. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:06pm  Oh yeah, the first kid I hit up for my story listened to me and we smoked some weed. Seymour kicked me down a couple nuggets in a little container.

     6:30pm  Sean hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the coffee shop. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:00pm  Guy wants to say something.

                   Guy: "Give me that shit, Liberator. Hey Liberator, I never thought I would find anyone that could talk quicker than me, but he does. I'm talking slow right now, because I'm high as fuck. I'm about to drop the Liberator Freestyle. The first two bars are not a freestyle, cuz they just hit me on the spot when he handed me the tape recorder. That's how God works, but uh, hold on a split second.

                   "When it rains I don't pray for the homeless. I pray for the soul-less. Cuz they're the only ones that can feel the coldness. Cuz love is love. But my slugs is slugs. I'm laid back in a kingsize puffin' a Dutch. You heard what I said, scaredy-cat. If you wanna just forget it, then forget it. I'll just run up in your set and set it. And your mommy and your daddy are going to have to call the paramedics. That's all I wanted to say."

     7:15pm  Guy is telling me about a story. What happened?

                   Guy: "Hey, this is Guy Mothafuckin' Haus in the Guy Mothafuckin' Haus transit center here in Guy Mothafuckin' Monterey. Basically, I can't believe my boy, The Liberator is Mr. I'm going to Set Up My FTP and Try and Take Over the World. Forget what I just said. That didn't happen. Basically, just look this up on the Internet. A chick had an abortion about the middle of the first or second trimester, ya know. Everything's cool. Six months later she gives birth to nothing but a baby's face. And the picture is going to creep you out way worse than that doggy head. Way worse! Talking about a Guy Haus verse that I'm about to burst and first, you gotta conserve and let me tell you somethin'. You don't need to conserve my flows, cuz they will tell you somethin'."

     7:34pm  Carrot hooked me up and Guy up with cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:50pm  Tim just hooked me up with a shot of whiskey. I appreciate it, Tim. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:48pm  Man, I was hanging out with this crazy ass dude. This dude Guy. Every chance he got he was telling people to listen to 88.1FM. He was all trying to pick a fight with the Exxon guy.

     8:01pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everyone gets credit, thanks.

     8:21pm  Not only did Jeremy and his girl listen to my story, he gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:00pm  Oh yeah, earlier that Guy emptied all his stuff out on the ground and he had a tennis ball. I told him I needed it for my walking stick, which I left in Seymour's car. He told me, "What are you going to give me?" I gave him a hit of weed. He's a crazy ass. He's all going off about some imaginary radio show that he has. He says he's doing it on purpose because he's pleading insanity because of some felonies. I think he's full of shit about everything he told me.

                     He took the tennis ball. That sucks. And he was wearing my warm shirt. That sucks even more. Man, I miss my utensil kit that I used to have. That thing was one of my pride and joys. I wanted to go to the East Coast and visit Chasity and tell her, "Look what I still have." I lost it.

                     Oh yeah, I never told you. Today I traded a couple nuggets of weed for this badass CD case that's a speaker. It hooks up to my cassette recorder and everything. It's awesome.

     11:30pm  Marteen listened to my story like crazy. He even asked, "Can I come back? I have to go to the restroom." He was agreeing with everything I said.

     11:41pm  I hit up this couple walking by for my story. They listened to me and when I told him I was going to get marijuana legalized he handed me a loaded pipe. A glass blunt. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     11:45pm  Galan Franklin hooked me up with a dollar. I didn't even ask him for it. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:54am  I'm having some good presentations tonight.

     12:55am  Oh yeah, I stayed up a long time and told my stories on that main street. So many people agreed with me. I blew a lot of people's minds. It was awesome. One guy towards the end told me, "You're going to do it. You're going to do it."

                     Oh yeah, and I wandered to that same church I slept at last time I was here.

Next day..

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