


     Monterey to Surf City to Berkeley, CA

Friday October 22, 2004

     7:26am  I just changed out a new cassette on my recorder. I have some new tapes so I don't have to be recording over old ones.

     7:36am  This church is at Josselyn Canyon(Cyn) Road. Over by some highway.

                   Saint John's Chapel.

     8:05am  I just had this great blessing. I was walking over by Fremont and Brego, by the Chevron. Right on the bus bench I found some headphones! The ones I have are breaking. I needed new headphones.

     8:07am  These headphones I had were the ones I got from Katie and Johnny in San Antonio. A long time ago. Like around the time I took off in June.

     8:21am  Shane hooked me up with a cigarette.

                   Man, that was classic. I went up to these two military guys in camouflage uniforms. This girl they were with hooked me up with a cigarette. I told them I was writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read. They got all nervous and I just said, "Shane hooked me up with a cigarette."

     8:32am  Alden hooked me up with a cigarette outside of Morgan's. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:00am  I had this really good presentation with this gay dude.

                   I guess I shouldn't be so quick to judge.

     10:42am  Seymour just showed up. He told me he was glad I was there early.

     11:32am  We're driving through Surf City. It's an icon city of the surfing world. Santa Cruz, California. Cool, cool.

     12:05pm  Seymour and I stopped about twenty miles north of Santa Cruz. We stopped here to watch all the surfers. I've never seen surfers in real life. It's cool. I want to go surfing some day. It seems like a lot of fun.

                    Waddel Creek is the beach I'm at. Surfer Magazine Cold Water championship. Let's see if I can get on camera somehow.

     12:11pm  I'm walking back and forth in front of all the people watching the surfers. Just so they can see me and my tattoo on the back of my neck. Great publicity.

     12:19pm  Dude, I'm all frustrated. All this time I've never told Seymour my story. I'm up to the part where I get to the Greyhound station in LA and he cut me off. He said, "I'm not going to listen to your story anymore. We're going to have some quiet time." He doesn't want to listen to me, argh. Right off the bat he told me, "There's some flaws in your plan." 

     12:48pm  I just wanted to mention that it's cool how on this year's tour I got to check out Highway 1. The most beautiful highway in the world, Seymour said. Awesome. I won't take a picture. Just look it up on the Internet.

                     I'm really here, though. I promise. Take my word for it. You can trust me.

     1:14pm  There's a big traffic jam over on Main Street and 92. They're turning all these cars around. There's was a big accident. We're going back North on Highway 1. I wonder what happened. It must be a really big accident to be rerouting traffic like this.

     2:00pm  Make sure to look up on the Internet exactly how long the Bay Bridge is. It's humongous. It took us forever to get over it. I didn't think there could be a bridge that long.

                   You can just smell the Babylon, hehe.

     2:21pm  I forgot to tell you. I just got dropped off in Berkeley. Seymour wanted to show me this cool comic book shop in Berkeley. That Eudemonia place I went to last year. I told him, "Ah, I've already been here. I told my story here last year(080803)." He just dropped me off in Berkeley. I'm going to go to Telegraph.

     2:38pm  I came up to the tennis courts up the hill on Bancroft. Let's see if I can score a tennis ball.

     2:50pm  Jeff, at the tennis courts gave me a tennis ball for my stick.

     3:00pm  Zowie, who I met last time I was in Berkeley, it's her birthday today, How old are you? Twenty three. Happy birthday Zowie. She hooked me up with a cookie. It was good. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:15pm  Benito hooked me up with a ticket so I don't have to wait as long. They're feeding in the park.

     3:52pm  Steve is out here working at Food Not Bombs giving out food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:09pm  Nat, magically wound up with my ticket. I had lost it.

     4:37pm   I forgot to tell you. They had a big feeding at People's Park. Food Not Bombs and the Catholic Workers.

     5:09pm  Look up the cartoon by Andy what? Andy Singer. I want to read it now.

     5:22pm  Ryan hooked me up with a cigarette on Telegraph. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thank you.

     5:52pm  I had sat down in the park to smoke a cigarette. I was talking to this girl Ellen. This idiot old dude who has money was talking to her about going to school and PHD's and BA's and shit. I figured it would be interesting to tell them my story. I had to wait for the guy to finally leave. I went up to this girl and tried to tell her my story. She didn't let me talk one bit. She was all, "Don't give me a shpeel." I told her, "Thanks for proving me right." She was all, "I don't want to talk about it."

     6:32pm  I had a badass presentation with this one girl. She listened to the whole thing.

     6:33pm  Justin gave me another cigarette! I appreciate it, Justin.

     6:57pm  Chris hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Amoeba. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:34pm  This big fat girl was trying to cross the street. I asked her if I could tell her a really interesting story and she just kept walking. I asked her, "Have you always been that ignorant?" She stops and yells at me, "Fuck you! I'm not ignorant!" I asked her, "Why don't you come back and listen to me then?" 

     7:38pm  Ian hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Amoeba. I appreciate it, Ian. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:51pm  Isabelle and Chris came up to me and said, "Hey, we have a question." They had all this food and asked me if I wanted any. I told them, "Sure, I'll take it. I walk for a living. I can always eat."

     8:19pm  I had a great presentation on Telegraph.

     8:44pm  Not only did Felipe listen to my whole story, well not my whole story, I got tons of stories, but he gave me a cigarette too.

     9:48pm  I walked all the way down Blake to that empty lot I crashed out last time I was in Berkeley. I'm going to bed. I'm tired. I only got like five hours of sleep last night.

Next day..

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