

Arcata, CA

Sunday October 22, 2006

     7:25am  I haven't made that many entries today since we got to Arcata. Yesterday was not the first day. The day before that was the first day. We went to The Endeavor and lad lunch and everything. They were super sweet to use at The Endeavor. Carol liked them a lot. She likes Arcata a lot. Carol is calling around to churches to see if we can get any help with gas money or something. They have the Vineyard church here at some coffee shop off Alliance. Mosgo's, I think. We crashed in their parking lot last night, because Carol wanted to go to church in the morning. It's at ten forty five. We're going to try and hit them up for some help. That's about all that's happened in Arcata so far. Carol: "Oh no, yesterday it was the farmer's market in the plaza. It was awesome. It was like a Rainbow Gathering. There were people everywhere dancing to the Reggae music. People were out there playing with their kids. It was just awesome. Then we drove to Clam Beach and had lunch. It was beautiful. Then we went to the coffee shop and they had a live band and we hung out there. We got free hot chocolate. We cooked dinner outside and had a really good time. This morning we went and raged the Best Western in Eureka again."

     9:20am  Adrian hooked me up with a cigarette by the church and Westwood Market. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:59am  I am walking down Alliance right now. I went back to the 76 gas station where I was at this morning. I had gone in there and tagged the trashcan in the bathroom with Victor the Liberator and and World Peace Through Marijuana. Carol's waiting at the church, so I told her I was going to walk into town and go to the library and for her to meet me there with the car. Well, I stopped in to take a piss at the 76 again and when I went in the guy said, "You can't go in my bathroom! You wrote all over my trashcan!" I told him, "Man, why does everybody gotta fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?!" Then all of a sudden I was walking down Alliance right after M Street and I just found a whole pouch of Bugler rolling tobacco right now. Groundscore! I had just run out of tobacco! Total manifest.

     10:40am  I had a great presentation in front of the Alibi. This guy was listening to me nodding his head up and down the whole time. In the end he told me, "I'm not going to doubt you. I'm one of the few, but I'm not going to doubt you."
     10:59am  I am telling my story in front of the library.

                     Dude, hell yeah. I had a marvelous presentation here at Clam Beach! Oh yeah, Carol and I came to Clam Beach. There was this cool dude wearing peace signs and a Grateful Dead shirt. I told him my disclaimer first. He listened to my story. He didn't have time for the Odyssey, but I told him the spirit's part. In the end he said, "I'm not going to do you those two favors. For one, I believe in you. You're right. And two, you are sent." Awesome, awesome. I love getting reactions like that. It's music to my ears. He even told me, "You're on to something."

Next day..

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