


Arcata, CA

Monday October 23, 2006

                     Last night we found a place to park over off Giuntoli Road in an empty parking lot. The windows to the building that's here are all boarded up. We crashed in the car behind that. In the morning we woke up and went to the Best Western nearby and scored breakfast again, hehe. We do this all the time. We had some shit to do in Eureka so we went there to the SSI office over on Koster Road. They do General Relief, SSI, foodstamps and all that shit. We went to The Endeavor and ate a good lunch there. Carol got the form from them saying that we've been here more than we have, which we haven't. Also, we have to wait fifteen days.
     10:06am  We went and parked over by the medical marijuana dispensary. We were just sitting there and sure enough this guy walks out and asks us, "Hey, do you want a joint?"

                     Carol: "I just want to mention that I am very disappointed with Arcata. Like all the stores are all anti-hippie. First I went to the clinic to ask where the medical marijuana dispensary was. The ladies in there acted like I was asking for heroin. I came down here and we found the dispensary and I talked with the people. They were pretty nice and told me that I had just met the wrong people and that this was a pretty cool town. Okay, Victor just wants me to document how he took me to the dispensary in Arcata. What I didn't tell him was that the guy who kicked us down a joint was inside with me when I was in there telling this lady all the stuff that I've been through the last couple of days. We've got Oregon plates, so it's easier to say we just came from Oregon. I told her how like before we were in Colorado and that I'm having a really hard time here because I'm getting a lot of flack. Now, there are some kids who don't do anything else besides do drugs and drink. They are drainbows and they don't have any concept of responsibility. They're just losers. They're the ones that make it bad for everybody. Not all hippies are like that. It's sad that they're ruining it for all of us. Anyway, so this guy is in the dispensary listening to me.
                     Okay, I just switched to a new tape. I'm stoned. Thanks to this dude who was listening to me in the dispensary. I was trying to manifest him giving me some weed because he was holding a baggie. He has weed and we don't. He knows that I've just been through all this stuff. He actually said, "Hey, do you guys want a joint?" and he came over and gave us some. He said, "Go get high and have a good day." It just lit up our faces. I just put out to the universe that it will go back to him. Of course it will, but in amazing ways and in ways that he knows in his mind consciously that that is the return for what he has done."

                     I opted not to log his generosity seeing as how he was giving us marijuana in front of the marijuana store.

                     Carol: "I'm sure the guy will look up the website. There were no names mentioned, but he knows who he is. Oh yeah, I'm going to go and try and find SueƱo.

                     We were at the Safeway parking lot and I tried to use my calling card, but I couldn't, because I need to get a local access number from a payphone. While I was trying to figure all this out Victor wrote on a white piece of cardboard. I taped a border to it. It looks really nice. I taped it to the back hatch and now everybody can see it while we drive around. Now we're going to go to The Redwood Peace and Justice Center."

     1:21pm  Frank in front of the Safeway hooked me up with a rolled cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:36pm  Tiffany hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the library. I appreciate it, Tiffany. Everybody gets credit.

     1:45pm  Ashras, I'm not sure where's he's from. Cigarettes were like a two dollars and five cents. I had a dollar ninety five. The bagger girl took ten cents out of the tip-jar. Ashras put in one of his dollars and he wouldn't take the change.

     7:13pm  I am telling this brother Will my story in Redwood Park up 14th Street, I think. He's got a rainbow hat like me. What was your email, bro?

     9:18pm  Carol and I came to Mosgo's Coffe Shop. The Vineyard church. We're supposed to help them clean up tonight at ten. Oh, today was really cool. We got hooked up with weed by the dude at the dispensary this morning. We went to the thriftstore and scored all these cassette tapes for the car. We got a Grateful Dead tape. I'm really starting to like them. We drove by a free box over close to eleventh street, I think. We got a lot of stupid shit that we don't need. We've already given away a pillow. Carol: "We were looking for a place to chill and cook dinner. We went to the marsh and there wasn't any barbecue pits or picnic tables. Victor got the idea to go to Redwood Park. We went up there and this guy who gave me hash last night was there. Last night I was all sad and walking down the street and he noticed and gave me hash. Victor and I had real good head-changes last night. Last night was awesome because we had this place. The parking lot off Giuntoli Road with the boarded up building. We usually sleep in the car but last night we camped on the ground outside. We slept on a bed of soft pine needles. It was like a natural mattress. It was all comfortable and warm and we slept so good. Then tonight we went to this park, Redwood Park to eat and there was a bunch of people sitting at the tables and they had a fire-pit. Redwood Park is beautiful. I saw that same guy that had given me the hash there. He talked to us and there were other kids playing Frisbee. We were at a picnic table and Victor went back to the car. I asked the group of people if they minded if I played some Grateful Dead and they were all, "No, not at all. Thanks for sharing." I turned up the radio and then Victor came over and this guy Clarence that we met at The Endeavor, he came over and introduced himself and told us of his namesake, which is quite interesting. He said that a clarence was a horseless carriage. Apparently there was a king named Clarence and he was afraid of horses. He would have men carry the carriage up the hills and then let it go and it would roll down the hill. So basically the only thing a carriage is good for is going downhill. So that's Clarence's name. We hung out with them and they were very interesting people. The guy with the dreads was a really intelligent guy. All of them were. A couple older guys and a couple younger guys. They had a big dog named Bear. They were playing chess and talking.
                     Anyway, Victor and I made food and I felt bad. I can't cook food around people and not feed them. I was trying to think if we had enough because there was like maybe seven heads there. Victor was telling his story to the guy with the dreads. Before he got to the Odyssey part he said, "Does anyone want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" Everybody said yes so I went to the car. We didn't have jelly, but I got a banana too. I only made a can of rice, like enough for me and Victor. I put a can of corn in it. Well, it went far enough to feed eight people! Everybody was full. Someone had weed. We smoked some weed. We had shots of rum we passed around. It was neat. Everybody got plenty of everything and everyone was really satisfied. It was beautiful. Victor told his story and later on we started singing songs and laughing and stuff. There was just a really good vibe.

                     Now we are the coffee shop. Oh, the piece of paper. I gotta tell you that part.
                     Okay, so Victor was telling his story to this dready dude at Redwood Park. When Victor told him that his website was he said, "No way. I was at the Endeavor earlier today and I needed the address to it real bad. There was a peace of paper randomly on the ground. I picked it up and it said on it. Guess what it said on the other side. The Endeavor's address!" Victor had written only three of them on the back of The Endeavor slips. What a coincidence that this guy we run into in the forest, that he ended up picking up one of the three that somebody just threw on the ground.
                     We've had a good day. We got blessed with weed and we able to stretch all the food out. We met all these beautiful people. It was just beautiful how the universe works in circles like that. It's all give and take. It's just beautiful energy flowing and it's really, really groovy. There was a lot of that happening tonight. Victor and I were right in the middle of it. As Victor always is. He's got a special vibration.

     2:14am  Not too long ago we got woken up by a cop. We had a natural pine needle mattress next to the car. At the boarded up convalescent center, I think it was. The cop just woke us up. He didn't give us a ticket or nothing. He just woke us up and we had to go. We came to Eureka so we can get breakfast in the morning.

Next day..

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