


Arcata to Eureka and back, CA

Tuesday October 24, 2006

                     Let's see, this morning we got woken up by a cop over by Giuntoli Road in North Arcata. We woke up at the butt-crack of dawn. We didn't have an alarm or nothing. The cop woke us up at our little squat at the convalescent place we crash behind. He just told us to leave. He was kind of cool for a cop. He did wake us up, but it could have been a lot worse. Carol said, "He wasn't cool. He woke us up." We decided to drive all the way up to Eureka to try and scam breakfast at the Best Western again. We parked in this parking lot and woke up around six fifteen or so. Nobody was eating at the Best Western and we loaded up like last time. We got like four apple fritters each and lots of other stuff and walked it all out to the car on trays and everything. We got like three or four milks each. We loaded up and came to the car. After breakfast we drove around and found some motel parking lot to crash in nearby. We woke up again around nine thirty. We had plenty of sleep and we went to the Co-op. We cleaned out our mobile home, the station wagon and put all the milks on ice. Oh yeah, we got shitloads of yogurts too, hehe. We came to the Co-op parking lot and I got some paper bags for Carol. We're almost ready to go now. We've had a good morning so far.
     10:54am  Oh yeah, we're in Eureka and we picked up some hitchhikers at the hitchspot which I've hitched from many a time before. We brought them to Arcata. They just kicked us down some huge nuggets! We were all bummed out this morning wondering where the hell we were going to get weed. The universe provides. Thanks a lot, guys.

Next day..


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