

                                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Wednesday October 22, 2008

     7:25am  I woke up with only five hours of sleep because I'm hungry.

     1:28pm  Just woke up from my nap. 8.27 hours total. I got three extra hours.

     3:20pm  I forgot to tell you, I'm already on the bus. I did a little cleaning at my mom's house. I did the dishes, took my last resin hit and decided to jump on the bus and go into town. Hopefully I'll go manifest some more weed downtown somewhere. I paid a dollar for busfare. The letter of the day is R and I didn't have any R's. Right when I got on the bus I was wearing my marijuana necklace and this dude complimented me. Before I left I fried up an Angus burger.

     3:22pm  I just got off at the Walmart. I'm going to run in and fill up my bag with ice. I need to be back at the bus circle at 35 after. I'm not sure if I'll ride the 88 downtown or the 606 to Medical Center. I want to find somebody to tell my story to.

     3:37pm  This ignorant dude on the bus. He was on the bus going to the Walmart and when I got on his complimented my weed necklace. So when the 88 bus was about to leave I saw him getting on it and I followed. I sat down next to him and gave him my usual are you willing to listen dialogue. He tells me, "Do I have to listen to this all the way downtown?" Like his ignorant ass has anything better to do for an hour on the bus.

                   Whoa, I just told this fifteen year old kid my story on the bus. He was all ears.

     4:26pm  Downtown. St. Mary's and Martin.

     5:07pm  I ran into Pearl who remembers me from like three years ago.

     6:12pm  I forgot to tell you some magic just happened. I got bored real quick at Travis Park and nobody smoked me out. I walked like three of four laps around it. Then I decided I'd go stand on Commerce and pass out my website. Right when I was crossing the street in front of the St. Mark's hotel I see this girl looking at my shirt and smiling at me. Her name is Pearl. I said what's up and she told me she had seen me like three years ago. I asked her if she had any weed and she said yeah. We walked to these apartments and waited for somebody to go inside. We went inside and climbed like four flights of stairs. Then we went outside on the fire escape and rolled a joint. Once I was stoned all I wanted to do was tell Pearl my story. So we ventured off to this bridge she wanted to smoke at. We came over the Hays Bridge they're planning to tear down and smoked. I'm telling her my story right now.

     8:04pm  This is Pearl's phone number, 781-7145.

     8:15pm  Pearl bought me a pouch of Buglers and a cinnamon roll.  It was starting to get late so Pearl walked me back to Travis Park. When the 88 pulled up I walked to it to try and score a courtesy ride. All of a sudden I see my friend John, who I hung out with the other day at the Oxbow Pond(10-16-08:1:45pm). Remember, he gave me some crackers. I asked him if he had a buck he could give me if the driver didn't give me a courtesy ride. He gladly hooked it up.

     8:34pm  I should tell you more about Pearl. She's a cute 22 year old lesbian, I think. She's got short hair and she's dressed like a tomboy. Born and raised in San Antonio. She has these really bitchin' lip piercings. She just lost her job and after I told her my story I asked her if she would ever hitchhike? She said she'd love to. So the gears in my brain started turning, hmm, traveling partner, maybe? She said she would totally take off with me, as long as I took care of her. Pearl would be a welcome burden, but I don't know. She swears she'd be able to keep up with me, but she is nowhere near ready. She doesn't have any gear, no boots. If she took off with me we would have to manifest all these supplies, plus, I'd have to consider someone else. I wouldn't be as free. She smoked me out. We went to that bridge and toked.

                   Oh yeah, John was cool and he hooked me up with busfare. I think he's going to smoke me out later too. Here's hoping. What a great night I am having.

     9:18pm  I forgot to tell you, I'm having another little adventure in Leon Creek again. Right now we're walking to that natural chimenea he showed me years ago(1-27-04:5:32pm). John, his friend Paul and I.  We're going to build a fire. Good, it's chilly right now and all I brought was my thin thermal top, not my tights.

     12:23am  Dude, I had a badass time. I gathered all this wood for the chimenea. We had a huge fire. I tried taking pictures but they didn't come out too sharp. We smoked a lot of weed and they drank beers. I don't drink. I'm walking all the way home now. Like four or five miles.

     1:00am  I am coming up on Guibeau and Tezel. I'm getting there. I've been power-walking.

     1:17am  The eagle has landed. I am home. Maggie had to go outside. She had to go pee. I was gone since three.

     2:17am  I am going to bed. I took a shower. I had a blast tonight. It was an awesome adventure and I ended up in the woods with one of my San Antonio friends.

Next day..

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