


Arcata, CA

Friday October 24, 2003

     7:30am  I just woke up. Man, last night was freezing. Both my sleeping bag and foam mattress were a little damp, so I had to layer-up in my clothes. I put my scarf around my head and just chilled out. It sucked. Let me go around and take a head-count.

                   It looks like twenty two.

     7:36am  I woke up and I was all cold and shivering. We have a new room made.


What were you guys' name again?

     7:49am  I just took a picture of this big German Shepherd,


owned by Tabitha. How much does he weigh? She says 65lbs, but he looks more than that. He looks big. Dude, my Stuart was 75lbs and he wasn't nearly that big. I'm sure he's a lot bigger than that.

     8:10am  This is so cool. It's like we have a big giant family at the barn. We've got some projects, a couple new rooms made. People got creative with all the wood in the barn. That guy Sean moved all the barbed wire out of the way the other day, without any gloves. Everything here is so cool. This barn is going to be famous. Either that or shut down.

     8:35am  Oh yeah, I took a picture of how I reorganized the library.  

     9:32am  I just took some detailed pictures of my shrine. I fixed it up.

                   Here's one.  

                   Here's another.  

     9:35am  I just maxed out my last camera. I set them all out on top of the Community Chest and I'm going to count how many I have now. Let's see. I have the first two, Flash 400 that I got at the Ritz Camera place in Santa Fe(I think). At the Long's Drugs here in Arcata I've bought five cameras. I have the Kodak one that I got in Berkeley right before I left. Total of eight so far. When I go back to Berkeley I'm going to get some better pictures.

     10:27am  I'm just sitting here on top of The Community Chest looking through all my stuff. All the papers in my folder. All my scanner-food. I have this whole trip logged, I really do. I have so much stuff. It's starting to get really long. I don't know if people will have the patience to read it all. I don't know. I'm going to go to town now.

     10:50am  I was about to step out of the barn when I see Veronica. I told her, "Hey Veronica, what's up?" She noticed I got my glasses and told me, "You look like you're in a much better mood." I told her I was, that I missed my glasses so much. Veronica told me how she always saw me walking. She said, "When you didn't have your glasses I was worried about you. You looked like you were always lost."
                     I told her, "Hey, do you want to see how the barn has evolved?" I showed her all the new rooms and stuff and my fixed up shrine. Man, I am feeling so much better. I don't think I'm that sick anymore.

     11:06am  I'm out here spanging for a donut.

     11:19am  Nick just hooked me up with my after-meal smoke. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Oh yeah, I was really hungry so I broke a dollar I had and bought a donut. Even though they're going to serve at The Endeavor pretty soon. I was already hungry and knew there would be a long wait in line.

     11:54am  I'm in line waiting to eat.

     12:43pm  Make a note to change all the mentions of Benson to Benson and Hedges.

     1:08pm  I had gone back into The Endeavor for seconds and pigged out. I had two more hotdogs, a couple cakes and a big chocolate pie. Now, I'm walking to Long's Drugs to go buy me another camera.

     1:10pm  Alex hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. On my way to Long's Drugs. I don't suppose I can get a light off you too, man?

     1:15pm  I walked over to Long's Drugs. Right before I went inside I saw this dude sitting in the parking lot holding a sign asking for food. This red car pulled up and this girl got out of the driver's seat with a thing of Chinese food and handed it to him. I walked over there just to document the occurrence of generosity. The generous, kind soul belongs to Emily.

     1:24pm  I just bought me another camera at Long's Drugs. It came out to $5.42. I gave her six dollars.

     1:25pm  I'm going to go in the Safeway and take a shit.

     1:47pm  I just got out of the Safeway. I'm going to walk to the school and get on the computer.

     1:55pm  I'm walking to the school, still.

     2:10pm  I'm at the library. I'm going to check the smoking posts for a snipe.

     5:52pm  I came to the library and checked my email. I didn't have any mail. I wrote my mom and email, then searched around for some headphones. I couldn't find any and the old dude who's always here at the library, had the only set of headphones. So, I just sat there with my head in my hands and just dozed off. I just woke up and it's around 6:00pm. They're about to close the library, so I have to go. I didn't do anything today, because I didn't have headphones. Whoa, I'm typing this up on Saturday. I can't believe I dozed off for four hours with my head in my hands at the computer. That can't be right.

     6:10pm  I just ran into Adrienne. She said, "Hey! What's up? I got your email!" Her email is

     7:08pm  I came out to the barn. There's people out here, there's dogs, there's people playing guitar. There's about four or five of us out here. It's hopping at the barn now. Cool, cool.

     8:02pm  We are having a grand time at the barn. We are passing around this fish pipe, taking resin hits from the fish. We got this candle lit. I don't know what happened to the fire pit. It's all cool. I should conserve pictures, so I'm not going to take a picture right now. I've got a brand new camera in my pocket. I'm going to be traveling soon.

                    Vito has something he wants to say to the whole world: "God loves and Jesus saves."

     8:35pm  Juniper just hooked everybody in the circle up with a cigarette! Filtered cigarettes.

                   Oh yeah, Nameless just asked me if he was in my book. Why would you be in my book? He said, "I don't wanna be."

                   Oh yeah, that was the second one Juniper gave me.

     9:00pm  Not only did everyone around the candle, like six or seven people all listen to my story, but Juniper also gave me her second to last cigarette when I finished my odyssey story.

     9:20pm  I'm suiting up to sleep. I had a great night at the barn. People were actually listening to me! I got their attention real quick when I started talking about how good I got hooked up this time around. It was sooo awesome! I love an audience!

Next day..

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