


Arcata, CA

Monday October 27, 2003

     6:55am  I woke up at 6:30am. It sucked. People were making all this noise and woke me up. It's so early. This daylight-savings time bullshit pisses me off. Anyway, AJ, Annoying Jonathan, lost my binoculars. He is the prime-suspect for stealing them, because before he told me how much he wanted them. Telling me stuff like, "You should really give those to me, Victor." Yesterday, he asked if he could borrow them and I told him sure, that they were in my bag on my bed. He found them . . . and now they're missing. Hmm, who could've taken them. I wonder.
                   Man, this is the frigging Community Barn. People don't steal shit from hippies in the barn. That's like a divine law here. It just ruins my whole model. You don't fuck with the barn. I just don't like AJ. Not only is he annoying as hell, but now I suspect him of stealing my binoculars.

     7:32am  Jeffrey had some contributions for the library today. He added this big book called, "My Grandmother Went to Jail." It's written and illustrated by Miriam Medicine Prayer. It's all about world peace and freedom. I'm going to read it. It starts out:

     My grandmother went to jail,
     Not because she's bad,
     Because she cares.
     She went on a walk with lots of people
     They came from all over the country, from one side of the United
     States to the other.
     They carried signs,
     Sometimes they laughed,
     Sometimes they sung,
     Sometimes they were cold and sometimes they were very, very hot.
     But they walked and walked.
     They stopped at towns, they stopped at parks, they stopped by lakes,
     They were given lunch and dinner by other people who cared.
     At night they slept in tents and sometimes in churches.
     They talked to politicians, to farmers, to businessmen,
     To people of different religious beliefs, to housewives, mothers and students.
     They talked about the environment, sustainable agriculture, nuclear disarmament
     And world peace
     They reminded people to be kind and not to violate each other's constitutional rights.

                 There's a big illustration of a teacher in front of the chalkboard.

                 On top it says:      "Justice for all!"  It has, "The right to vote, freedom of speech, freedom from illegal search, freedom from illegal seizure, freedom to elect the people's choice, the right to assembly on public land, separation of church and state, freedom to address grievances, freedom to be different, freedom to be the same, freedom of personal privacy regardless of race, sex, age or religion."

     After many months they got to a nuclear power plant in New England and they sat down.
     They sat down on the other side of the yellow line that says,
     "Do not cross."
     They were told to move
     They did not move
     They laid down!
     So they were taken to jail.

     My grandmother stayed in jail all night and prayed for world peace.
     The next day the judge shook his finger and shook his head, but he let her go.
     She wasn't mad at anyone.
     She just cared.

     When I grow up, I want to have children.
     I will tell them about their great grandmother and how she went to jail for...

     8:42am  I am finally leaving the barn. Man, it's early.

     9:06am  Cliff, the cashier at the Cash Oil was nice enough to give me a cigarette.

                    I asked him, "Have you been in my book before?" and he said yes. I told him, "Well, you're in it again. Thanks."

     9:09am  I ran into Geba again. I haven't seen him for a while. Geba gave me a new lighter! Cool! I needed a lighter. I haven't had a lighter in like four or five days. It sucks not having a lighter.

     9:29am  We are walking towards the tracks to go smoke some weed.

     10:35am  I brought Geba over to the barn to show him how it has evolved. Let me get his picture over by the peace room.

                     Took a picture of Charlie in his room. 

     10:45am  I just took a picture of Geba in front of the peace room, which he just organized.  

                     I just took a picture of all these dogs in Charlie's room.  

     11:35am  My lazy ass finally got up out of that barn. We're coming to eat at The Endeavor. It sucks, the line is already outside. The sun's all out and it's hot. It sucks. It should not be this hot.

     1:05pm  I finished eating at The Endeavor and I'm going to walk to the college. I'll go check my email.

     1:25pm  I'm coming over the footbridge here, on the way to the school. Right before the campus boundary. Ann was nice enough to give me a cigarette. So, I'm just going to sit out here and smoke. Under the decorated bridges.

     1:31pm  I just finished my cigarette and brushed my teeth. I'm going to keep walking to the library. I have to go to The Raven House at five to take a shower and do my laundry.

     5:10pm  Did I mention I was leaving the library? I'm going to go to The Raven House. I'm a bit late.

     5:25pm  I was on the street that leads to the plaza, right after the footbridge. I stopped at these mailboxes here. I stopped and scraped up a resin hit out of my one-hitter. I had set my cigarette that Ann gave me down on the mailbox. Just then, some black girl Serena says, "Hey Victor, how's it going?" She asked me how my book was coming and I told her, "Every day is a new chapter." She told me what her email was, but I can't find it now that I searched the list. SGP something. Sorry.

                  Oh yeah, I had forgotten my cigarette at the mailboxes and was walking when I realized. So, let me go back and get it.

     5:37pm  I got to the bus station. The bus to Eureka doesn't come until 6:20pm, so I'm going to go to the Jacoby's Storehouse and take a shit.

     5:40pm  I ran into George, the guy I met in Eugene.

                   I just talked to Juniper on the sidewalk. Her lucky ass is getting a ride to New Mexico. Wish I could get a ride to New Mexico.

                  Oh yeah, and I talked to this guy who's crashed at the barn, in the plaza. I'm going to go take my shit.

     6:00pm  I just got out of the bathroom. I had to take a shit.

     6:05pm  Sean hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

     6:40pm  I'm in Eureka. Hopefully they haven't served dinner and there's some food left.

     6:41pm  I was walking to The Raven House and these guys over by the bus stop, the hitch hiking spot, I see them point at me and say, "Hey, I see that guy everywhere!" That's so cool.

     10:00pm  They just closed The Raven House. It kind of sucked tonight there. I didn't get to do my laundry, just take a shower. I'm going to try to hitchhike back to Arcata. I wanna go get me a donut. I'm hungry.
                     Anyway, oh yeah, I called my mom from the phone there. Argh, my mom makes me so mad. She doesn't put any priority on anything but her stuff. It's always at her convenience. She's the one who told me she was sending the package overnight mail. So I'm thinking, "Cool, I am ready to leave and have my bus fare ready. If it's only going to take a day or two for the package to get here, I can wait until then." The other night she had sent me an email telling me that she wanted to send me socks and warm clothes. I wrote her back and told her I didn't need any clothes, that I had all I needed. I had told her in the email, "I really appreciate the offer, mom. But, clothes are something everybody needs. Generosity always provides the essentials. I don't need any clothes." And with her sending me more, she couldn't send it overnight. She'd have to send it via UPS and it would take longer. I'm ready to go now. Oh yeah, then tonight when I talked to her on the phone, she tells me, "Oh yeah, I'm going to mail it tomorrow. You can expect it in like three days."
                     Damnit, I want to go already. Now, I have to wait even more to leave. I wonder what her excuse will be next time.

                     I just decided I'd ride the bus back to Arcata. I have a dollar. Let's see if the driver will let me on. Bus fare is $1.75.

                     Ha, I always suspected that my wallet was a woman's wallet. I just asked Kati(Texas from The Raven House) and I got confirmation. It is.

                     Kati, the chick from The Raven House was going to ride the bus to Arcata, too. Well, when I got on and told the driver I only had a dollar and if that was okay, he told me no, that it wasn't enough. Then, Kati said, "I have a dollar and handed me a bill." I didn't want to look like a big liar to the bus driver, so I just accepted Kati's dollar. Anyway, after we got to Arcata, Kati went and got her bike.
                     I was spanging in front of the donut shop and Kati rides by and asks me if I smoke. I asked her, "Are you asking of offering?" She said she was offering and I said sure. Michael was standing in front of the donut shop too and asked if he could come. So all three of us walked up the street and sat down behind this short fence to smoke some weed. On the way over there, I had to step over a chain. I kind of tripped and landed, catching myself with my hands. It hurt. I had sat down next to Kati, and after about ten minutes of toking, Michael excused himself saying, "I'll leave you two guys alone." So it was just Kati and I sitting there, sometimes in an uncomfortable silence.
                     Kati gives me good hugs and I think she's great. She's from Texas, too. So it was just me and her sitting down in the cold, not talking about much. Then, Kati says, "Wanna go someplace warm?" I told her sure and we walked to the coffee shop. She bought me this cappuccino shit. It was a double shot of something. It was really good. I showed Kati my Stinky Cheese Man book and she read the whole thing.
                     I think Kati is really rad, but I have come to the conclusion that I cannot be more than friends with any girl while on my mission. Remember, I am a programmed peace machine. While I'm working on the mission, I cannot deviate at all. I need to devote my time and attention to my goal. Plus, my scripts bore people after they've heard them before. Which, I'm sure would be a big turn-off to any girl. Like I always say, a relationship with a girl will be my reward for bringing world peace. I can wait. Not to mention, I need to wait until April to be positive I'm clean.
                     Kati is really cool though. She's 24. In the donut shop I confessed to Katie that I had the bus fare all along and paid her back the dollar she had given me. She paid for the coffee though, and didn't mind. With another one of my dollars I bought me a chocolate buttermilk donut.

                     Now, I'm walking to the barn. I should sleep good tonight.

     12:30am  I finally got to the barn.


 From: Alysha Steven <> 
 To: Victor Antonio <> 
 Subject: hey
 Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 11:38:33 -0800 (PST)
I think you remember me. I'm alysha, the blonde girl who took
the daytora the same night you did. well. it's great to hear
from you. i'm in kentucky right now just hitchhiking around with
a good brother, wolf. and we're on our way to phenix arizona,
then to santa barbra. i have a new e-mail address so you should
e-mail me there, it's
good luck on your journys and come to the Ocala gathering in
Florida around the begining of Febuary.
love always,

Next day..   

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