


Yuma to Tucson, AZ

Tuesday November 2, 2004

                   I just woke up in this big lot I crashed in last night. I slept in the sand. I got some good sleep. I'm going to go to the Diamond Shamrock over here and take a shit.

     5:57am  Luis me dio dos cigaros. Gracias, Luis.

     6:40am  I went to the gas station, took a shit and layered down. I'm off now. Oh yeah, I got two cigarettes from some guy at the Greyhound station. I smoked a cigarette and took a hit of weed. I'm walking East to the highway to see if I can hitchhike out of here today.

                   I forgot to make my morning prayer. Please Love, help me have a good day today. Get me back to San Antonio already. For some reason I want to get out of Arizona. Mobilize me, please.

     9:02am  I gave up on the highway and I walked all the way back to the gas stations. Oh yeah, I left my little baggy, little cigarette pack cellophane with weed in it, like maybe one or two hits, I left that at the Mobile/Wendy's that I stopped at this morning. I came back to try and find it, but I'm sure it got blown away. I went in the bathroom inside and shook out my wallet onto my Stinky Cheese Man book, which I can do every once in a while and get a hit of weed. Pulled another hit out of my ass. I'm going to go the Burger King and score some food.

                   I'm going to go back on the entrance ramp and stick my thumb out some more.

                   Shit, I left my water bottle somewhere. I have to find it again. I think I left it in the bathroom.

     11:09am  Damn, that sucks. I didn't leave my water bottle in the bathroom. I think I left it on the side of the highway. I would go check, but I'm going to try to score at Burger King first.

     11:15am  No-go at the Burger King.

     11:18am  No-go at the Blimpies.

                     Whoa, I just saw a Texas Roadhouse restaurant. I hope they're open. It would be so cool if I scored at the Texas Roadhouse.

                     Weird, this place doesn't open 'til 4pm.

                     Lemme go see if Golden Corral is open.

                     There's an IHOP across the street.

                     Now way at IHOP. It's way too crowded.

                     Carl's Jr. and McDonald's.

     11:45am  Tina, at Carl's Jr. is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, Tina. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                      Cool, cool, cool. The universe provides. Ask and thou shall receive.

                      Now let me try McDonald's.

     11:57am  Gabbie, en el McDonald's me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, Gabbie. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

                      Scored, scored, scored.

                      I came and checked and my water bottle is still here. Perfect.

     12:17pm  I walked across the highway to the 76.

                     These Mormons or something gave me this paper. I don't know if they're Mormons. They look all conservative.

     12:49pm  I just woke up. I took a little nap because I ate so much. I crashed out on the side of the highway. I put my rain poncho down.

     1:32pm  I got tired of hitchhiking again so I left the highway. I came to the Arco gas station and within like two minutes this guy pulls up and I ask him if he's going East, towards Tucson. He goes, "Yeah, I'm going all the way to Massachusetts." He said he was going to Austin. Whoa. 

                   Adam is the name of the guy who gave me the ride.

     4:35pm  I just got dropped off at the Circle K on Speedway Blvd in Tucson, Arizona. I am in Tucson for some reason. This is a college town. I'm going to talk to the people.

     4:54pm  I came over here and told Christine my story. Christina, Gypsy is hooking me up with a cigarette and a cookie. I appreciate it, Christine. Everybody gets credit.

                   I'm hanging out with Gypsy's brother, Slim.

     5:15pm  I got dropped off at the Circle K and walked to the park closeby. What's the name of the park? Crackhead park. I met this girl named Gypsy and told her my story. Part of it. They're going to show me the 4th Avenue park, where all the hippies are supposed to be. Cool.

     5:36pm  We went to Gypsy's car. We tried to fit five people in it, but we didn't fit. I'm going to walk to the Super 8. They said they'd meet me there.

     6:00pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette at the liquor store here. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:24pm  I'm chilling in Gypsy's car behind the Super 8 talking to Slim. He wants to give me some insight.

                   Slim: "The trinity is The Weaver, The Wild and The Warem. The Wild is creation. It's nothing but raw creation. The Warem, it's all about chaos. Then came The Weaver, the spider queen of fate. She's the one that spins destinies. Spins the web of life. Now, The Warem was the third of the trinity to come into being. The Warem is a serpent. It was meant to balance The Weaver and The Wild. To make sure The Wild didn't cause the web of life to fall in nothingness. The Warem was there to balance The Weaver to make sure The Weaver didn't calcify and stagnate the world into nothingness. Now, The Warem became caught in The Weaver's web and went crazy and became, instead of a spirit of balance, became the spirit of corruption.
                   Now, they say that black humans were the first to be born. It's a known fact that anybody who isn't white, most of the minorities, most people of color, have a closer bond with either the spirit. They're not as corrupted as white man. White people were meant to be the white blood-cells of the planet.
                   When The Warem became caught in the Weaver's web and became insane, that's when white people became all about, instead of balancing all the other races and beings, they became conquerors. Instead of walking down the street and acknowledging somebody's different opinion and different ways of thought, they became Us and Them.
                   The white man is the children of The Warem. The red and yellow man are the children of The Wild. Blacks are, I don't really know."

     8:05pm  Some weird shit happened. I had this cool conversation with this guy Slim. It's weird. This girl Gypsy is all hanging out with all these thugs and gangsters. Doing drugs and shit. Her brother Slim told me she's a real hippie and shit, but she hangs out with all the thugs and they're a bad influence on her. I'm back at the Super 8 motel. They told me they'd come back. I hope they do.

     8:15pm  I'm here talking to Slim. He's suggesting a book I should read. I know I should read the Celestine Prophecy, or finish reading it. He told me I should read Conversation with the Gods. Do you know the author?

                   Read the Gospel of St. Mark.

                   Slim: "If you read The Gospel of Saint Mark, it destroys the power of the church. It says you don't need a priest to talk to God. It says you don't need a church to talk to God. Because God is . . ." *the tape ended and I didn't notice*

Next day..

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