


Arcata, CA

Wednesday November 5, 2003

     8:39am  Kati and I woke up at the barn.


                        Kati is just great. She thinks just like me. We have so much in common. We haven't gotten in an argument one time. She tells me she believes me and thinks I'm right. She totally understands that I am on a mission and that I'm going to have to go. She's just being generous and giving me what I needed right now. I was all down and depressed about the STD scare and she made it all better for me. We took a shower yesterday at Cassandra's. Kati went down on me. I thought she had swallowed, but she ended up spitting. I had told her, "I was worried I might have an STD." She said, "I thought of that, too," later on when I talked with her.
                   We have had the greatest talks and conferences. Like in the bus stop that one night across the street from Cassandra's place. She's getting an apartment, also, today. I am going to help her move. She'll have her own room and stuff. It's really cool.

     10:10am  We're walking to the U-Haul place. We're going to rent a U-Haul to move Kati's stuff to her new apartment.

     10:23am  I never thought I would ever be inside another U-Haul ever again. Kati and I just walked to the U-Haul place and Kati just rented a U-Haul. She's going to get her own house today.

     10:39am  We came to pick up Eore, this guy who works at The Raven House too and offered to help Kati, up at his house in Eureka. There's not enough room in the cab for three people. I volunteered to ride in the back. So here I am in the dark in the back of this U-Haul. We're going to go eat some where and fuel up for moving day.

                     Whoa, this is fun. I'm surfing in the back of the U-Haul while it moves around.

                      Kati stopped at Los Bagels in Eureka and her and Eore are getting us some food. Umm, they're taking a long ass time and I'm locked in the back of the U-Haul. Umm, what the hell. They're taking forever. I can't see my watch. Kati had said, "Victor, hold on," and giggled. I thought she was going to let me out. I'm stuck back here. I'm hungry, too! Oh well. I can wait.

                      Okay, she finally showed up and when she opened the door she had food! These two good bagels with humice and some other stuff on it. It was damn good. I ate and now I want a cigarette. I got like four dollars in my wallet. My last four dollars. I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes.

                      It's so cool that I didn't have to go back to Texas. Texas came to me!

     12:28pm  We're back in Arcata. I am taking a really strong liking for Kati . . . and she for me. She just opened the door and let me out of the U-Haul. I'm going to walk to the store and buy me a pack of cigarettes.

                       I stopped into this liquor store. Screw that, $4.45 for a pack of Marlboro Lights. I think I remember seeing a sign for $3.60something at the Cash Oil. I'm going to walk down there.

     1:15pm  Me, Eore and Kati are loading up the U-Haul with all of Kati's stuff that she has in storage(at the U-Haul place). Wow, it's a lot of stuff.

                   Okay, we've loaded everything up except for the mattresses. Like 95% of it all.

                    I don't think I know it all. I just know enough to catalyze the salvation of this planet.

     1:25pm  We've been here, unloading everything in front of the new apartment. I just went inside 

and it's huge!

                   Man, I'm really happy right now. I'm really, really, really happy. I love Kati.

                    Just because I go back to San Antonio . . . doesn't mean I have to stay there. I could, possibly, come right back. I don't know.

     4:00pm  I love Arcata so much. It was funny. This really isn't too noteworthy, but it happened. We emptied out the U-Haul and went back to Cassandra's to get her stuff. I took a load to the U-Haul and when I went back inside I saw the maintenance guy had come to replace Cassandra's broken toilet seat. The new toilet seat was in a box about the same size as a pizza box. I went up to him and just joking around told him, "Hey man, you got a pizza there?" He all laughed. While he was installing the seat he told everyone, "You guys are moving out. You should check out the new toilet seat first." Kati told him, "I'm sure we can all get a turn." He just came outside and said, "Is pepperoni alright?" Hehe, Humboldt County rocks.

                   Man, I am contemplating just telling Kati, "Like I said, I don't have to stay in San Antonio. I just need to go back and let people know I'm still working on it. But I can come right back." She may be providing me with a headquarters. I don't know. I'm not going to assume.

     4:50pm  We came to St. Vincent de Paul's to buy a used bed for Cassandra.

     6:57pm  We came over back to Cassandra's. We're going to do the second load. This big couch and desk. I'm going to be exhausted.

     9:15pm  We just finalized the transfer. Everything from the old apartment is in the new. Now they have a whole apartment full of stuff to unpack and an empty apartment left behind. All in one day. First off, we went and got all of Kati's stuff out of storage. She hadn't seen that stuff since January, or something. Then we finally moved out Cassandra's apartment. I need a cigarette.

Next day..

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