

                                                                                                       Rolla, MO

Sunday November 11, 2007

     5:46pm  What a major update I have to make. Last night we went to Clea's 

friend's Kristin's apartment. Clea has the most attractive friends. We ate a big vegetarian feast. I didn't like the beer soup. They both started drinking so I was glad I was allowed on Kristin's computer. We came back home afterwards and I got to crash with her in her bed again, sans sleeping bag. I slept great.
                   Anyway, this morning when we woke up we started cuddling hardcore. One thing led to another and we decided to have sex. I knew there was a reason I carried seven condoms in my stuff. I can tell Clea anything, so I told her about my fear of coming before she does. I told her that I could make myself cum and then I would last longer. I initiated a shower together, first. Right before we started the heavy cuddling she stopped and told me about her porn-addicted ex-boyfriend who had given her Herpes. She said she didn't have any sores at the moment or anything and it had been over a year since she had one. She said she's never had a cold sore either. She believes she has the genital kind, but says the test to determine for sure is really expensive.
                   Stunned for a moment, I lay there, holding her, thinking. I was so hot for this girl. I thought hey, I have condoms. I thought hey, the spirit's got my back. Am I to refuse this beautiful fairy nympth I've been blessed with in Rolla, Missouri? Well, to make a long story short, we had the best sex I have ever had in my entire life. Tantric stuff.
                   Then she went to Kroger and brought back some munchies, chicken strips, potato wedges and donuts. How awesome. We've been kissing and hugging and being very amorous. At times I am so torn about getting romantically involved. My mom warned me not when I called her yesterday. But, it's the greatest thing. Clea recognizes and believes in what I am doing. She's still hung up on her professor Bryan and plotting his seduction though.
                   Anyway, we wanted to have sex again, but I really wanted some weed. I still had the five Jack Dietz(11-08-07, 1:26pm) gave me and Clea gave me twenty bucks. Before we had sex again I told her I wanted to go try and manifest some marijuana. I left and walked down the street looking for people to ask. Rolla was just dead. It's Sunday and everybody is at church. Not too far from Clea's house I see a sign for a garage sale. I had some cash on me so I went to it. I asked the people there if they knew where to get any weed. The older guy told me his daughter had a little. I asked him if she would mind selling me a joint. He called and asked her but she was still asleep. 

                      I scanned the tables at the garage sale and spotted this cool flat-screen night-light. And an ashtray. Clea doesn't have one and puts all her butts in a beer bottle. When they saw I wanted the night-light they told me they had a better one inside too. I went inside to look at it and it was this awesome sailboat nightlight. I told them I didn't need two nightlights and only got the flat-panel one. Clea had a dark room.
                   I asked the people at the garage sale to point me in a direction to go ask for weed. They recommended the college, UMR, this engineering school. I walked to Pine. It was surprisingly very warm today so I stopped on Pine somewhere and layered down. There wasn't anybody out. I took random turns and saw these young kids working on a car. I walked up to them and asked them if there was any weed in this town. One guy said, "What?" I said, "MARIJUANA." He asks me how much I was looking for and told me to follow him. We walked to Miner Inn apartments, Brad's apartment. Brad told me I could get a quarter for thirty bucks, but that he would have to call somebody. I didn't have enough money, so I just asked him if he could sell me a joint. He sold me a joint's worth out of his personal and charged me five dollars. I got his number. I manifested that in like forty five minutes!!
                   I walked back to Clea's elated at my manifestation. She was asleep(great!). I sat on the couch in the living room and cleaned the weed. Then I went in the bedroom and sat down next to her and whispered, "Want to wake-and-bake?" She was flabbergasted that I got weed in Rolla on a Sunday in such little time. I was too. Anyway, we got all nice and high. I was hungry again so I ate the donuts she had brought home earlier. I showed her the stuff I got at the garage sale and told her about the sailboat nightlight.  I said I could still go get it.  I ran back to the garage sale and bought it for her.  When I came back I told her, "Oh, I'm sorry.  Someone else had bought it."  Then I went, "Psyche!" and handed it to her.  She plugged it in real quick.  

                   Then we went outside to smoke. I started thinking about this morning and got a hard-on. We digressed inside and got it on so great. It was way better than this morning and I made Clea come twice(at least)! I just adore making a girl come. It's great for my already inflated ego, hehehe. We smoked all the weed.
                   Anyway, it was getting close to four. She works at the library tonight. I called the weed guy and he told me to meet him at the liquor store, Russ and Nena's. Clea gave me ten more dollars and I left.
                   Dude, I waited in front of the store over an hour, and got stood up. But, it was for a reason. Towards the end of the waiting these three kids walk up to me and ask me how I am doing. I smiled and thought, "Yes, bible thumpers. Story time!" I gave them the usual, "I'm the happiest man in the world. How are you guys doing?" and hit them up for my story. They listened great with no interruptions. When I asked them if they wanted to hear my Odyssey story they chose just the important part. Christians never want to hear the Odyssey.
                   Anyway, I had a stellar presentation. By the time I was done the weed guy still hadn't shown up. I walked back to Clea's. She said she would leave the door unlocked if she left.

                   So anyway, here I am logging. It's six twenty nine. I was hungry so I ate the last of my Trader Joe's Pecans I scored from Chris' mom in Chicago. Right now I am going to walk to the library and see Clea, check my email and call the missing weed guy. I got the thirty bucks. Peace.

Next day..

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