


Arcata, CA

Tuesday November 18, 2003

     11:00am  I'm guessing it's like eleven right now. I slept at Kati's last night. Man, I am so sucked into this place. I'm going to miss Kati so much. She's called herself my girlfriend . . and I can't have a girlfriend on this mission. It's going to suck when I have to go.

                     Okay, but now Kati gave me her password to her AOL account. I'm going to go and get on AOL and talk to some people. I haven't been in a chat room for months.

     1:32pm  I'm leaving Kati's apartment. I'll come back at six. Right now I just loaded up all of my stuff. I'm wearing everything I own. My Adidas bag is bulging. I have like twelve cameras in there. I'm walking into town now. Man, my foot still hurts. I can walk, but it still hurts.

                   I'm ready to go. I am so ready to go. I wish Kati was here so I could tell her goodbye. I'm not leaving right now. I'll come back at six. I still want to do my little jaunt to Scotia.

     1:52pm  I just walked up to close to the donut shop.

     1:54pm  I'm at the donut shop. I'm going to spange up for a donut and then go to the school. I have like four or five days I need to type up.

     2:57pm  I just ran into Rennick. He's been sucked into Arcata too. He was all, "Whoa man, you're still here?"

                   Cool, this short lady with her little girl just gave me some change. She gave me like fifty five cents.

     3:00pm  Doug just hooked me up with some more change. Thank you, brother.

     7:52pm  I just finished up at the library. I got to borrow some guy's cellphone and call Kati. I told her, "Hey, I know I took all my stuff. I don't want you to think I'm skipping town or something. I'm on my way over. I'll see you in about half an hour."

     8:07pm  I'm in front of the donut shop. I'm going to spange me up a donut for my walk home to Kati's.

     8:21pm  Julie just gave me some change. Thank you, Julie.

     8:30pm  I'm walking to Kati's.

     8:49pm  I'm at Kati's.

Next day..    

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