

           Fort Leonard Wood to Springfield to Tulsa to Oklahoma City and riding, MO

Monday November 19, 2007

     5:43am  Just as if I had an internal alarm clock I woke up behind the Greyhound station at five. It's already five forty five and the bus hasn't come. I hope the station opens and I can get my ticket before it gets here. I was able to conjure up yet another resin hit. The condensation dampened my stuff last night. Man, I really hope I don't have Herpes. We used a condom every single time and she said she didn't have any blisters. We also French kissed a lot, but she said she doesn't have the oral kind. She said she's never had a cold sore. First thing I'm going to do when I get back home is go to the Health Department to get checked. Last night when I checked my email on Clea's laptop she had left some MySpace windows open and I read some emails she had with Brad, the twenty year old kid. She totally flirts with him and they trade numbers all cutesy. They even talk about "stalking" each other. Ah, Clea just wants to have fun. Last night the first thing I asked her was, "How was church?"

     8:03am  I didn't tell you. The bus came about half an hour ago. I got on and immediately scanned for pretty girls to tell my story to. Found one. Kaye.


                  I told her my first three stories and she listened great. Back at the Greyhound station before I left I got busy telling my story to the girl who opened the station. And this other girl who came to wait for her bus. They were all talking about married life being in the military. My bus came so I had to cut it short.

     9:06am  About twenty minutes ago we stopped in Springfield.

                   Told this pretty lady my story.  

     3:39pm  In Tulsa, I think, I got burned for five dollars at the Greyhound station. We just got to Oklahoma City and I had yet another mishap. When we got there everybody had to get off the bus. I got off and stood by the luggage compartment when they opened it, hoping to get a visual on my gear. I saw the green shoelace attached to my walking stick, so I safely assumed my pack was on there too. I went to board the bus and handed the driver my ticket. He told me that my bus was on the other side. "Shit! But my walking stick is still underneath this bus!" I told him. I thought maybe the shoelaces got detached from the stick somehow. I reached to grab it and they commanded me to stay back. The bitch driving the bus started yelling at me telling me she wasn't going to wait for me. She commanded me to get out of the way of her door, that she was leaving. I told her, "Not until I make sure I don't lose my things." She started yelling at me but I stood my ground, yelling back, "Why don't you call someone with some authority so I can talk to them about my luggage?!" They eventually let me check the other bus and I successfully retrieved my staff, whew. But, the bitch already took off and my pack is underneath that bus. It better be in San Antonio when I get there.
                   Anyway, now I have to wait until eight thirty for the next bus. Argh, at least I didn't lose my stick. That would've totally sucked. Now I'm going to layer down because it's hotter here. I'll walk around and look for some weed.

     4:38pm  Things got so much better. I was sitting inside the Greyhound station and the weed came to me! So I'm all high and happy. See, I was due in San Antonio at one in the morning. In Rolla, once I found out I was riding the bus, I got the idea that I wanted to talk the twenty miles all the way to my mom's house. If I got there at one I probably couldn't. Now, because of this unexpected time-constraint I should arrive in San Antonio in the morning, I think. Perfect! It all happens for a reason.

     6:03pm  Plot thickens. The eight thirty bus is sold out. I have to be sure to get in line and on the bus ASAP. John,


the kid who sold me the weed, I gave him my last slice of pizza. We went across the street and smoked. He has to wait until midnight for his bus, so he listened to my stories great. I told him lots while we were getting high.

                   Some dude I told my story to at the bus station.

     9:03pm  At long last, I am safely seated on the eight thirty to Dallas bus. There was tough competition. Everybody lined up and was bottlenecking bad trying to get on the bus. Luckily, I found a good seat with lots of legroom. I thought the driver would trip about my stick. At first he did. Luckily, he let me put it underneath.

Next day..

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