

                                                                                            Truth or Consequences, NM

Wednesday November 19, 2008

     6:56am  I woke up around six 'o clock or right before then. I only got five hours of sleep. It got cold last night. David slept by the fire. I woke up and it took me a while to gather up the nerve to get out of my sleeping bag. I got up and went to the fire and David woke up. We got all stoned, hehe. I'm going to start packing my shit up.

     10:18am  I had a good morning. The sun came up and things are a bit warmer. I only got five hours of sleep last night. We had a fire going last night, but I didn't sleep next to it. I slept inside the Kiva on a cot.   Roof inside.  Looking out.  I woke up this morning and Michael-David woke up. See, I hope that he doesn't feel at all uncomfortable with my little obsession. I'm going to take him to California. I'm going to Santa Ana with him. Some guy just drove up to Lee's property here and he's going to give us a ride into town.

                     Turtleback Ridge



     10:40am  We just got dropped off at the Riverbend Hot Springs. Oh yeah, David accidentally left my white scarf I got in Madison, WI behind the Bullock's last night. I had leant it to him. I hope it's still there when we walk by. I still have my rainbow scarf my mom made me.

     12:16pm  I just got out of soaking in the hottub again. The hottub gets kind of boring after a while. I came out of the hottub and I'm packing up my stuff here.
     1:08pm  I had an awesome presentation with Richard from Dallas, TX. I took his picture. He works here at the Riverbend Hot Springs. I don't know when David's going to be done.

                   That presentation with Richard was great. I was just outside packing up all my stuff and he walked by and listened to me. He told me it was a beautiful dream. I couldn't tell him my entire Odyssey since he was working, but he listened to the important part and everything else. I hope I brightened his day. I had overheard him complaining earlier about hating 9-5 jobs and working on an organic farm.

     2:57pm  I need to make an update. I found David at the Postal Express and we smoked some weed. We've decided we're going to walk to the highway. Then we smoked some weed, hehe. Oh yeah, and I can also hit up that other Mexican restaurant to closer to I25. I've scored there years ago, so hopefully it will be fruitful. If not there's a gas station. We're going to try to get a ride south from there.

                   Hmm, we are passing by the laundromat, David.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. David had left his old walking stick over by Bullocks before I had come into town. Well, as we started walking up Broadway I saw it and it's exactly what I needed to replace the bent twig I've been using for a couple days now. That's so awesome! He had abandoned that stick there a whole week ago and it was still leaning by the newspaper stand where David had left it. I switched out the tennis ball quick. It's a shitty piece of wood, but it's light as hell and as long as I need it to be and it's straight, unlike my twig. It's perfect.

     3:17pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. We are walking towards I25 and we passed the laundromat. David still needed to do laundry real bad. I also missed a couple things when I did laundry.

     5:50pm  Tracy is being nice enough to give us some food at La Piñata. Just like last time I was here. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     6:08pm  Hell yeah, we got hooked up at La Piñata! I called that from the beginning. I went in there and this girl was working the counter. I asked to talk to the manager, but none were there, so I gave her my line. She even tried to call her boss and get permission. I offered her my website. I was hoping that made a difference. She couldn't get a hold of the manager and just hooked me up. I told her I had a friend with me and she gave both food. She told us to sit down. You should've seen the grin on David's face while he was eating his tacos. Right now we're going to smoke a cigarette with our full stomachs.

     6:15pm  Called that shit. Got hooked up at La Piñata just like last time. With a friend! See, everybody. I can count on it.

     8:25pm  I haven't made an update in a while. After we smoked we walked all the way to the Shell station close to I25. I started telling the cashier, this masculine girl(I think) my story. She had beautiful eyes. Albert. He/she let us have a couple soups for free so we are quite full. Albert told us about this park nearby where they keep the bathrooms open and that it stays warm in there, so that's where we're going to camp for tonight.

                   Wow, we were walking and these kids drove by and gave us some more food!

     3:50am  I woke up about fifteen minutes ago. Last night David and I walked to that park Albert told us about but the bathrooms were locked. We walked to this ditch and followed it into some woods and made camp. I woke up because I had to pee. I'm freezing right now and my water is all frozen too. I'm alright. I have like three pairs of socks on. I'm going to try and go back to sleep. After a smoke.

     4:50am  I woke up because it sounded like it was going to rain. It was just the wind. I walked all the way to the gas stations like half a mile away. I was hoping it would be open because I had to take a shit real bad from all that I ate last night. It was closed, so I had to walk back and I found a place to take a shit in the woods. Good thing I had scored some toilet paper from the laundromat bathroom yesterday. I'm going to try and go back to sleep.

Next day..

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