

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Wednesday November 21, 2007

     5:59am  I awoke about ten minutes ago. I crashed out around six last night. I got about twelve hours of sleep. I did wake up in the middle of the night and ate some cereal. I have a lot to do today. First thing, I want to go to the Health Department and get a blood screening. Before I took off a month ago I had developed a small rash at the very top of my left leg, right next to my ball-sack. I am pretty sure it's not an STD because I hadn't had sex with anyone since Arcata, earlier this year. I'll have to look that up. I had even worn a condom and all. But after that, in Rolla, I had lots of sex with Clea. The best sex I have ever had. Clea is a herpes carrier, which I knew from the beginning. We had sex 7+ times and successfully used a condom each time. I'm all paranoid though, because that rash itches a little once in a while. So I should go to the Health Department today. Hmm, I haven't let my mom know that I really need a new tape recorder. I also want to get a social security card so I can donate plasma.

     11:30am  I crashed out again and got another six hours of sleep.

     1:59pm  I just got a new tape recorder! My mom gave me thirty bucks and let me borrow her brand new car. Some Hyundai she bought with only five thousand miles on it. She was all bragging about how it had six airbags, airbags for your knees! She let me have thirty bucks. I had cleaned her house all badass. I swept and mopped the floor, just like old times. I went and I bought another tape recorder so I'm back in business. I can stop writing stuff down now. I've been writing in my composition book since Chicago. I can't wait to type it all up. First, I'm going to go to my friend Katt's house and see if I can get MOTAvated.
     2:10pm  I am walking to my friend Katt's house. Hopefully I'll get smoked out. Maybe Humplick will be there and let me scrape his pipe.

                   I still can't believe I've only been gone for two months.

     4:48pm  I'm still searching for weed. I went to Katt's, but Humplick didn't let me hang out with them. They were babysitting or something. He said he might probably have some weed tomorrow. Anyway, I got on MySpace messaging everybody telling them Victor was back. This kid who a long time ago in Babcock North, when I had run into this Ryan Harper(6-26-07, 6:40pm) guy in the ditch. I took his picture back then and all. I'll put a link to that. He said he had run up to me after I met Ryan in the field and that I had smoked him out. I'll look that up too. His name is Moses. I asked him if he knew anybody who would smoke me out, that I had just gotten back. He told me he was on probation.

From: Victor Antonio
Date: Nov 21, 2007 12:39 PM
Refresh my memory on when I met you. Also, smoke a brother out? It's for a good cause, hehe.

- Victor Antonio

From: Moses
Date: Nov 21, 2007 3:03 PM
i met you on prue road down past the ditch, i was running after you because my friend said you were giving out free bud.

From: Victor Antonio
Date: Nov 21, 2007 1:14 PM
I remember now. That was that day I told Ryan Harper my story right? And he told you some guy was giving out free weed. I didn't mention it in my journal, but I found the day when I talked to Ryan. Know anyone in Babcock North who can smoke me out? Do you know that Keegan dude?

- Victor Antonio

From: Moses
Date: Nov 21, 2007 3:39 PM
Kegan got locked up for running away and failing his drug test. ryan on the other hand has the mony and bud to smoke you out. Me though, i'm on probation for the time being and cannot smoke but if i have some spare cash i will gladly buy a sak and give it to you.

From: Victor Antonio
Date: Nov 21, 2007 1:58 PM
Holy shit, Keegan got locked up. Ha. That sucks you're on probation. That's a total curse. That would be so awesome if you or Ryan could get me high. I have a lot of work to do on the computer and the marijuana is essential. It's the key to my mission, ya know. :]

So when would you be able to help this brother out? As far as me, I'm freeeee.

                   Oh yeah, I found out that Keegan, the kid I smoked with in my mom's back porch that one day, I'll put links to pictures,

he's in jail. He got locked up for running away and failing his drug test. Moses said he couldn't smoke me out, but he was sure Ryan Harper 

would. He told me Ryan had weed and he had some extra cash so he would buy me a sack. Then he signed off. I'm going to go drive around Babcock North. I asked my mom if I could borrow the car. She said, "Be sure there's no paraphernalia in the car. I could get thrown in jail and lose my job." That's right, be afraid, mom. Geez, nothing has changed. It's only been two months. Anyway, I'm going to go drive around Babcock North. Hehe, she knows exactly what I'm doing.

     6:03pm  Mission accomplished! I got a couple nuggets. I tried to find that one house in the alley I've smoked at before, but I couldn't. Right when I pull up to the skatepark this kid walks over to me and asks me if I had any weed. I told him, "No, that's what I came to look for too. I'm looking to get smoked out. I don't have any money." I asked him if he knew who Moses or Ryan was. We drove to his house, but nobody was home. We went back to the skatepark and all of a sudden this guy in an Oldsmobile Alero pulled up and he could get weed, but he had to go get it and wait for his guy and shit. This cool Mexican dude Flaco rode up on a bike. He hooked them up with a little sack and he pinched me off a nugget for the cause! Hell yeah! Score. I didn't even have to tell my story or nothing.

                   I hope I didn't take too long. My mom's going to get mad.

     6:41pm  Man, my whole family is here right now. I got stoned! I followed through. I manifested that marijuana. I swear I did. Looks like I have some typing-marijuana for tomorrow. I'll be typing all day. I've got some great ideas for my website too. I'm going to go through all my loggings and condense and make some true stories. I'll put them in the beginning of each month. Monthly story. I guess it will always be one month behind.

     10:20pm  I'm pretty weed-dizzy right now. I'm going to lay down and probably fall asleep. I guess I'm still tired from walking from downtown. I can wake up early and start typing now that I've got weed to fuel me on my mission.

Next day..

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