


San Antonio, TX

Saturday November 23, 2002

                   Okay, it's Saturday, the 23rd of November of 2002. I got up early and no one is on the computer. Everyone's still sleeping. I got on it and just messed around on AOL. My NO HARM IN ASKIN screen name died. That sucks. I'm out of master accounts and I have to go see if someone will hook me up with some more phish(compromised AOL accounts). I did download a new password cracker last night and I can see if that works. I doubt it will though.
                   Then everyone woke up and my mom kicked me off the computer. She's going to be glued to it all day. I thought, "Hey, I bought my binoculars yesterday at the army store. I can go try them out at my cool platform on the cliff." To kill some time I'm going to walk all the way down Braun Rd to the park in the woods. I got a little joint with me. I can smoke that on the way. My feet don't hurt and here I go on my way to not be bored anymore.

                   Singing NOFX: "I'm not insane. I'm not bummed out. I got nothing to do. Nothing to lose. I got no evil to fight. One thing's for sure. I'm all outta angst. Society don't bother me and there's something wrong with that. I'm off to Pakistan, learn the laws of Islam and fundamentalism. Forget that rock-n-roll. No cigarette. No drink. It's much too difficult to think about getting laid when you don't even get to see her face. I'm not insane."

                   Okay, let's see, where was I? I was walking to the park from my mom's house. I was walking down Wickersham all the way to Tezel, then I cut to Braun Rd from there. I decided to walk on the street facing traffic because I've had two head-injuries and I now know what side of the street to walk on. I was just walking along with my stick(cough cough, hitting the joint) and I see this car slowing down. I wondered if that guy was stopping for me. I walked up to him and some guy asked me, "Hey, you need a ride?" I told him I was just out walking. Then I went, "Hey, do you smoke weed?" and he said yeah. I asked him if he wanted to come smoke with me at OP Schnabel, that I could show him my cool platform. So we came and I showed him my place and got stoned. It's just crazy how shit just happens.

                   Whoa, hell yeah. That was cool. Well anyway, this guy, his name is Brian. My old childhood friend who I used to hang out in the woods with was named Brian(BJ). He didn't look too much like him though. He told me he had just quit some job at a warehouse he was miserable at. I told him there's always West. It's a good fallback job.

                   Man, I love this place.

                   Well, after a while he said he was going to split. I asked him if I could get a ride to Wurzbach so I could go see my dog Stuart. I want to come out here with Stuart. He would have so much fun. Before Chasity takes off to Florida I have to come out here with Stuart. At least once.

                   Anyway, Brian was all agreeing with me. He said we thought a lot alike. That was weird. It was one big coincidence that my mom kicked me off the computer and I decided to walk down the street just then. Weird. Brian said he had seen me at Jim's before. I asked him if the stick gave me away. When he left, he said he would see me around and I told him yeah, I'll be walking. Cool, new friend.

                   Oh shit, today's Saturday. Saturday is the day that the outbound department at West gets paid. Badass, I'll go and cash my check. Money, money, money, money.

                   What a great day for a walk. What a beautiful Saturday. Wow, the sun is all shining. It's not hot or humid at all. This morning it was cold as hell. The cold woke me up. I put on my thermal underwear bottoms and went to smoke my first cigarette of the day on the back porch. It was freezing. I waited a while until my mom woke up and I took a hot-ass shower. When I came out and opened the door, it was all sunny.

                   Whoa, that sucks. I'm over here by Shady Elms and Prue Road and the bus just passed by. I didn't think the 605 ran on Saturdays. I should've been looking back and asked him to stop, but he just whizzed right by me.

                   Whoa, the weirdest thing happened. I just glanced up to see where I was so far. I had been walking with my head down. I looked and I saw the street sign in the distance. For some reason, the words 'Chelsea Creek' popped into my head. I am nowhere near enough to where I could actually read that, so let's see if that's the name of the street. I might have seen it before and it triggered a synapse in my brain. I'm going to walk close enough where I can read it and I'll tell you if I was right or not.

                   Shit, I'm totally passed it. I forgot to look, hehe. I'm all stoned. Duh, I should've just pulled out my binoculars and checked. Let me walk back and check. I'll use my binoculars now.

                   Ten-four on that street being named Chelsea Creek. Wow, the human mind, hehe.

                   Damnit, I had just thought of a really good quote but I lost it.

                   I stopped at some garage sale while I was walking down towards Carlos' house. I asked them if I can look around and they said that's what they wanted me to do. I looked around and only saw stupid shit, so I told them thanks anyway.

                   Oh yeah, I thought of that quote I had forgotten. "My happiness follows my own lead."

                   Alright, I'm walking to Bob's house now. I don't even know when the bus comes. I guess I'll catch the bus to West Telemarketing. I'll go get some soup and cash my check. Maybe not in that order though. To West Telemarketing first, of course. Okay, I'm about halfway down the street. I'm not even sure if Bob or Carlos are even home. Damnit, the 91's extended trip to Babcock North runs a lot on the weekend, but only on one day. I'm not sure if its Saturday or Sunday. I hope it's today.

                   Whoa, I was almost to Bob's house and I saw Bob walking down the street. I thought, "Whoa, Bob's actually walking, crazy." When I got to him I asked him what's up and he said, "Nothing, what's up whichu?" I commented on how pretty the day was and he said it was alright. I asked him where he was walking to and he told me just to go talk to someone. I asked him if the 91 was coming soon and he told me in about an hour(he was probably lying). I asked him if he knew if it ran a lot on Saturday or Sunday and he told me Sunday. I said, "Is it cool if I chill at your house until the bus comes?" He said, "Yeah, you can just go inside, the door's unlocked, I'm going to go talk to this guy." I asked him, "Hey, do you have a couple slices of bread I can have? I'm kind of hungry." He told me to look on top of the fridge and walked off.

                   I got here and I had four slices of bread and badass, I'm not hungry anymore.

                   Okay, this sucks. I'm at Bob's house and I just called the bus company on the phone to check what time the next one came. They said the next one was passing in four minutes. Thing is, I had like a three block walk to the bus stop and I didn't think I was going to make it. I grabbed my walking stick and hit the road. Hehe, I bet people think I'm weird. Not only because I'm talking to the tape recorder, but because I'm not walking on the sidewalk. I'm walking in between the street and the walk, where there is grass. Sidewalks suck when you're wearing boots. Give me a nice, soft, grass or dirt trail.

                   Okay, I'm walking as fast as I can. I don't want to run and get all sweaty, because it's kind of hot. I got this thermal top on anyway. If I don't make the bus, I'll just walk back to Bob's and wait an hour for the next bus. I can ride to the GNC on Wurzbach and I10 to buy some food. Hey, I can go to the Cost Plus Nutrition place on Medical/Fredericksburg to see if they have my stuff any cheaper. That'll be awesome.

                   I haven't seen a bus pass, I'm almost there. I think he would stop if he saw me, I'm pretty close. Wow, look at all these ghetto garage sales.

                   Okay, I'm getting really close to the bus stop. Hopefully I didn't miss it. I wish I had a watch. Hmm, I wanna smoke a cigarette real bad, but my throat's sore. Maybe I should cut back on the cigarettes. Oh, but I want to smoke one now while I wait for the bus. I know what I'll do, instead of smoking the cigarette, I'll hit this little roach that I have.

                   I'm sitting here at the bus stop. The same one I was at a couple days ago by Boone Elementary. Actually, a couple blocks from there. I'm at Spring Forest and Spring Time. Just sitting here, hoping the bus didn't pass already. I'm going to hit this roach.

                   Singing NOFX: "Why do they try to make things illegal? Why do you have to be 21? They're so afraid that people are having too much fun. Why do they care what I do in my bedroom? Why do ya wanna know how I screw? It seems to me you've got nothing better to do."

                   Wow, it's really amazing, I was feeling so sick when I woke up. I was so surprised, I hadn't been sick in years, since my car broke down and I started walking and riding the bus. I feel perfect now though. Maybe I did get sick and my body just healed that quick. It's because I'm in good shape and I walk, even though I smoke cigarettes. That's probably why I got sick though, cigarettes. I don't remember smoking that much more than I usually do though. Oh well.

                   Aww, this sucks. I think I missed this bus. That's okay, maybe it'll come going the other direction and I'll catch it over by the post office and computer shop. I'll then cut through past Globalscape and walk to West Telemarketing to cash my check and buy some soup at the Subway. Shit, it's like three. Man, the check cashing vans better be there still. If all else fails, I'll just go to the HEB and cash it. Wait a minute. I'm not out of money yet. I don't need to cash this check. Umm, if the check cashers are still at West, I might as well cash it, but if they're not I just won't worry about it. I need to run out of money first before I cash it.

                   I know I can ride it out at my moms house as long as I want to. She'll never kick me out. She could never live with that guilt. My mom is ignorant and she holds so many grudges. She's always bitching about something. I ask her, "Mom, isn't a big part of your religion to forgive? To not hold grudges and be angry?" "Not if you just keep doing it," she said. I told her that I didn't do anything to her that she didn't let me do. That it's her own fault.
                   That'll be really weird if I end up going on my little walk past ITT Tech again. That would be like the third day in a row.

                   I keep thinking about that girl at the gas station in Sanderson, Texas, back when I was heading west in the U-Haul. I told her what I was doing and she ended up hooking me up with ten dollars of gas. She said, "Hey, it's for a really good cause." She really believed me. Before I had told her, "Hey, guess what I'm going to do?" and she asked what. "Eliminate money," I told her. She went, "Oh, that's really good!" I tried using my ATM card and it got rejected, so I asked her to look through my U-Haul and see if there was anything of value I could trade for some gas. She looked in and saw all my stuff and realized how serious I was and said, "You know what, don't worry about it," and hooked a brother up. Wow, if she only knew all the shit I went through. She probably thinks I was lying because nothing's changed yet. I can't wait for her to hear about me. I hope she emails me at

                   This sucks. This was a pretty active weekend, I guess. I didn't just stay home. There was nothing to do and I got out of the house and got a little exercise. It's not so bad. There's a brighter side to everything. I'm out here in the nice weather. I even got some bread at Bob's. I don't need anyone to be happy.

                   Cool, I asked this guy if he knew what time the bus came and he said, "Right now." He was right because there's the bus.

                   Okay, I'm on the 604 headed to University Hospital. The time is three nineteen.

                   Okay, on the way to the hospital, the coolest shit happened. I saw this girl wearing my bag(not really mine). My Adidas turnbeutel that I used to have. I asked where she got the bag and she told me they had 'em at the mall, in the woman's section. I asked her for how much and she told me ten bucks. Badass, I thought. I'm going to have my bag back again. That's all I've been needing before I leave. I just need my bag back. I'm going to go get one.

                   Well anyway, I checked the schedules at the hospital and the 534 that goes down to Chasity's house won't come for another hour. The 92 was there, which runs every twenty minutes, but the closest that'll get me is to Louis Pasteur and Fredericksburg. That's a long walk to Chasity's from there, but I could walk through all these shortcuts that I learned while I delivered pizza. It might be a little fun. I could go to Chasity's and play with Stuart. I'll talk to her about what I'm going to do. Hell, I have fun even on Saturdays.

                   I changed my mind. Instead of catching the 92 over to Fred/Louis Pasteur, I got off on Wurzbach and Floyd Curl, which isn't that far from Chasity's. I can walk all the way to the GNC on I10 afterwards. Maybe I should do that first, because I don't know what time it closes on Saturdays.

                   Know what I need? Some marijuana.

                   Ahh hell, I'm walking down here by Ewing Halsell and Wurzbach and the 534 passed me by. Oh man, I'll walk all the way to I10.

                   Okay, I thought it would be nice and stop at Big Apple Bagels and bring Chasity something to eat. Even though the bagel shop was closed, the people let me use the phone inside and I called Chasity's cellphone, but no one answered. I left a message. She might not even be home. Change of plans.

                   Oh, that's right. I don't have to go to the GNC on I10, I wanted to go to the Cost Plus Nutrition place. I can walk it. Sings old commercial: "I'm walking, yes indeed. I'm talking, about great Chinese."

                   Man, I have to learn how to make a webpage. I need BJ's help. I must call on Koolaid. Koolaid and Stu own j00. Umm, that is, Stu and Koolaid.

                   Okay, coming up on Medical. I see Cost Plus Nutrition. I went inside and asked the guy, "Hey, you got any Muscle Blast 2000?" He was on the phone and didn't want to hang up. He finally did and told me he had never heard of it. I told them they had it at GNC for fifteen bucks. He told me to just tell him what I needed. I told him my whole situation about how I just walked and lived off that stuff. I said, "I need some Muscle Blast 2000, just like I said, or something else that provides complete nutrition for fifteen bucks." He recommended some other shit for twenty five. I told him that if he didn't have anything for fifteen that I would just go back to the GNC. He quickly pointed out this whey stuff for thirteen dollars. I asked him, "You're sure it will give me the same effect? That it will provide me with all the nutrients I need?" He said yes and that was probably all the Muscle Blast was. I'm going to take his word and try this whey shit..

                   Oh yeah, I'm right next to Thundercloud Subs where I used to go all the time. They used to hook me up with sandwiches because I made CDs for them. When the manager was around, I could even get credit there. They liked me.

                   Whoa, that was weird. I went into Thundercloud and no one who used to work here works here anymore. Except this one dude. They fired everybody. That sucks. Oh well. I got me a roast beef sandwich with yummy Chipotle mayonnaise. Mmm, Thundercloud Subs.

                   Man, I'm feeling lazy today. I've seen two buses pass already. Maybe I should've eaten my sandwich at the bus stop, I could be on my way home now. Since I'm lazy, I'm at a table in the sandwich shop.

                   Okay, all done eating. Ahh, let me roll a cigarette and spike it with a little weed. I really shouldn't be smoking, but I haven't smoked in a couple hours now, my throat feels better. This one cigarette will probably mess it up again. Oh well. I'm a nicotine-fiend.

                   This bitch just came out of the tanning place next door all tan and pretty. She got in her big GMC Yukon sport utility vehicle and is driving off all prim and proper. Oh, she deserves so much respect(note the sarcasm). She can't even get a suntan the natural way. If I need a suntan I'll just take my shirt off while I walk.

                   I thought of a screen name to make: HOW BOUT IT LET ME. Damn, it's over sixteen characters, forget it.

                   Okay, I'm going to read the label on this whey stuff. Serving size: one scoop. 20.4 gallons. Servings per container: 32. Calories: 110. Calories from fat: 15. Total fat: 2g. Saturated fat: 1g. Cholesterol: 25mg. Total carbohydrate: 2g. Sugar: 1g. Protein: 22g. Calcium: 170mg. Sodium: 55mg. Potassium: 105mg. Umm, there's more stuff but you're not going to give a shit.

                   Okay, I'm going to go wait for the bus, I'm feeling lazy. I wonder what time its going to come. Oh, three routes pass through here, all going to Medical Center. One should come by soon. Alright, I'm signing off. I shouldn't have smoked that cigarette.

                   Okay, what I'll do is sit at the stop across the street where the 91, 602 and 604 pass, all going to the hospital. If I see the bus coming on the other side down the street. I'll pull out my binoculars to see if it's the 91, which is ideally the one I want to catch. It would take me back to West, or maybe even go to Babcock North, back over by Carlos and Bob's. Man, I'm tired.

                   Okay, I'm sitting here at the bus stop. Hehe, a Papa Johns delivery guy just passed by. I used to work there. Better ingredients, better pizza my ass. It's free if you work there. I was never hungry at work.

                   Okay, here comes the 602, I'm going to the hospital.

                   Shit, I checked the schedule and my bus doesn't come until a whole hour later. I'll check to see what time the next 91 comes, which will take me to Babcock North. It's four forty seven right now. There's a bus at five oh one and gets over there at twenty six.

                   Yay, There's the 91 finally.

                   Okay, I'm all the way over here at the bus stop to catch the other one. There's a twenty minute wait so I walked kind of slow. I'm feeling sick. I could just get under some warm covers and take a nap right now. What I'll do is take a hot bath and just crash out in bed. Hehe.

                   Holy shit, the coolest stuff happens to me. I got to the HEB, the grocery store and the bus that runs out to the elementary school, which is a ten minute walk to my moms house, wasn't running today. I was like, "Shit, I have to walk all the way home from the grocery store." I thought, "Maybe I can call my mom and she'll pick me up." I called her and she immediately started bitching, "Oh, I just cleaned out your room(like I have a room). She said she couldn't come pick me up because she didn't have the car. She tried to lay a guilt trip on me, "Oh Victor, I found so much stuff, I was cleaning your room." I told her, "Mom, I don't have a room. That's just the room where everybody uses the computer. Everyone messes it up. She bitched some more, "Oh, I found all these dirty socks lying around." I told her, "Mom, I have two sets of clothes I wear. I do my laundry every other day and I keep track of my things. Those aren't my socks." Well anyway, she hung up and I was kind of pissed that I had to walk home. I was tired and felt sick.
                   Then it occurred to me hey, I'll call Brian Moreno who lives nearby. He might come pick me up.  I called him up and he said no problem, that he'd be there in fifteen minutes. I walk outside to go wait for him and I see this little black dog chained to the rail. It looked just like Stuart and started jumping up at me and playing. I started talking to it and calling it Stuart. It was a beautiful dog. I asked this guy who was smoking a cigarette who worked there, "Who's dog is this?" He told me it was some stray they found that kept running into the store. They had found some chain and tied it up because they didn't want it getting hit by a car. He said they were thinking about calling the pound. "No! I'll take her," I said.
                   I'm going to get me a new dog. I'm not sure how my mom will react, but I got a Stuart-replacement now. Chasity can take him to Florida. Maybe one day when I'm successful I can go get him and bring him home to live with me and have one big happy family.

                   Oh my gosh, let me recap this cool night I'm having. Anyway, I had gotten off the bus and I think I told you this already. I got off the bus, went to use the phone and went outside to wait for my friend Brian to pick me up and I saw this dog. It was chained to the rail. I was like hey, that looks like Stuart! Stuart, my son that Chasity's going to steal away to Florida in January. It ended up being a girl dog. I started petting her and she was just going crazy with me. She was just adorable. Wow, this is Stuart, the same kind of dog as him. Stuart's a lab mix with medium length hair, just like her. You know how pure-bred labs are all blocky looking and rough? Well with Stuart, you could see the pointer in him. He looked like an aerodynamic lab. He was badass. Especially when I shaved him. This dog is the same kind of dog that he is. Virtually the same mix. She's adorable. She's a lot younger and she's just going nuts, she's real playful. I even took her off the chain and chased her around the field next door. She's just cool. The people at the grocery store were glad she was getting a good home and they even gave me a can of dog food.
                   I waited like half an hour for my friend Brian. When he finally got there, I told him, "Dude, I just got a new dog, would you mind her going in your car? If it's a problem I can just walk home." He asked me how big she was and I told him not very. He seemed a bit wary of allowing it, but in the end he didn't mind and took us home.
                   Brian took me home with the dog. She's really clean. She's just a quality dog. I called Chasity and she said she was busy. I told her I got a new dog and she looked just like Stuart. She sounded like she didn't want to talk to me. I told Chasity to have a great night and she said, "Oh, I got your message, thank you for wanting to bring me bagels, that was nice." So at least we're on speaking terms again. It's not like I want her back or anything, she's still my friend. I was with her for four years after all. I hate it when she gets mad at me for no reason. I never do anything to piss her off. It's all because I broke up with her and she's in denial that she'll never find anyone else quite like me. She's the crazy one, not me.
                   Right now, I'm on the back porch recording this. My mom's inside playing her dumbass game on the computer and I'm out here recording myself. I'm going to smoke a little weed. I don't feel that sick anymore. My nose is still kind of stuffed up, but at least I'm not all tired. Maybe I'll get tired when I smoke. Okay, I'm going to go, bye.

                   Ugh, nothing in this house works. See, I got this idea that I was going to shave my new dog. You know, she's a medium length hair dog like Stuart and shell look really good shaved. Now, the plug outside is shorted out so I needed an extension cord that I could plug the clippers right inside the kitchen. I asked my mom, "Mom, do we have any extension cords anywhere?" She told we had some, but she didn't know exactly where they were. Now, the house is a permanent mess so I wasn't about to start hunting down an extension cord in this jungle. I was like, "Aww shit, I can't shave the dog in the backyard."
                   I decided to shave her in one of the bathrooms and just clean up the mess afterwards. I have to give her a bath after I shave her anyway. I go to the front bathroom and plugged in the clippers. I went to the kitchen and got some olive oil, since I knew I wasn't going to find baby oil in this mess. I lubricated the blade and went back to the bathroom. I set the clippers down and went and grabbed the dog by the front paws and pulled her into the bathroom. I plugged in the clippers and sat down on the toilet. I flicked the switch on the clippers and guess what, the outlet in the front bathroom was shorted out too. It didn't work. I went out and told my mom, "Damn, nothing in this house works." I told her the plug in the bathroom doesn't work and she said, "I know, it hasn't worked in a very long time." I cross my fingers and go to the other bathroom in her room. It didn't work either! Argh, this sucks. I guess the dog's not getting shaved today.

                   Okay, well anyway. Let me tell you what's happened so far with my younger sixteen year old brother. He's like all maturing and cussing now. He's all acting like he doesn't care about shit. I asked him, "Hey, have you ever smoked weed?" He told me he hadn't and I asked him if he would ever consider it. He said maybe. I asked him, "I don't suppose you'd want to smoke with me?" He said he didn't know, that he would probably do it with his friends first. I went out to the balcony to smoke a cigarette and he followed me out. Maybe he wants to smoke, I thought. I had a joint underneath the thing and I pulled it out and hit it. He smelled it and asked me, "Oh, is that tobacco?" I told him no, and offered him some. He told me he was cool. "You're not going to tell mom, are you?" I asked. He told me he wouldn't and walked inside.

                   Whoa, I just walked in and the computer is actually free! What's up, dog? This is my new dog. :]

Next day..

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