


San Antonio, TX

Monday November 25, 2002

                   Okay, today's been kind of a shitty day. I woke up this morning. I was so glad the house was completely empty. Both of my stupid sisters drove up to Houston to live. My older sister, the same person that bitched me out for leaving the dog I had just found at home alone, ended up falling in love with the puppy and taking her to Houston with her. Which is good because I can't take care of a dog because I'm leaving to California soon.
                   Anyway, I woke up and was glad the house was all empty. Badass. My mom's at work. She'll be there all day and I have plenty of time on the computer. I got on the computer and I burned all of Chasity's music.
                   See, she struck up a deal with me. Now that she's leaving soon for Florida and since the video card broke on my computer(which she stole from me), she has no use for it is now and is willing to give me back what was rightfully mine all along. In the time that we were together she collected about 6gb worth of MP3s. She liked all that trendy bullshit and that crap was taking up most of my hard drive. Anyway, she couldn't live without her collection so she set a stipulation for me. She told me I had to burn all her music for her and give it to her, before I could have my computer back.
                   She had stolen some CDs(because she steals everything, can you say klepto?) and she gave them to me so I could burn her stuff on my mom's computer. I already had gotten the hard drive back from her so I could access my old files. Remember, the videocard didn't work on my computer at her apartment so she didn't need the hard drive. Stupid Chasity stole some rewritable CD's that max out at 4x speed, so it was going to take me forever to burn all her music. Patience is virtue though. I ended up burning ten CDs and each one took a little less than half an hour each. I was very thorough. I wrote down each directory that was on the CD on the front of it. She's going to be happy.
                   She gave me the CDs a few days ago, but I had been procrastinating. I didn't want to burn all her music because then she'd be getting her way and using me for all I'm worth. She had my computer for six months straight and doesn't appreciate shit. I burned her stuff.
                   Anyway, I had shit to do. I needed to go catch the bus, but I felt really lazy. I sat on the computer all day sending out my ideas. The whole day passed. My mom got home and I got kicked off the computer. I was bored. I wanted to go hang out somewhere and smoke some weed.
                   I was so bored that at around four I called Chasity and asked her if I could come over to give her her CDs. I was going to see if I could get somebody on AOL with a truck to help me out so I could get my bigass bed and computer. I was doing that all day. I said I would pay for gas and smoke them out if they smoked.

                   Oh yeah, I had called Chasity and asked her if I could bring her CDs over. My mom had gotten home and I could take her car. The deal was that as soon as she got her precious music I'd get my computer back. I thought if I had the computer at home I could network it with my mom's cable connection and I'd have a dedicated computer line that I could run my server off of twenty four hours a day. I could take off to California and give out my email address. So I have to clean up my FTP site and make it better.
                   I drove over to Chasity's apartment and made the trade. I had a spare videocard I could put in my system, but the hard drive was still in my mother's computer and she was on it. I put the case in the living room. Anyway, I got home around ten. My mom was still on the computer and I thought, "Man, I'm bored. I'm going to go for a walk."  I figured out why my chest and lungs are all fucked up. It's because I haven't been smoking filtered cigarettes for the past couple months. I've been buying Buglers and rolling my own. With all this tobacco and weed I smoke, it finally caught up with me. I have a horrendous cough now too.
                   I decided I was going to walk to the store and buy me some filtered Marlboro Lights. Damn, I'm selling out. I walked up to the Texaco on 1604 and my friend Matt wasn't there. I bought me a pack of cigarettes and smoked one there. I walked off and I remembered I had a little roach in my wallet. The very last of that ounce that I scored a while back. I pulled it out of my wallet and tried hitting it. I accidentally burned a real bad run in the roach, ruining it. Hmmm, how am I going to smoke this? I'm not going to waste it.
                   I walked a little further and entered the neighborhood. Right in front they're building these new houses. I went into one of them. All the doors are missing and they dont have carpets and the walls are still all messed up, but the main structure is built. I walked upstairs and opened a window. I sat outside on the overhang over the doorway. I grabbed a cigarette and thought hmm, how am I going to smoke this roach now? Being in this house at night is a cool experience, it would be even cooler if I could smoke some weed. I packed my cigarettes really good and I spiked the tip of it with a little weed. I took the hit and finished the smoke. I could feel the weed a little, but I wanted more.
                   I was almost done smoking the cigarette when I got the idea to pinch out the cherry and the tobacco out of this cigarette I'm smoking. Just empty it and put the weed from my ruined roach in it. It'll be like I'll have a filtered joint. It'll be good for me, hehe. I sat up there for like fifteen minutes and carefully piled the marijuana into it. When I finished, I got to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Now I'm just sitting at this empty house. This is cool. I'm stoned and I'm in this big house. Maybe it's time to recap my day.

                   After hiding out in that empty house, I got the idea that while I'm out hitch-hiking in different cities I can ride the bus around and look for houses that they're just building and just go crash there at night and be sure to be out before the workers get there in the morning. I wouldn't have to depend on anyone. I just need a roof over my head. Well, I don't even need a roof. If it rains I've got my rain poncho. It'll be the one time where urban-sprawl will come in handy.

                   Hehe, I have been sent from another galaxy to save your world. Haha, I'm crazy.

                   Shyeah! I just got home and the computer is actually free. Everyone's already crashed. I wonder what time it is. Shit, it's twelve forty three in the morning. I'm wide awake. Badass.

Next day..

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