

                                                                                              Anaheim to Santa Ana, CA

Sunday November 23, 2008

     2:13pm  Armando told me some weird shit right now. David had gone outside to talk to his friend Alyson. They're having problems with the whole long-distance relationship thing. Armando totally started criticizing my mission right now. He kept saying he hoped I didn't get David in trouble. I assured him David did what David wants. I even told him, "Don't you remember how you told me how you got a special feeling to pick us up when you saw us on the onramp?" He said, "Yeah, so I could tell you to change your ways." Now David seems totally comfortable with Armando. Right at the end of my big discussion with Armando he tells me, "I want you to go out and find a broad and bring her back so she can suck my dick. If not, then you're going to." I told him I would try and walked out the door. Oh yeah, he told me that he's killed thirteen people. I told him I didn't need to know that. He said, "But I didn't do it for free." He was a hitman I assume. I shouldn't be talking about this. Anyway, I left the motel room to find where David was to tell him that I wanted to leave. David's still on his phone with his girl. I don't want to go back to the motel room without David. I've had some bad signs.
     2:57pm  David and I finished packing up our stuff and we just left the motel room. We're going to go to Santa Ana. David: "First thing we need to do is take a smokebreak, hehe." We really needed to break free from Armando. We can't get sucked into the civilized convenience of Babylon. It'll make us lazy. We got a world to save. So, here we go. Oh yeah, it turns out that David just ironed out his girl troubles.

                   They went to Walmart today and Don Armando bought David some thermal tights.

                   We're going to ride the bus to Santa Ana. I've got some change in my pockets.

     3:03pm  I'm going to go hit up the Carnitas Urupuan taqueria on Carl Karcher Way and Harbor Boulevard. Let's see what they tell me.

     3:05pm  I went inside and gave this lady my line in Spanish. She told me in Spanish, "I didn't understand you at all, but if you want something to eat I'll give you something, hold on."

     3:08pm  Veronica en la taqueria me esta dando comida.

     3:22pm  Man, she gave us some badass tacos. She gave us two chicken tacos each. I had told her in Spanish, "I have my friend with me so I'll share whatever you give me." She hooked us up. We're going to walk to the park across the street and smoke. The lady in the taqueria told us to sit down and eat, so we did, gladly.

                   43 to Disneyland and 83 to Santa Ana. I just got directions from some homebum to Santa Ana. I wonder how fruitful courtesy rides will be.

     3:45pm  Waylon and his friend Steve came over and offered us some food.

                   After the taqueria we came over to the Anaheim City Park and smoked some weed.

     3:58pm  I forgot to tell you about five minutes ago we got to the Disneyland bus terminal on the 43.

                   Did I ever tell you the reason I didn't get that much sleep those nights with Armando? The first night he was yelling and groaning in his sleep and he kept waking me up. The second night he was snoring loud nonstop. I really wished I had some earplugs at my disposal. Well, Armando just happened to have a big bag of earlplugs in his car and I have like four extra pairs now. Remember not that long ago when I was camped next to the highway in Las Cruces and I mentioned something about investing in earplugs?

                   Right now we are still waiting for the 83 to Santa Ana. It's really late. We're not sure of the situation at this Catholic Worker shelter David knows about. After it got dark we played around with the idea of going back to Armando's hotel room. He said we were welcome to come back if we wanted. I thought maybe it would be better if we got to Santa Ana in the morning. But screw it, we're almost there. And it's not like I get any sleep around Armando anyway. On the busride over here I told this lady my story.

     5:57pm  The bus was really late but we are finally on the 83 heading to Downtown Santa Ana.

     6:13pm  We just got dropped off in Santa Ana! We got directions to the Isaiah House, the name of the Catholic Worker house from some dude on the bus. David's contact there is Dwight. We're going to show up there and see what they tell us. We got a small hike to do.

     6:15pm  I took a random picture at Main and Fourth. We're walking to First Street. Luckily we asked people on the bus and somebody knew about the Catholic Worker house and gave us directions.

                   Oh yeah, I've never mentioned. David is a college graduate. What do you have a degree in again? Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies. Cool, how fitting. That's right up my alley.

                   Juan me dio un dolar. Te lo agradezco, Juan. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     6:56pm  We walked all the way to Cypress and Bishop over by the Bodega and David called Dwight at the Catholic Worker House. We had ended up walking past it already and we're walking back. We had walked by this other Christian Boy's House or something. We'll see what happens.

                   Oh yeah, and when we were standing on the corner this Mexican Christian dude stopped and offered me a dollar.

     9:58pm  David and I are already settled into the attic for the night. We were welcomed with open arms at the Isaiah House. 316 Cypress. We're going to help them out, be volunteers and help cook and clean and serve food. It's a woman's shelter. It's a huge house and all these women sleep on the floor in the living room and on benches in the back. I'll be sure and take pictures. When we first got here we went upstairs to the office and we got to know Dwight and his wife Leia. He owns the house. I got to tell them my story, these Catholic workers. Well, not the Odyssey or the important part. Surprisingly, Dwight seemed a bit hip to weed and they weren't offended by my shirt or anything. Pure acceptance.

                   It pisses me off because when I think I have a good update to make I end up just rambling and I end up not documenting things as detailed as I could. I keep using the excuse that I just need to document my location and people can use their imagination thinking of all the possible things that could happen to me.

                   It also doesn't help much that I'm always stoned too, hehe. I'm going to go to sleep now up in the attic. Alright, later on.

Oh yeah, we were briefed upstairs in the office. They saw my shirt and commented on it. Dwight seemed pretty hip. Leia wasn't opposed to marijuana either. Dwight even told us, "As far as marijuana goes, you can't smoke it here...but you can go out and come back reeking of it and it wouldn't matter." So we got permission! Right now David is rolling a big coney two paper joint with his flag. We're going to walk around the block and smoke it. In California!

Next day..

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