

                                                                                      San Clemente and walking, CA

Friday November 28, 2008

     7:42am  I just woke up. 6.34 hours of sleep.

     8:36am  I am up and at 'em. I took pictures of my camp. I'm going to walk back into town and find a restroom somewhere and take a shit.

                   Even though the cops threw away my last two or three hits of weed, they let me keep my one hitter and I was able to harvest some resin. I have another hit for later too.

     8:48am  I walked to a different 7-11 than the one last night. I went inside and asked the girl working if they had a public restroom. She told me, "We don't have a public restroom, but just go in the door that says employees only." Sweet, I'm in the bathroom now, awesome. She was a cute girl. I'm going to try and tell her my story. In between customers, of course.

     8:51am  It was Jackie, the nice girl who let me use the bathroom at the 7-11. I appreciate, it Jackie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I walked back up the road and randomly turned left on Esplanade. I want to find the beach. I have food in my bag and cigarettes and a little resin. I'll go to the beach and take pictures.

                   When I got out of the bathroom Jackie was pretty busy so I couldn't tell her my story. I logged her generosity and gave her my website.

                   I kept walking down Esplanade and then decided I didn't really need to go to the beach here. I'm going to go back to the onramp and thumb it. I've got food. I don't think I want to stay in San Clemente. I already gave my website out a lot here.

     9:22am  I gave up on the onramp because there are not that many cars going South. I walked back to the bus stop because I noticed the bus went further South than here. They have a map and schedule of the route here. The bus goes all the way to Christianitos and I5.

     9:32am  I got on the bus with one of these daypasses I have. I have lots. David gave me all the ones he had last night. The bus was five minutes late. I'm going to keep going South. I get to look out the window this time since it's light out.

     9:39am  I just got dropped off over by the Carl's Jr. I saw all these surfers so I asked the driver if there was a beach nearby. He told me I was right next to Trestle Beach. I'm going to walk to the beach and tell my story. I got food. I don't have any weed, but maybe some surfers will smoke me out.

     9:45am  There's an obvious walking path, so I'm going to take that. There's all these surfing stickers everywhere so I assume this is the way to the beach.

     9:50am  I just got to the trailhead, the pathhead. Trestle Beach. I took a picture of the surfers walking.

     9:54am  I just got to the beach. It's a pretty famous spot. I've been giving my website to every surfer that has walked by. Man, there's tons of woods here. I can find a place to crash tonight easy, if I stay here. These surfer dudes I gave my website told me that if I was here tomorrow morning they would smoke me out.

     10:25am  I came to the beach and I set my pack down and sat on it, exposing my shirt. Guy surfing.  I scraped my last resin hit. I saw these surfers sitting down and they were all staring at me. I noticed one in particular who was sitting down. I got up and approached them and put on my show for them. They invited me to eat at the Carl's Jr. I told them how I got my weed taken by the cop last night and they assured me they would smoke me out! For the cause!

     10:40am  I'm walking back to the Carl's Jr. with all these kids. Roll-call? Brandon, Travis, Craig and Robert. Sorry I forgot your names. I haven't typed it up yet.

     10:58am  I forgot to tell you. I walked all the way over to the Carl's Jr. with all the surfers. Brandon just hooked me up with a little nugget for the cause. I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit.

                     Man, I haven't even told these guys my Odyssey story yet.

     11:54am They decided to go eat at some taco place. Pedro's Tacos. They were nice enough to get me a burrito, thanks. It's not that far from the beach I was just at, so I unloaded my stuff from their truck and I'm going to walk back.

     12:03pm  I am over here by where I camped last night. I want to walk to this pier they told me about. I have a bus pass if I see one coming.

Turning left on Del Mar.


I'm walking down Avenida Del Mar and the pier just came into view. I took a picture.
                     From here it doesn't seem like it has anything on the Ventura pier.

                     I just had an awesome presentation with Steve here on the pier. You'll be on there when I update it. Steve had the greatest reactions to my story. I hope I was able to make him feel like he was part of something bigger. Hell yeah, this place is a perfect platform for my storytelling. Pun intended. Just like the Ventura pier.

                     Dad and son who listened to my story.

                     I left the pier and ate half of a chicken sandwich I had. I'm going to walk back to the pier. Right now I saw some guy sitting down waiting for somebody. I approached him with my usual, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen. It's a free story. It's not religious, I promise." He listened to a lot of it at first, but then his friend showed up so I gave him my website. Okay, I'm going to walk to the end of the pier now.

                     Umm, I think I'm going to walk to Trestle Beach again.


                     I was standing at the bus stop close to the pier and this kid across the street yelled at me, "Nice shirt!" I walked across the street and gave him my site. Just making sure my garden grows. Plant the seed in every town I go. Fertilizing the countryside. You couldn't stop me with insecticide. I'm going over by the beach.

     3:30pm  I had some technical difficulties with my tape recorder. I think it's dead. It is, after all, the tape recorder I've been using for over six months. The same one I got wet when I fell in the creek in Morgantown, WV earlier this year. I am lucky I had a backup I've kept in my bag. It's a different brand and model. This one is an Olympus Pearlcorder. It also takes Double A's instead of triple. I don't have that many AA's. I'm also going to stop by the restrooms on the other side of the tracks and cut out some more havethisbook.coms real quick. This guy just walked by and let me have a cigarette. I didn't get his name because my tape recorder messed up. Good thing I have this extra one I “found” in my mom's house.

     4:08pm  I came to the onramp. South to San Diego. Let's see if anybody picks me up. There's barely any cars coming.

     4:11pm  Igor, from Russia gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     4:41pm  I got bored on the onramp. Basilone Road is three quarters of a mile away. There's a pedestrians prohibited sign, but screw it. I'm going to walk it. I don't have any weed on me. I smoked it all. Hopefully there's a gas station at Basilone Road.

     4:47pm  Crossing the San Mateo Creek.

     5:09pm  State Beach 1 mile, State Campground 2 miles. I'm just going to walk. I'm hoping there's a gas station nearby.

     5:15pm  Surf Beach State Park Camp straight ahead.

     5:20pm  I can see a sign over on the highway that says Oceanside 16, San Diego 53. I just might be walking to San Diego, guys.

     5:37pm  I took an impromptu meal break in the darkness. I ate a bag of chips. The tortilla chips I was given last night at the 7-11. I ate the whole thing and smoked a cigarette. I am out of weed.

     6:00pm  Walking in front of the Southern California Edison Company. Some big factory. Edison. It has something to do with electricity I am assuming.

     6:26pm  I didn't tell you, but about five minutes ago I took another impromptu meal break at the bathroom at this park. Oh yeah, when I walked in the entrance there was nobody inside or anything. I just walked past it. I've been walking this path ever since Trestle Beach. I'm going to keep going South. I am hoping there's a gas station nearby. Maybe not. I sat down ate some of my honey roasted nuts.

     6:33pm  I am up walking. I ate some peanuts and I'm walking now.

     7:10pm  Taking another break at parking space number 74, I think. This is a big park running parallel to the highway.

     7:12pm  Leaving. I might try and look for a campsite soon.

     7:36pm  View Point 2, Rest Area 5. Perfect.

     7:40pm  I got to this part where it says Authorized US Marine Property. I'm going to try and find a place to camp nearby, since I can't keep going.

I already found a place to camp. I walked along the fence towards the water and got to these sheer cliffs. I'll take pictures in the morning when the sun is up.

Next day..

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