

                                                                                           San Clemente to San Diego, CA

Saturday November 29, 2008

I am about to leave. I got plenty of sleep last night. I am going to take off now.

     7:18am  I woke up, loaded up and went to go look at the fence with the US Marine sign. I noticed the bike path goes right through it. I am just going to keep walking the bike path.

                   This morning when I woke up I even considered walking back to Trestle Beach and asking one of the surfer kids for a ride to Oceanside. It's not that far, like sixteen miles away.

                   Oh yeah, I walked the path that goes along the fence with the US Marine sign. I found a place to take a shit.

     8:35pm  I came over to where I stopped and turned around last night. I'm going to eat.

     9:10am  Ah, I took on a little project. See, the right shoulder strap to my pack has been wearing lately. From the stress I give it when I throw it on my back. It's coming undone at the upper point where it connects to my pack. I tried stitching it but it was tough. Then I realized I could disconnect both straps and just switch them, so the one that got the dominant arm yank would last longer. I just pulled out the pins and switch the straps. I will try to explain this better when I type it up.

                   Oh yeah, I even got an idea for my camera. The AA batteries in my camera are dying. I had put my two rechargeable AA's in my backup tape recorder. I'm going to see if there's enough juice left to power my recorder and then I'll put the other cameras in my batter... Uh, I mean other batteries in my camera.

     9:18am  I am walking. I'm going to walk all the way to the highway I see up there. I think this path I am walking goes all the way to Oceanside.

     9:35am  Coming up on the Vista View. Let's see what it looks like.

     9:48am  Leaving the Vista View. Nobody gave me a ride there. I'm going to walk the three miles to the rest area. I could just chill at the Vista View onramp, but not that many cars are driving by. I'm going to keep walking.

     9:59am  Las Pulgas Road, next exit, 1 mile. Less than a mile. Exit 62.

     10:18am  I stopped at Las Pulgas Road. I'm going to take a smokebreak and eat a little honey roasted nuts. I see a pedestrian's prohibited sign, but screw it.

     10:25am  Leaving.

     10:34am  Wayne was nice enough to pull over for me. I was two miles away from the rest area.

     10:38am  Wayne just dropped me off in Oceanside, hell yeah. Too bad my Orange County bus passes don't work here.

                     He got off at the Mission Avenue exit. I am on Mission right now about to walk into town.

     10:56am  I walked over to the Oceanside Pier. I am just standing here letting people see my shirt. When I walked to the pier at the entrance there were these two bible thumpers handing out flyers. They offered me one and I said only if you take mine.

     11:10am  I am in the pier bathroom taking a second shit. I didn't shit enough this morning.  Looking back

     12:01pm  I am at the corner of Pier View Way and Coast Hwy. I found a little paper clip on the ground and I was able to scrape a resin hit. Like two or three. I am all stoned. Resinated. I asked a bus driver how far I could get to San Diego on the bus and he told me. I asked him if I could get a courtesy ride, that I'd walk it if I had to.

                     I'm busy passing out my website to people. Right now I offered it to this girl and she started walking away. I told her, "Don't be scared." She accepted it and walked away real quick and dropped my site on the ground. I yelled at her, "I saw that! Have you always been that ignorant?! Nobody wants world peace!"

                     The 101 bus came as I was walking to the stop. Luckily, it was still there when I walked up to it. I thought the driver had been waiting for me.

     12:09pm  I forgot to tell you. I just got a courtesy ride on the 101. Going to San Diego now.

                     David gave me directions to Ocean Beach. He said I had to catch the 41.

     12:15pm  Look up Emily and Happy in Ocean Beach. Encinas Matt told me.

     1:40pm  I got dropped off at Genesee and La Joya Village Drive.

     1:51pm  I am at the bus stop here at Genesee. George and Matt walked up to me and asked me if I had a cigarette. I told them sure and gave them a couple. Then they asked me if I had a paper and I said sure again and, "Only if you're going to put it to good use." They kicked me down a nugget!

     1:58pm  It was awesome. After they hooked me up with a nugget I promptly pulled out my one hitter and took a hit. They saw my hitter and even offered to buy it off me. I told him sorry, that it's mission-critical...but, that I had a backup one hitter that I was more than willing to trade for some more weed. I showed them the extra one I had with all the paint scraped off that looks like a crackpipe. I had rolled a Bugler paper around it. At first they said no, but as I was loading up to get on the bus they changed their minds and I got an additional nugget of chronic! Welcome to San Diego, Victor! The 41 came and the nice driver gave me a courtesy ride, awesome. On my way to Ocean Beach.

     2:04pm  I ended up getting on the wrong bus. I could've sworn that David had told me to get on the 41. Afterwards I asked the driver if he went to Ocean Beach and he told me not at all. I got off the bus and I'm waiting for it to come the other way back to where I was. I got over by Genesee and Calgary Drive. I'm waiting for the 41 again to try my luck with a courtesy ride again. I got weed! Hell yeah!

                   The greedy ass driving the 41 told me no. "There are no courtesy rides, sir." I called her a greedy ass, hehe. Good little slave.

     2:11pm  Walking in front of UCHS. University City High School. Centurions.

     2:28pm  The nice 105 driver let me on for free. Thanks a lot. Everybody gets credit.

     2:35pm  Right now this ignorant gay dude came up me. I asked him for directions. I offered him my website and he accepted it. I told him it was about world peace through marijuana and he quickly handed it back to me, "I'm not interested." I asked him if he had always been that ignorant and said nobody wants world peace.

     2:50pm  The nice 30 driver is giving me a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

                   See, I always thought saying, "Writing a book.." would be easier for people to understand. "Conducting a study," seems much more professional. When I offer my website I'm going to add that to it too. "Will you check out my website? It's free. I'm a journalist. I am conducting a study on ignorance." Hell yeah, that'll drive it right home. Especially if they ignore me. "I'm conducting a study on ignorance. I was just testing you."

     3:28pm  I had an awesome talk with David. He wouldn't listen to my presentation so we had a conversation. He critiqued my scripts a lot. I had met David earlier on the bus and he had given me directions to Ocean Beach. Coincidentally he was on the bus I got on later. It turns out that I was supposed to ride the 41 to Old Town and catch another bus to O.B. I ended up getting off and doubling back on the 41. Only one driver has told me no today for courtesy rides. Right now he got on the bus and saw me and asked me if I had made it to Ocean Beach. After we talked for a bit he offers me a twenty dollar bill! He told me, "I gave you twenty dollars because you are an interesting person. Not your scripts. When I had seen you on the bus earlier you looked really interesting." He said I reminded him of a Lord of the Rings character. Like Saruman or Gandalf. Sweet, so I got money. Welcome to San Diego.

                   When I mentioned signs to him David told me that a while back, even though he's not religious he started saying the Lord's Prayer. Right when he got to the part where it says, "Give us this day our daily bread.." this lady pulls up in a car and offers him a loaf of bread. Whoa, that's crazy.

     3:53pm  I just got off the bus at Hornglen and Mission. I'm going to put my tights on. It's cold.

                   The bus I saw David on again wasn't going to Ocean Beach either. It was going to Pacific Beach so I just stayed on. They told me the two beaches were pretty close to each other. So many people have told me to go to Ocean Beach.

     4:38pm  I started walking the Pacific Beach Oceanfront. Right now this old guy went by on Rollerblades moving all slow. He was carrying a radio and moving all slow motion.

     4:57pm  I was walking down the Oceanfront here. I walked by these people on their front porch. They commented on me and I promptly offered them my website. When I walked up one guy told me, "You look good." I try to tell them my story, but ignorance prevailed. When I got to the part where I ask if they would work for free one guy said, "No," and walked off. So I'm getting all these signs to leave Pacific Beach. Then this guy Richard, I walked by and asked him how far was Ocean Beach. He told me, "Look up, there's Mars and Jupiter and they'll be aligning pretty soon." I asked him if I could tell him my story. I got to the part where I ask if he's willing to listen and he said, "No, no. I don't care. I just want to look at the sky." Screw this beach. The other beach is far away. I see the levee out there that it's on the other side of. Like two miles away. I hear I can't get there on the coast. That I'm going to have to walk around it. I'll ask for directions when I get closer. I better get trucking. I even have money for food. I bought me a pouch of Buglers and everything. Thank you so much, David. I really appreciate it, brother.

                   Scriptage change. "Just like alcohol in the sixties and marijuana today, just too widespread to control." I just got that inspiration after I took a hit of weed. This is some good chronic I got.

     5:32pm  I'm just walking along the sidewalk and this girl who was walking with two other people asked me, "Where did you start from??" It's obvious that I am on a mission. I told her San Antonio, TX and gave her my website. I went into my story with her and she said she'd listen. Soon after I started her two friends walked off. So I asked the girl if she was still willing to listen and she said, "Well, I just got ditched." I smiled and said, "That's okay, just check out the website." I'm going to take a picture of myself and show everybody what I look like right now.

     5:35pm  Right now I had a battery-crisis. I had two fairly new AA's in my camera. I set the timer and took a picture of myself, but I forgot my stick. When I walked back to set the timer again the camera had already turned off by itself. I had my rechargeable ones in my tape recorder, so I switched them out and both worked. Then I thought wait, I have money. I can get new batteries. I'm going to go find a store.
     5:50pm  I had an awesome presentation right now with these four black girls. They were all about my shit and agreed with everything I said. Then one said, "It's starting to get cold." That's what the website is for.

                   I'm all stoned. It's going to be a nice walk to Ocean Beach.

                   In response to people who criticize me for telling my same story so much. See, sometimes I feel stupid when people tell me that I don't know how to improvise. It's not so much that I can't but more like I won’t. I don't let myself. A long time ago I realized that as many people as possible have to hear the same exact story. For years before my website was up I was telling this story, so that way it could spread by word-of-mouth and then when my website went up it would spread like wildfire. Everything is going just as planned. That's not an excuse. It's valid-justification. My story is important. It's really important. It's something everyone should be obsessed about like I am. It's world peace I'm after here.

     6:00pm  I walked almost to the levee and passed this house. I saw some dude outside and I asked him how to get Ocean Beach from here. He told me I had to walk back to the rollercoaster. I haven't even told him my story and he offered to smoke me out!

     6:05pm  Haji is the name of the nice brother who offered to smoke me out.

     6:38pm  I am getting directions to Ocean Beach from Blake. Blake: "Alright, you're basically going to go Wetminster Bay Drive right here. There's a frontage road parallel to it right in front of the Hyatt. Follow that frontage road and you'll see Marina Village. Then you're going to see a bridge over the San Diego River which goes to Ocean Beach State Park. The main street is Newport Avenue. Once you cross the river go right all the way to the end of the jetty and you'll be at the North end of Ocean Beach. Then you can go left and see all the bonfires. The street right before the pier, that's Newport Avenue. That's the main street."

     8:00pm  Welcome to Ocean Beach, Victor. I got an escort all the way to OB. Blake had a lot to say himself, so I didn't tell him my whole story. He walked me and his bike all the way over to Ocean Beach. Right now I'm going to look for a store where I can get some batteries.

     8:03pm  Turning right on Abbott.

     8:05pm  I just bought some batteries at the liquor store.

     8:10pm  I just got to Newport Avenue.

                   Add to my story, "I am doing something that nobody has done before, but could very easily do."

     9:50pm  I should make an update right now. See, when I first got to Newport Avenue I went and stood in front of Hodad's Burgers. They have this table that looks out the front window. I had me an audience, hehe. I cut some more papers and did some other projects. Then I went inside and ordered a burger for six bucks. I'm stuffed. I walked a little bit down the way and I was leaning on this pole eating. This beautiful girl walked by and I only offered her my website. After she left I was bummed. I totally should've tried to tell her my story. She had already gone away, aww. Hopefully I can manifest here somehow.

                   I never mentioned. A little bit ago I walked out on the pier. I wish I knew of a place to crash tonight. I might be able to crash at the end of the pier, but I'm worried about my stuff.

     11:00pm  I took a picture of Snipes and friends at the pier. They'll have my back when I go to sleep tonight. San Antonio has got protection in San Diego.

I am crashed out. I made friends. I told my Odyssey three times in a row! I had like a big two hour session of storytelling. This guy had just gotten out of prison. They totally enjoyed my story. I had some great listeners. Anyway, I made my bed behind this bench at the end of the pier. I'll take pictures in the morning. Alright, goodnight.

                   Vatos on pier  Tattoos

                   Welcome to San Diego, San Antonio.


Next day..

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