

                                                                                                              Ocean Beach, CA

Sunday November 30, 2008

     7:35am  I've had a really relaxing morning at my squat at the end of the pier. I have my portable floor laid out. There's even a bench out here for me to sit on and smoke weed. All these Mexicans are out here speaking Spanish. I had some sewing projects. I sealed up some holes in my camo cargo shorts. Also a knee on my tights. Thank you, Troy from Minnesota. I love these tights. I'm finally getting ready to go. I'm packing up my stuff.

     8:15am  Derrick at the end of the pier hooked me up with a hit of weed. Thanks a lot. Everybody gets credit. Be sure not to mention the name when I type it up.

                    I had a really interesting encounter on the pier. This guy walked up to fish. I overheard him all stressing because he was homeless. He offered me a hit of weed and handed me a pipe. He also sold me a little nugget for my last four dollars. I was going to do laundry with that, but I can always ask for spare change at the laundromat. Anyway, since Derrick smoked me out I logged his generosity and hit him up for my story. He got a little weird with that. I started telling him my story and right off the bat he puts me on hold and tells me, "I have to interject. I've done enough stuff to put me away for life, so please leave my name out of it." I told him, "Fine, whatever. I just want you to hear my story." I had overhead him talking about getting a PO Box for some money-making thing. He asked me if I could help him fill out some form. Like it's so hard to fill out an application for a PO Box, or something. I told him, "Can I help you fill it out after I tell you my story?" He refused saying he wanted to do that first. I looked over the application and everything was filled out. Then he got up and started fishing. I reminded him I had a story to tell him. Right when I started, when I say, "You're going to think I'm crazy...just like I want you to." He cut me off and said, "I'm going to stop you right there. You're trying to brainwash me. I've heard stories like this before. You better watch what you say. We might fight." I told him, "Violence only leads to more violence. Forgiveness is divine. Words can only offend you if you let them. Sticks and stones." He told me, "Well, c'est la vie." So I got my sign to leave the pier. He sold me a tiny nugget for four bucks. That's alright, though. I've got more weed.

                   The government's got that guy by the balls. He's all scared and paranoid that I'm trying to brainwash him. I am trying to brainwash him. I'm trying to clean everybody's brains. They're all dirty and polluted.

     8:38am  Right now this one girl, I saw her sitting there. She wouldn't let me get into my story. She was real nice about it. I told her that's what the website is for. She told me, "You know what. I just wanted to sit here and be alone." I should've offered to tell her my story instead of just give her my site. She's a really pretty girl. She told me she'd check it out when she got the chance.

     9:20am  I had a good presentation with Officer Crane. He was real nice. He gave me the basic ground rules like no spitting and that I had to get off the wall to smoke. I don't know. I'm going to have fun today. As soon as the sun comes up it'll be nice. Officer Crane told me, "Enjoy your time in OB."

     9:27am  I did an emergency backpack repair. I lost one of the round clips that holds a retaining pin in place on a strap on my external frame pack. I was able to Jerry-rig it with twine. I'm going to walk to the library now. I'll go in the #sandiego channel on Undernet and tell people I'm in San Diego.

                   I walked to the Launderland Laundromat. I see another one across the street. I have all my stuff washing. My shorts and everything. I have another sewing project to do on my camo shorts, which I should've done before I put my clothes to wash. I hope washing it won't make my shorts unrepairable.

                   Right now at the laundromat this surfer dude came up to me and said, "Hey man, I checked out your website. It was cool." Sweet, recognized.

     10:35am  Sean was nice enough to give me a quarter so I can dry my clothes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:47am  Judith was nice enough to give me a quarter for the dryer. I appreciate it, Judith. Everybody gets credit.

     10:57am  Tyler hooked me up with a quarter for the dryer. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                     I asked this old guy inside if I could give him two dimes and a nickel for a quarter and he told me, "I had already set one on your bag outside for you."

                     David is the guy's name that had left me a quarter for laundry. David told me that he rather I not have known it was him. I told him I was surprised nonetheless, thanks. It was still a surprise, David. Thank you.

     11:38am  I am sitting in front of the laundromat sewing and Randy just walked up to me and kicked me down a bag of trim!

                     Konkrete killers, Google it

     12:40pm  I had a great presentation with this guy that had a big tattoo on his forearm that said Herbivore. He came outside and asked me what was going on. I offered him my website and hit him up for my story. He listened to a bit of it before he got a phone call and had to go. I was at the part, "How can alcohol be legal? Alcohol breeds ignorance, and ignorant people are easy to control. The government knows that. That’s why it's "legal." Instead of saying the government knows that, say "The government is well-aware of that fact."

     12:45pm  I was walking through the parking lot and Stephen, who works at the flower stand here, he offered me a mandarin orange! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     2:13pm  Dennis walked by and I offered him my website. I tried to tell him my story and he invited me over to his car that's a little warmer. He told me something about how in India they have something called Banglassi, a hashish milkshake.

     3:35pm  Eric was nice enough to give me a honeybun over by the wall.

     3:54pm  Earlier I went over to The Wall where all the squatters hang out. It’s The Wall of Ignorance, hehe. I couldn't tell my story. I offered to smoke a trim joint with everybody. I even gave some away. This guy asked me for some and I told him to hold out his hand. He volunteered me a dollar for it. I came over in front of the surf shop and exposed my shirt. Even if they don't talk to me I just want them to see my shirt. So they'll never forget.

     3:57pm  Crazy, this dude just rode up on a bike and gave me a big hug for my shirt. He didn't have time to listen to my story, but I gave him the website. He talked to me about DMT. He told me about how people had visions of other people and how they would just disappear. I told him my Datura trip was exactly like that.

                    4861 Coronado Avenue. Matt.

     4:33pm  Matt was nice enough to give me a cigarette. Matt: "Matt Zelga from China Grove." He says he's going to the first libertarian president of the United States ever. Get 'er done.

     7:08pm  I had a great time hanging out with Jackie. I told her some of my story on the sidewalk and then she invited me to drink a beer. I told her so many stories. I told her all my jail stories and everything. Right now I'm going to walk to the fire they have going on the beach.

     8:22pm  I came to the fire and I just had a great presentation with Angela, the cashier at the ARCO. She hooked me up with a hotdog for the cause. She let me get ice too.

I had a superb presentation with Angela. I ate a hotdog and now I'm going to walk to 4861 Coronado. Some guy told me to come by his house. He had wanted me to go there when I met him. I asked him if he was drunk or would be at his house. He told me that all of his friends were already drunk. I told him forget it, that I would rather stay on Newport passing out my website and letting people see my shirt. Now that I'm done on Newport I'm going to go to Matt's house and see if he'll let me camp in his backyard.

Next day..

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