

                                              Ocean Beach to San Diego, back to Ocean Beach, CA

Monday December 1, 2008

     5:20am  I woke up around 4:45am with only about four hours of sleep. Last night these street kids told me that I could squat at one of the many in a line of churches on Sunset Cliffs. So I walked Newport to Sunset Cliffs and turned right. I walked like over half a mile and I didn't see any Churches. Eventually I came to St. Peters by the Sea and saw this line of bushes next to it that had plenty of room to sleep in. A little corridor between the building and the bushes. Well, to my surprise the sprinklers came on and I had to throw my blue tarp over me. I got a little wet, but not nearly as much as if I hadn't had my tarp. I should go to a laundromat and dry my stuff.

     5:45am  I am all packed up and ready to go. I crashed out behind the bushes at St. Peter's Preschool and Church. I won't take pictures because it's dark. I got six hours of sleep, I think. I am going to look for a bathroom somewhere.

     6:30am  I forgot to tell you, right close to Adair Street by the church there's a laundromat that opened up at 5:30 this morning. I got to dry my stuff that got damp last night. I have to find a bathroom. I have to take a shit real bad. I had to take a shit last night when I went to bed, but I held it. That's probably why I didn't get much sleep.

     6:39am  I'm walking up Sunset Cliffs. I forgot to mention that last night I walked by the Masonic Center they have here.

I just got done from taking a huge shit in the bathroom at the lifeguard station on the beach. Somebody made this awesome sand claw sculpture. It's badass.

                     Friend I made

                     Happy holidays

     9:09am  I had an alright morning. I went to the wall and tried to tell my story. I went to the firepit and hung out there too. Ignorance reigned at both places. I was thinking about checking out San Diego tonight. Downtown San Diego, I mean. Spread the word there. There's a lot more to San Diego than Ocean Beach. I have been here for the weekend. I'm ready to go. I'm going to check my email first off, since I couldn't yesterday.  Listener Jugglers

     9:12am  The library doesn't open until ten thirty. That sucks. I'll walk back to the main drag and tell my story. I've got two bucks. I'm going to buy some food somewhere. At the gas station or something.

                   Ha, it was funny. I took a huge shit this morning in the public restrooms at the lifeguard station. I remember looking at it when I stood up and it looking like a huge pyramid jutting out of the water. I had to go bad. Well, later on the janitor guy told me I had broken it, that the toilet didn't work after I used it. I told him that it flushed just fine for me. I clogged the Ocean Beach toilet! Shit happens, I told him.

                   I’ve got bragging rights, totally.

                  Cowboy is being nice enough to give us a burrito. We were hungry, bro. Everybody
gets credit.

     10:35am  Hell yeah, I just got kicked down a little bit of hash for telling my story. By a beautiful girl.

     10:40am  Oh yeah, the dude on the bike that gave me a hug yesterday just came by and he's taking me to his house. What's your name, bro? Tabs. We're going to go over to his house and smoke.

                     Be sure to download DMT - The Spirit Molecule by Rick Straussman, MD.

                     Be sure to download Three Cups of Tea. Who is the author? Greg Mortonson

                     Directions to the thrift store. Tabs: "It's on the left side of Newport Avenue between Bacon and Cable Street if you're walking away from the ocean."

                     What's greater than God, less than the devil, the poor have it and the rich want it? The answer is nothing.

                     Tabs told me they did a study where all these people of different ages were asked that question. Tabs said that children got it right substantially more than adults. Want to refresh my memory on that story, Tabs? Email me.

     12:25am  I came to the library. I'm waiting for it to open.

     1:18pm  The first driver didn't give me a courtesy ride. The first 923 to come. I have two bucks, but I want to use that on food. I'm all hashed out. I got kicked down a little chunk of hash by this pretty girl I forgot her name. This beautiful girl who listened to my story great. She was one of two girls who I had started telling my story to. In the middle of it one walked off. The one who stayed behind listened to my shortened spiel and I even got her to listen to the Note From the Rich. "Can I tell you something else? I didn't write it. I found it on the Internet. It's kind of funny. I've been telling it for years. It's called The Letter from the Rich to Everybody Else. It starts out, "Dear Slaves..."

                    Ha, I just asked this girl at the bus stop if I could tell her my story and she told me, "You've already told me your story." Damn. So, that's my sure sign to leave. I am not coming back to Ocean Beach. [Now that I'm typing this up I should've told her, "I have a lot of stories."]

                    Oh yeah, Jackie last night signed my guestbook.

Date:  2008-12-01 09:26:33
Name:  Jackie
Number:  327
Hey there Victor! I wanted to thank you for spending some time with me last night to share your
story... or stories. Your message is powerful, so keep spreading it! Keep in touch when you can,
and let me know if you ever need anything.
peace, Jackie
by the way, the website is fantastic, as are you.

     1:45pm  Scott hooked me up with a whole pack of cigarettes! I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit.

     2:10pm  Scott even asked me if I needed a couple bucks. Thank you so much, Scott. Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps.

     2:20pm  Downtown San Diego. I've got everything. Paranoid-check. I'm going to go to the public library now. I should take a picture.

     2:35pm  Man, the dickheads at the library here have a tiny box your bag has to fit through. Almost like the public library in Downtown Chicago, just smaller. I'm going to look for a park.

     2:45pm  I just almost got hit by a train! A trolley. I almost walked right in front of one. I guess I should wait until the light turns green.

     2:53pm  I hit up the Dominos for mistakes, but they didn't have any right now. Anyway, I'm going to walk to this Balboa Park. I'll go there and look for stoners. I've got two bucks. I'm going to eat somehow. I'm going to find a store somewhere.

     3:12pm  I walked to the Balboa Park somebody told me about. In the grass I just found an unopened long Slimjim! Perfect! This isn't that big a park at all. It's like only the side of this hill. Oh yeah, at the liquor store I was able to buy a big thing of some Marietta cookies for only a dollar! I bought a thing of Ramen too. I was really surprised to find food that cheap at a liquor store.

                   12 servings of 130 calories. I wonder how much that is. 1560

                   I walked to Balboa Park and Joseph asked me, "Hey, have you been to New Mexico before?" I told him I've been all over New Mexico. He said he gave me a ride once. What else can you tell me? In Anthony, NM. To Las Cruces, he thinks. Alright, I'll look it up. Thanks for making contact.

     3:50pm  I got all stoned. I'm still hitting that hash on top of a little trim.

     3:58pm  Ha, I just had a crazy encounter with some homeless people. Heather, Mama On the Street, she said, she gave me a kiss. She told me, "I know who you are." We had almost the same exact bracelet. Hers was religious but it was same exact design as my Puerto Rico one. What a coinkidink. I'm going to walk back into town. San Diego sucks so far. I miss Ocean Beach already. I was going to go talk to some kids, but they were bum alcoholics. I want to find somebody to tell my story to. I’ll go back downtown.

     4:30pm  I just got off the train at City College. I'm going to go see if I can check my email at the library. If I can get on the computer at the library I can talk to people from IRC. #sandiego

                  Hmm, I guess I could just ride the bus to Ocean Beach again and crash out there again.

     4:34pm  Manny here at the Papa John's hooked me up with some pizza. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     4:35pm  See, I had tried hitting up the Pizza Hut earlier, and the guy said no without checking. I walked some more and came upon a Papa John's. I went and asked the Mexican dude behind the counter if they had any mistakes they could hook me up with. He told me, "Let me check." He asked his manager and I heard his manager tell him, "Hook him up this time, but tell him not to come back. He could get in trouble for that." I got hooked up! Hell yeah. It wasn't a whole pizza, but beggars can't be choosers, haha. I'm going to walk to this college and eat it.

     5:38pm  I've gotten some bad signs. At first the girl at the library told me that I had to be a student to use the computers. I went and asked another lady if I could just check my email and she said yes. I got on IRC, but nobody talked to me in #sandiego. Downtown sucks. There's like no central park or nothing. The ignorance is really thick here too. I'm thinking I just might ask for a courtesy ride on a random bus and see where I go. I don't know what's what in this town at all.

     6:33pm  AJ hooked me up with a train ticket right now in front of the Subway over by the college. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:50pm  I just got on the blue trolley going to Old Town. That dude was cool. He gave me a daypass. I can even ride the bus too. I'll still ask for a courtesy ride...then I'll go psyche! I got a daypass, hehe.

     7:10pm  I just got off the trolley at Old Town. I'm going to get on the bus to OB, Ocean Beach.

     7:17pm  Going back to OB. On the 35 bus now.

     7:40pm  I'm back in OB. At the train station I was on the wrong side of the tracks so I had to get on the other side. Some guy was walking around too, going to the OB bus. The footbridge to the other side was down the way a bit, but you could hop down on the tracks and jump to the other side. I saw signs saying not to cross the tracks and I paused. Then I saw that other guy drop down so I did too. Fuck the system, I told him. The bus was just about to take off when we got to it. On the bus I hit him up for my story and offered him my website. He told me, "I'll look at it right now," and pulled out his I-Phone. He started reading and told me he was really digging it. Right before we got to OB he told me, "Meet me on the strip tomorrow and I'll get you breakfast." Nice, I have breakfast tomorrow covered. Welcome back to OB, Victor.

     8:35pm  I am talking to Bill. What's your opinion on my presentation? Bill: "It's definitely very, very cool to have someone so inspiring around. This is a bit of inspiration that recently changed my life lately and I just want to tell you that, for whatever it's worth, you have something that a lot of people search for. "Life is not easy for any of us, but what is death? We must have perseverance and above all confidence that we are gifted in something, and at whatever costs it must be attained." That was my Mary Carey. She was a Nobel Peace Prize Winner from 1867 to 1934. Yeah, it was very, very, very cool to see somebody that has actually found purpose, and like you say, at whatever costs you are trying to attain that and that's something that a lot of us search for all the time. Especially me. That's something I look for. You have it. I'm jealous."

                    Anybody can do it. Detailed instructions at

Hell yeah, welcome back to OB, Victor! Bill was cool as hell. We parted when we walked to his apartments. He said he would invite me up, but his girlfriend might mind me just showing up. I told him no worries and we parted. I walked like a block then I hear someone yell Victor. Bill told me that his girl wasn't there, and if I wanted to go smoke. Why sure.

                     Some dude

     9:50pm  I had a really good presentation out by the fire pit. I might crash at that same church even though the sprinklers will come on at midnight. I'll put my tarps up.

I'm coming up on the church. It's far. Saint Peters by the Sea. I'll be sure to get my tarp ready for when it rains.

Next day..

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