


Ventura, CA

Wednesday November 29, 2006

     4:01pm  I haven't made any loggings today. Me and Carol got into another big argument. I just want to leave already. She was all, "Just give me another month." I told her, "No, I am not going to change my mind in thirty days. I want to be free again. I want to be free of you." She got all butt-hurt when I told her that. She kept trying to bribe me with sex and everything. I am just sick of it. I just want to go. I don't want to worry about Carol. I mean, I woke up at two seventeen and she's gone.  Now I have to worry about whether or not she went to kill herself. That pisses me off. I hate this shit. I should never gotten together with an older woman. I should've learned back with that Shannon lady I met back on AOL. She tried to kill herself over me too. So did Chasity! I mean, I did present Carol an opportunity to save the world, but she's slowing me down. I don't need to wait for her. I mean, I always told myself that it wouldn't matter if the girl was overweight, because if she walked with me she wouldn't be for long, but Carol is slowing me down hardcore. I already walked my four years before her. My physical health is suffering now because I am being slowed down by her. I'm just going nuts. Now I have to worry about her. I hope she comes back. I have some resin to smoke with her. Damnit, I wish I knew where she went.

     4:23pm  Carol is back.

Next day..


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