


Ventura, CA

Friday December 1, 2006

     5:44am  Right now I am at the methadone clinic. The tweaker clinic. With Bob. He comes every morning at five thirty, so I'm getting a ride with him to Project Understanding so I can get new glasses. My glasses are broken because I shot myself in the face with a rusty flaregun. Right now I am waiting for him and Elena to come out of the tweaker clinic.

     6:05am  I got to Project Understanding about three minutes ago. It's closed. The early bird gets the worm. I'm going get some new glasses.

     8:09am  Dude, I can't get my new glasses! I've been here since six waiting and because I don't have my ID I can't glasses. This sucks.

     9:13am  I went to Catholic Charities and waited there until nine. They don't have any forms to help me get my ID. But, they did have a bin of spare glasses I looked through and I found a pair that worked. They're kind of cool. Doesn't look like I'll need new glasses at all.

     9:19am  I just got on the bus going towards Spinnaker and Harbor. I got a pair of glasses, so that's alright.

     9:33am  I just got dropped off at Spinnaker and Harbor. I'm walking to River Haven.

     10:35am  I just walked to the Chevron. I walked here and got some water and took a piss. I'm going to fly my sign right by the front door of the Chevron, hehe.

     10:59am  This lady just drove by and waved at me, "Hello, hello." I thought she was going to give me money, but she was trying to hand me some Jesus flyer. Then she read my sign and snapped her hand back, "Oh, world peace through marijuana, I can't support that." Bitch, like you'd be supporting me with your Jesus bullshit, or something.

                      I can't wait for the cops to show up. This should be funny. Just a minute ago this cop car drove by me and he didn't tell me shit.

                      This one bitch from the realty place

behind the Chevron came out and told me that I had to move, that I was on private property. I told her, "It's a public parking lot." She was all, "You're stopping traffic." I told her, "The stop sign stops traffic here." I told her, "Call the cops already. Get someone with some authority. Complaining won't do shit."

     11:09am  David just hooked me up with a dollar. Just like that. I was just standing there with my sign. I gave him my webpage.

     11:13am  Sweet, this dude just up and hooked me up with all these sandwiches, hell yeah. Right when he was giving me the sandwiches the cops pulled up. A female officer was driving. They just kept going. They didn't see my sign when I drove by. What a good day so far.

     11:14am  Jacob just hooked me up with a dollar. Hell yeah!

     11:56am  That dumb bitch who came out and told me shit about flying my sign earlier, she's all following me around and shit. Anyway, I got hooked up with those sandwiches from this dude who worked for Rell's, he hooked me up with like fifteen sandwiches. He had just switched them out at the Chevron. They're going to get hot and go bad so I walked around the Vons trying to give them away, hooking everybody up. All of a sudden, I see this homeless girl spanging over by the bank. I went over there and gave her a sandwich. Then that one lady who had been following me around approached me with her cohort. I thought they were walking up to me, but then they didn't so I walked off. Then they started following me again. So, I'm going to go back in front of their office and fly my sign some more, hehe. Haha, call the cops, bitch.

     11:58am  Oh yeah, the place where that bitch works at is Calgard Associates 998 whatever the street is.

                      I'm at my stop sign again on Seaward. The two ladies just stood there looking at me and I asked them what they were doing. She told me, "Oh, just hanging out." I told them that I was waiting for the cops to get here too, hehe. Then one lady said, "I'm going to get my sign," and walked inside. That's funny. I'm going to take a picture of her when she comes out, ha.

     12:16pm  Fuck yeah! Dude, the coolest shit happened. Carol just showed up.

     1:10pm  Man, I have an update to make. I was out there arguing with that realty lady. It was hilarious. She pulled out a big poster board that said WORLD PEACE WITH A SMILE.


I told her, "Well gawrsh, that's cute. Thanks for the help! Cool, I'm going to take a picture of that. Thanks for helping me, lady." She all smiled, but then tried to stand in front of me trying to cover my sign. I was all running around her, having fun yelling at the top of my lungs MARIJUANA MARIJUANA MARIJUANA! I even hopped up on the base of the light pole and held my sign real high so she couldn't cover it. She all yelled at me, "Oh, get down now! That's dangerous." I laughed at her and said, "What are you going to? Call the cops?" I stepped down, got in her face and yelled, "Call the cops already!" She said, "Oh, you just threatened me! Thanks a lot!" She started walking off. I asked, "How the hell did I threaten you?" She said, "You yelled at me." I wondered how that was a threat. She even said, "I've got a witness!"
                      Then Carol walked up. I thought she had gotten the note that I left for her. See, when I got back from getting my glasses Carol had left me a note saying: "Victor, went to Turning Point to check on getting the car fixed. Be back soon." Oh yeah, and Carol has an update to make about the car. Then I put on the note: "9:55am, Carol, I got my glasses, came back and went to Vons to fly my sign. Meet me there if you can. Much love, Victor. WPTM!" Then all of a sudden, when I was playing with that lady, I see Carol! I thought she had gotten my note.

                      Here, Carol, take over from what happened with you. Carol: "I went up to Turning Point and talked to Kim because yesterday Rolando had talked with her. He told her that Carol who lives at River Haven needs help with getting a car part." I went there and was talking with her. She told me that she didn't know if they could do it, but she showed me a list of other people who might be able to help. I got all the phone numbers and she let me use the phone in the back. I am sitting there calling all these people asking them if they can help me. They keep referring me somewhere else saying they're out of funds. And that you had to come in and fill out an application and that it would take ten days. Well, we need to get the car fixed by Monday because I have to go to Bakersfield. So I have enough money to fix the car, but I won't be able to pay the rent or anything. So I was trying to get help. People kept telling me no. Then I got referred to this CAT thing. Some Christian thing. I call them and these dumb ladies come back and tell me to call the police. Shocked, I asked, "Are you kidding me? If I call the police they'll arrest me. The cops arrest homeless people. They don't help them. Umm, how long have you been doing this?" I got mad and hung up. Well, Kim and this other lady overheard me and told me I should call back. That I didn't explain it right. So I called back and talked to the lady. She was still trying to tell me to call the sheriff. I couldn't believe this.
                      Well, this guy sitting next to me overheard the whole thing. This guy asks me, "Well, what do you need done with your car?" I told him I just needed the struts. It's a hundred and thirty dollars and a forty dollar tow. He told me, "Hang up the phone. Tell that lady goodbye, because I got an idea." This lady kept talking with me and this guy got insistent. He yelled at me, "Hang up the phone! Tell her goodbye." When I hung up finally, he said, "I'll fix your car for you." He said, "I have a VA pension coming in and I'm homeless. I get six hundred dollars a month to blow." He told me to call the wheel shop and I did. He talked to the guy at the wheel shop and the tow truck came and took the car. He said it would all be taken care of. Kim was sitting right there. She knows him. Said he was an old hippie. He said, "Pay it back if you can. If you can't that's okay." His name is Billy."

Next day..

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