

                                                                                                              Ocean Beach, CA

Wednesday December 3, 2008

     2:55am  I just woke up. I got soaked last night.

     3:33am  This really blows. My stuff got wet and I still have two hours for the laundromat to open nearby. I don't have any quarters so I'll have to wait for someone else to show up so I can ask for a quarter or two. I'm going to walk back to the church now. I have all my stuff laid out on the sidewalk in the dark. I am hoping the wind will dry off my tarps.

                   It sucks, I thought I had mastered that squat. I thought I could have my tarp set up and I wouldn't get wet. I was wrong.

     5:45am  I am all loaded up and up and at 'em. I have lots of wet stuff. Hopefully there will be somebody at the laundromat.

                   Damn, there's not. I'm going to walk to Newport Avenue with my damp gear.

     6:52am  I should make an update by now. I got lost this morning walking away from the church. I walked all the way up this hill because nobody ever came to the laundromat at five thirty. I laid out my tarps on the sidewalk and even hung up some stuff on the fence to drip-dry. My stuff didn't dry at all. Well, the tarps got pretty dry with the wind. I just walked all the way to the public restroom at the lifeguard station and I am making my morning deposit. I just got to the laundromat on Cable. I'm going to see if I can bum some quarters to dry my stuff. I'm tired. I only got four hours of sleep last night. I'll try and take a nap today in the park. I'm thinking about skipping town.

                     This nice lady is giving out donuts to everybody. She says she does this at every paycheck.

     11:25am  I am leaving the laundromat. It was a good morning. I got all my stuff dry.

     12:39pm  I am going to try to take a nap in the grass over by the beach.

     1:00pm  It was beautiful Bridgette I just told my story to in the grass. I took a picture.

     4:32pm  Beautiful Nikki came up to me and gave me a pot brownie. She started listening to my story at the cliffs.  More people at cliffs.

     5:17pm  I had an awesome time with Nikki la Page aka Glorious. She listened to my story gloriously.

     6:07pm  I am at the bum-feed at the church. I am having a good night. I got a full tank at the bum-feed. I had a wonderful presentation with this beautiful girl named Nikki. She's a college graduate and felt like her education was wasted because all she got was the piece of paper. She listened to a lot of my stories. Head injuries and everything. She smoked me out and gave me a couple nuggets for later. There's a big farmer's market downtown with lots of people, so I have to go expose my shirt. I'm going to walk to Newport Avenue.

     6:15pm  Oh wait, I'm going to stop at the library and check my email real quick.

     7:38pm  I just had a really moving presentation with Josh. I think I made his day. See, I offered my webpage to somebody who just kept walking by and ignored me. I asked, "Have you always been that ignorant?" Josh was walking nearby and that caught his interest. He walked up to me and I laid it all on him. In the end he even gave me a hug. He gave me a dollar too. I'm going to go get some cigarettes.

     8:18pm  I just had a superb presentation right now. Note From the Rich and everything. People walking by even stopped to listen, hell yeah. I had like a four or five person audience. All these people from Brazil, I think.

I have an update to make. I went to the ARCO and my friend Sean was there. I was standing outside smoking and this guy pulled up in a car and walked by me and said, "Nice boots." I offered him my website then he noticed my shirt and invited me to smoke weed at the cliffs with his girl. I tried telling him my story in the car on the way, but he wouldn't listen. He was from Portugal. He wouldn't let me finish. I told him he was probably better off checking out the website.

                    Oh yeah, we ended up driving to these cliffs really close to church I sleep at. I thought this guy had saved me the walk all the way out there. After we smoked a little joint he tried looking at my site on his I-phone. When we got in the car to leave he asked me, "Do you take a shower?" I told him once in a while. He told me I had to meet his roommates. I said, "Give me an audience." Then he added, "If you come over you have to take a shower." It hadn't hit me at first, but he was insinuating that I smelled. I told him I was pretty clean, that I used deodorant. At first I was a little offended, but then I told him, "Thanks for being honest." I even asked his girlfriend if she thought I smelled and she said no.
                    I could've sworn that he had offered for me to come over and take a shower so I could talk to his friends. There was a language barrier too because he was from Portugal. We got back in his car and drove away. We were all the way over by the ARCO again and he asks me, "Well, where do you want to go?" I told him, "I thought you said I could take a shower at your place." He went, "Oh no, I meant that you would have to take one before you came over." He said I could come tomorrow, but not now. And I had been all happy that the cliffs we smoked out was over by the church. He drove me all the way back to the church. I'll make my bed and crash. At least I got stoned. I still have a little bit for later on. I'm out of cigarettes, too. I'm going to bed. The sprinklers shouldn't come on tonight.

Next day..

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