


San Antonio, TX

Saturday December 4, 2004

                      I woke up at five for some reason. I think I went to bed kind of late, like at eleven or something. I woke up at five for some reason. I had two hits left on my pipe. It was so cool that David smoked me out at the park yesterday. I had asked him, "Hey, is there any weed in the park?" He stood up and said, "Yeah, let's go smoke." We sat down on some bench on the other side of the park. Over by the 9/14 stop. He had hooked me up with a roach and I took a hit last night when my mom took me out to Cici's. I waked-n-baked this morning and smoked a cigarette, a rollie. Now I'm going to type up my stuff.

     11:28am  My mom, she needed the computer, so I got off and took a nap. She gave me nine dollars last night. I'm going to try and turn that into some weed today on the bus. I'll go to Travis Park. She told me that if I cleaned the whole house she'd give me forty dollars. She's leaving May 18th to Puerto Rico for a couple weeks. She had told me, "I've got this lady who will clean the house for forty dollars." I told her, "I'll do it, mom. Don't worry about it." She is still with her indirects. She said she was going to buy me some new clothes. Like new thermals and stuff. And some shoes. We're going to celebrate Christmas on the 18th.

     1:04pm  Oh yeah, I have to make an update. The coolest thing. I got on the 91 when it came. Some guy at the hospital recognized me. He was all, "Hey, it's the traveler." I showed him my list and everything. When I got on the 91 I saw this dude in the back with a cute little dog. A cute little sausage dog. A Weimerimer, or however you spell it. The driver was all yelling at him to keep the dog in his lap. I walked to the back and told the guy, "Hey, can he sit in my lap?" He was just the most adorable dog in the world. I asked the guy what the dog's name was and he told me to look on his collar. He had a little metal tag and his name was "Chronic Weed." Oh shit, I hit him up for my story quick. He listened to me. I even told him my Bexar County Jail story where I got hit by a cop. Then I showed him Fawn's Message to All and he was all freaked out. Then, this girl gets up and she just hands me this paper. I'm going to type it up. Things happens for a reason. Here's the paper this girl just randomly gave me. On one side it says, "Peace in Iraq." On the back it says:

                   What they don't say on TV:

                   An independent, peer reviewed study published in the British journal The Lancet in November 2004 found at least 100,000 civilians, mostly women and children have been killed in Iraq since the invasion in March 2003. The leading cause of death was air strike.

                   At best, the bombs the US uses in Iraq are 80% accurate according to the Pentagon's own data. Even if this is true, the smallest type of bomb used is 500 pounds, and has a blast radius of 400m, which means it can destroy anything within this radius.

                   800 Iraqi civilians were killed in the 2 week siege of Fallujah, according to Red Cross estimates. (Inter Press Services)

                   38 American soldiers were killed in the fighting.

                   Most US media outlets reported that civilians had fled the city of Fallujah. However, according to independent journalists inside Iraq, 50,000 civilians, mostly poor and people who had nowhere to go, remained in the city during the siege. (Inter Press Services)

                   The Red Crescent and other humanitarian organizations were denied access to Fallujah by the US military for at least the first week of the siege. This is a direct violation of the Geneva Conventions. Without the assistance or these organizations, civilians in Fallujah were not able to get food, clean water, and medical attention that they desperately needed. The Ministry of Health of the interim, US appointed Iraqi government stopped supplying the hospitals in Fallujah 2 months before the siege began. (Inter Press Services, Al-Jazeera News)

                   This girl just handed me that paper when she got off the bus, for no reason. That's what I get for being out here letting stuff happen.

                   I'm going to go to the park and get some weed.

     2:15pm  I went to the park. I smoked some weed. I told my story to this this one kid, I forgot his name, but he had his own story. When I got tired of talking to him I decided to catch the bus home. I have weed. The #5 pulled up and I asked the driver if he'd hook me up with a transfer. The 91 pulled up behind him. He hooked me up with a transfer, so I got on the 91. When the 91 got to the hospital I saw the 610 waiting there. I asked the guy if he'd hook me up with a courtesy ride and the guy let me on. I'm on my way home.

     9:40pm  I don't know if I ever told you. When I got home my mom had gotten home right before me. She was unlocking the door as I was walking up to the house. First thing she told me was, "Oh, I got you something to eat." She got me a good KFC platter. Like three big pieces of chicken, some mashed potatoes and some gravy and some little biscuit. It was awesome. Perfect, I was hungry too. I came home right on time. I've been typing up my stuff ever since. I'm really excited. I'm already on November 7. In New Mexico for the second time. Today is Saturday, Decmber 4. I just need one month to go and I'm caught up.

Next day..

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