

                                                                          Santa Ana to Anaheim to Venice Beach, CA

Thursday December 11, 2008

     4:50am  I just woke up in the armory and took a picture.

     6:12am  I forgot to tell you. I rode the shuttle from the armory to the civic center. I was told I could fly a sign on 17th and Main Street, so I’m going to do that today.

     7:02am  I am standing here in the breakfast line waiting to eat. Patrick came up to me and asked me how I was doing. I gave him the usual happiest-man-in-the-world line and he asked me, “Do you want to go for a walk?” “Why sure,” I tell him, knowing exactly what he meant. He’s going to make me a little happier.

                   I came to the Burger King and filled up my bag with ice. I’m going to try and get a courtesy ride to 17th.

     7:25am  The nice driver let me on. I appreciate it.

     7:32am  I have secured my spot on Main and 17th. Let me take a picture of all the traffic backed up here.

     7:52am  Santos gave me a cigarette on 17th. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:20am  I am leaving my spot. All these Mexicans are scared. I want to go to Ventura.

     8:26am  Fidel is giving me a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     10:13am  I am leaving town today. I’ve already decided that. Oh yeah, I’ve been hanging out with this dude Matt I know from the civic center. He’s going to take off traveling with me. He wants to go to Venice Beach, which is on the way to Ventura. I’ll let you know what happens. Oh yeah, I just told David goodbye. I had gone before but he wasn’t home, so I just left his walking stick. Matt and I just came to the 420 bench and we’re smoking. This girl from the Isaiah House just walked by and told me David was there. I went over there and got to say goodbye to him and give him a hug. I’ve tied off everything in Santa Ana and I am ready to spread my wings and fly. I’m all stoned. Thanks, Matt. We’re going to try and score a courtesy ride to the transfer center.

     10:35am  The greedy ass driver wouldn’t give us a courtesy ride. We’re almost there anyway.

We got on the bus and paid fare.

                       Dude on bus.

     12:23pm  We just landed at Disneyland. The bus terminal here.

     12:25pm  Ben hooked me up with a cigarette at the Disneyland transfer center. I appreciate it, brother. Ben has worked with a lot of famous people like Prince and Jewel.

We jumped on the 461 going towards Venice.


     2:22pm  Downtown LA. We’re looking for 7th and Spring to catch the 33 to Venice.

     2:23pm  I took a picture at 7th and Flower.

     2:30pm  Wolfie and Bob walked up and talked to me and Wolfie gave me a cigarette.

     2:39pm  Sid gave me some change for the bus. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:52pm  We just got on the 33 bus going to Venice.

     4:08pm  We are in Venice.

     4:20pm  We just walked up to the oceanfront. Let’s see if someone will smoke me out. I’ll pass out my website.

                   Oh yeah, Matt got on my nerves. He got all tight and greedy. Right now he just ditched me. These hippie dudes with dreadlocks showed up and he just walked off with them. Good riddance.

     5:20pm  I should make an update by now. I told you that Matt and I had parted. When I was walking from the bathroom I saw him again. We came to the beach and he smoked his last bowl with me. I put my tarp down on the sand and we unloaded our stuff. He’s trying to make a hackey-sack with a sewing kit. I showed him how to thread the needle. Then he took my stick and made a big pentagram in the sand. Then I got the idea to write out in the sand too.

     5:37pm  Man, Matt is starting to be a drag. His crazy ass jumped in the cold ocean. I took a picture, but you can only see the splash. He’s way too scatterbrained. He’s cramping my style. Venice Beach was our destination. This is where he is staying. I want to go back to Ventura soon and I don’t want to take Matt with me. I’m going to go show my shirt off on the oceanfront and spread the word.

     5:39pm  I’m walking along the oceanfront now and Elijah stopped me and asked me, “Didn’t I see you in Madison, WI? Recognized, awesome. I’m everywhere.

     5:54pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette on the oceanfront. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:28pm  Chuck just volunteered me a dollar. I wasn’t asking for anything. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:05pm  Matt and I are following Elijah to what coffee shop? Abbot’s Habit. I’m going to go chill there and see what’s going on.

     8:00pm  We came over to Abbot’s Habit coffee shop. I went inside and got a coffee and Elijah and Pearl saw my shirt and they’re going to smoke a brother out for the cause. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

                   Elijah: ”More important than my name is the awareness that I contain. I am an benobo evolved. Frugivore. Look it up.” I’ll ask wikipedia. 

     8:28pm  I forgot to mention that the other day in Santa Ana, over by the civic center, this guy dared Matt to drop down off the wall and Matt did it and broke his board in half. He kept the trucks and wheels and he just got kicked down a brand new deck! Everything happens for a reason. He offered to smoke everybody out with the last of his weed and he got a board. Pay it forward.

                    Oh yeah, and I just tried to tell these dudes my story. I had their permission and everything. These hippiecrites failed my test hardcore. As soon as I started the interruptions started spewing out of them.

     10:55pm  Awesome presentation with Noel right now. Awesome. He loved my story and the note from the rich. Nice, on my way to save the world.

     10:57pm  Noel just came by and gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:30pm  Barbara was nice enough to give me a cigarette on the oceanfront. I appreciate it, Barbara. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

I’ve had a good night giving out my website. I gave all the ones I had away. Luckily the library is opened tomorrow and I was told I get ten free printouts a day. That’s awesome. Oh yeah, this Elijah guy who recognized me from Madison, Wisconsin last year, he’s going to show Matt and I his squat by the canal. We’re walking.

Next day..

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