

                                                                                                              Venice Beach, CA

Friday December 12, 2008

I just woke up. I got six and a half hours of sleep.


     8:07am  I am leaving from the squat. I should take pictures. Last night Matt and I were shown this awesome chamber next to the canal. The gate to it is locked, but Elijah knows a way to pull the poles apart with some rope and a piece of wood so we could squeeze inside.

     9:25am  I thought the library opened at nine thirty, but it opens at twelve today. That sucks. Now I’m going to walk all the way to the oceanfront.

     9:40am  Nicolas me dio un tamale. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

                  Awesome, I got hooked up with a tamale by the guy pushing the tamale cart. I hit him up in Spanish, “Me puede dar un tamale para la paz mundial, por favor?”

     11:48am  I am having a great presentation with gorgeous Heidi. I just told her my entire Odyssey in the grass right now. Oh yeah, and she gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Heidi.

     12:03pm  This guy just gave me a nugget! Hell yeah, score! Good to see somebody wants world peace, hehe. Just as I was sitting in the grass telling Heidi my story, this guy walks up and rewards me, sweeeet.

                     Be sure to download the Captain Planet song and have that playing in the background on my homepage, ha. Yeah right.

                     It was so awesome. I got to tell my whole Odyssey to this beautiful girl. She wouldn’t let me take her picture though. Right in the middle of my story with her this guy just walked up and gave me a nugget of weed! I’m doing some good work. Thank you, Love.

     12:45pm  Earl hooked me up with a cigarette on the oceanfront. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:12pm  I am all stoned. I’m going to walk to the library and check my email. I wonder if it’s true if I get ten printouts for free. Rumor has it.

     1:18pm  I was walking to the library all hungry and Earl just walked by me and asked me if I was hungry. He gave me some food. Way to support the cause, brother.

                   Earl: “I gave the food to you in the name of Jesus Christ.”

     3:15pm  I had some technical difficulties. I ran out of batteries. Oh yeah, and Drainbow-Matt, he made me trade him a brand new disposable camera for only two AA batteries. Cheap ones too. I needed the batteries bad, so I accepted the swap and I am recording again. I had yet another awesome presentation when I came out of the library. I got a couple printouts and that’s bullshit about getting ten free. Afterwards I went outside and saw this girl at the bus-stop. She said she just missed her bus. I hit her up for my story while she waited for the other bus. She decided to walk and invited me to walk with her. I put on my story while I was walking, which is a bit tougher to do, but she listened great.

                   Oh yeah, I had some badass entries on my guestbook!

     3:50pm  Tino hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:35pm  I’ve had a little evolution to my signing. I secured my workstation in the empty vendor spot by this guy selling old Star Trek models. He wouldn’t listen to my story though. I went back to the spot and I saw Matt again walking around barefoot holding a sign that said DEADHEAD IN NEED. He is all living it up in Venice. I got the idea that I should be walking around holding a sign too. Matt is a drainbow. He takes a lot more than he gives.
                   See, I’m not able to expose my shirt wearing all my bags, but I figured out a way I could strap my frontpack to my big pack and my CamelBak too and have all my bags on my back. It’s a workout, but it enables me to walk around the oceanfront with my WPTMJ shirt exposed holding my sign that says SUPPORT THE CAUSE.

     5:55pm  I got really tired so I came back to the canal, the chamber I crashed in where you have to force the bars open with a rope and stick. There’s nobody here and the “lock” is on the gate, the poles aren’t stretched far enough to get in. The bars are a little bent so I tried to squeeze in. I got my head through alright, but my hips weren’t going to make it, let alone my pack and stuff fit through also. I gave up and sat down for a cigarette. I took the liberty of tagging and WPTMJ with a peace sign. I took a picture of it. This wall here was all tagged up anyway.

                   I’m tired. I want to lie down and go to sleep, but I don’t know where I’m going to camp. I think I saw bums sleeping at the library.

     6:22pm  See, I had walked over to the canal too early. I thought I would wait for Elijah to show up and open the door again. I was walking away through this parking lot and I see a box of food on the pavement. I tapped it with my stick and noticed it wasn’t empty. I groundscored like two orders of Hooter’s chicken wings! One order was even beer-battered. It was delicious. I scored a shitload of chicken wings. I ate all of them. I am stuffed. I’m going to walk around and look for a cigarette to bum off of somebody. I don’t know. I still have my bags attached.

Doug was nice enough to give me a cigarette on Pacific Street. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

                    Abbot Kinney

     7:05pm  Andrew, I came to Abbot’s Habit, the coffee shop I came to last night and Andrew gave me a little orange. I hit him up for my story. It was him and his girlfriend and they didn’t have time for it, so I gave them my website and told them to sign my guestbook.

     7:25pm  Jerry was nice enough to offer me some food in front of Abbot’s Habit. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     7:50pm  Joe Hursch, at what is this place? Some art gallery. Joe: “My girlfriend she is conducting a study on an endangered species.” Joe volunteered me and this other homebum some food and a little wine. We appreciate it, brother.

     7:56pm  Trip just hooked me up with a couple cigarettes in front of this art show. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:03pm  I should make an update. I got bored at the coffee shop. I want to try and find a place to camp. I walked to the library because I thought I saw homeless people there last night. Oh yeah, I saw Elijah at the coffee shop and he told me that rumor had it that the cops were going to raid the canal tonight, so that I shouldn’t crash at the chamber again. I wonder where else I can crash.

     8:25pm  I ended up walking the wrong way on Main Street. I kept asking people for the library and got pointed far away. I just walked into Santa Monica. I’m going to see if I can get a courtesy ride back to Venice Beach.

                   The nice driver gave me a courtesy ride. I don’t have to walk it back. I’m going to go back by the library, by the canal.

     8:30pm  I just got dropped off back by the library.

What was your name? I went to in front of the chamber to crash and there was somebody else there. Shaggy hadn’t heard the rumor about the raid, so he came to crash in the chamber too. He knew Elijah and when I told him Elijah had said there was going to be a raid he said forget it too. Then all of a sudden he asks me if I would want to go on a canoe ride! Shaggy and I grabbed a canoe that they keep here and carried it to the water. Right now I am sitting here in the canoe with oar-in-hand and Shaggy is giving me a little canal tour. What fun.

                    I didn’t make any more entries that night. Shaggy and I ended up crashing on the sidewalk right on the other side of the chamber gate and the cops never came.


Next day..

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