

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Friday December 14, 2007

     7:27am  I got eight and a half hours of sleep last night. It's drizzling today. My mom is all depressed because she hates her job. She wants to try and retire. I don't know what she's going to do. I feel sorry for her. She's lived her whole life not working at her purpose. A lot of people are. Her purpose wasn't to slave away at college and get a master's degree in psychotherapy and then be teaching special-ed highschool kids. She's an overpaid babysitter. I see that she's real distraught with that, even though she doesn't come out and say it. I can tell though.
                     But, she did give me ten dollars. I am having this big dilemma. Should I use that money to get weed? I need to buy a new pipe. A new fake cigarettte. It's mission-critical. It's nine bucks. So I'm going to ride the bus to Planet K. I'm going to scrounge around for some change for bus fare and ride the bus to Planet K.
     12:07pm  I could catch the 12:09 608 close to my mom's house, but I'm going to catch the 606 up on Guilbeau. I'll ride it to the Walmart and then catch the 88 to Bandera and Wurzbach and walk to Planet K on Evers.

                     I Scotch Guarded my Adidas rainpants this morning. Let's see how long it lasts.

     12:18pm  I walked up to the Citgo and I caught the bus to the Walmart. The driver let me on for just fifty cents.

     12:27pm  I just got to the Walmart. Thomas just hooked me up with three cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:35pm  The greedy ass driving the 88 won't give me a ride.

                     This pretty girl who I gave my webpage on the bus to earlier, she noticed I wasn't getting on and she volunteered me some busfare. I appreciate it, Natalie. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     12:59pm  Hell yeah, I made a friend on the bus. This cute girl Natalie. At first when I got on the bus at the Church's she smiled at me. That's all it takes, so I pulled out my webpage and handed it to her. When we were at the Walmart she came up to me and asked me, "What's your webpage about?" I told her and she was all smiles. I showed her all my pictures on the bus. See, I couldn't afford bus fare because then I couldn't buy my pipe. I asked the driver for a courtesy ride and he said, "I don't give courtesy rides." Natalie noticed I wasn't getting on the bus and she paid my fare for me. The driver felt guilty and said, "I just don't want to get in trouble." That's right. Be afraid. Be afraid. Haha, I'm at Planet K now.

                     I left Planet K and I cut through The Willows Apartment. I barely got through the closing gate. Right when I pop out on the Wurzbach side I see the bus coming down the street. Perfect timing.

     1:21pm  The nice driver driving the 534 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. Mr. 5722.

     2:00pm  I went to the hospital, but there was no cool-looking people. I wanted to get smoked out. Well, I saw the Ingram-bound 534 and just decided to get on that. Maybe there will be some kids smoking under the bridge. It's drizzling so I doubt it. I'm at Ingram already.

     2:09pm  Dude, my powers of manifestation astound me. I totally said I was going to go to Ingram and get smoked out. I was just walking around the transfer center, not waiting for a bus or nothing. I noticed this girl begging the security guard for change for a phonecall. I heard him tell her, "Well, what's in it for me?" I immediately walked up to the girl and gave her fifty cents. Then I see this girl looking at a cigarette on the moist ground, nudging it with her shoe. It was obvious she was trying to see if it was weed and I smiled and told her, "I wish." She winked at me and nodded me over. She finished talking on the phone and came over to me and told me she was going to give me a little. She said because she had seen me volunteer that girl change for the phone call. Beautiful Kyra hooked me up with like half a joint and a Lone Star foodstamps card with eight dollars on it!

                     What a total manifest that was. See, earlier I left Planet K and was wondering where I could get smoked out at. I cut through The Willows and the 534 came. I thought I might go hang out at the hospital and wait for somebody to give me some. I went and nobody did. I remembered I had gone to Ingram not too long ago and smoked under the bridge. It's all raining so I didn't think there would be anybody right then. I said screw it and jumped on the Ingram bus anyway. I walked around the transfer center and I see this pretty girl asking the security guard for change for a phone call. I figured I had like a dollar's worth of quarters in my pocket, so I asked the girl if she needed some change. This other girl Kyra witnessed me giving the girl change. I saw her kicking a cigarette butt with her foot. She hooked me up with a little joint's worth! Hell yeah! Presto-manifesto! She said it was because she saw me give the girl change. It all comes around. She even gave me her phone number.

     2:55pm  I just had a most glorious presentation with Marie and Crystal here at the transfer center. They listened to my whole Odyssey and everything. It's so cool that I got hooked up with some weed by that girl. I totally manifested it.

     3:05pm  I'm going to walk to this taqueria who hooked me up a long time ago(1-31-04, 9:55am 4-14-04, 9:54am 2-3-05, 10:50am). Let's see if they'll hook me up again. I put my wig on because I am walking at this intersection where I flew my sign the other day. In front of Ingram Mall. Hopefully people will recognize me.

     3:09pm  Mickie me esta dando comida en Villa Maria's Prado's. Te lo agradezco, seƱora. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.
                   Hehe, she told me to sit down. Treated like royalty. She was all, "What do you want?" I told her, "Sorpresa."

     3:37pm  I am leaving on the 610 back towards my mom's house. I got a little weed. I got typing fuel.

     3:57pm  Coby hooked me up with a cigarette on the bus. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.
     5:18pm  I forgot to mention. I was still wanting a cigarette really bad. I have like a dollar twenty five. I need a whole other dollar more to get a pouch of Buglers. I wasn't sure what to do. I couldn't ask my mom for a dollar, she told me those ten dollars she gave me had to last my all week. Hehe, I spent it all on my pipe. Then I got something to put in it! That was awesome. I want to call this girl Kyra and tell her my story.
                   So since I already manifested some weed I'm going to manifest me some tobacco now. I'm going to walk up to Church's and see if AK will give me a dollar.

     5:38pm  Sean just hooked me up with a cigarette at the gas station. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:54pm  I forgot to tell you. I walked up to the Church's to try and manifest another dollar for cigarettes. I didn't. This cool dude gave me a box with two of them, so I smoked one and brought the other one home for later. So that was kind of cool. I walked back home and I'm going to call this girl Kyra who enabled the magic earlier today at the bus station. I'm still smoking on the weed she gave me. I'm going to call her and see what's going on.

     5:56pm  I forgot to tell you. That girl Kyra, when she gave me her phone number she gave me a Lone Star card with eight dollars on it. She hooked me up big-time.

                   *Now that I am typing this up(on 1-10-08), I noticed I didn't forget to tell you.*

Next day..

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