

                                                                                                              Ventura, CA

Monday December 15, 2008

     6:53pm  I just woke up. I got six hours of sleep. I’m cold.

     7:58am  Shit, my digital camera is messing up. The thing won’t retract. Like it’s stuck. Sounds like it’s got some grit in it or something. I put brand new batteries in it and it still doesn’t work. What a hit to the mission. But, good thing I have a backup digital camera. I’m going to load up and get out of here.

     8:31pm  It’s working again. My tape recorder. I am having technical difficulties today. I have to go spange like a hundred bucks to get a new digital camera. Lorenzo and I are walking to Catholic Charities for breakfast.

We just left the laundromat. I got all my stuff washed. I have tons more socks. Both right side compartments of my pack is socks.

                      Dudes I talked to.

     11:25am  I stopped underneath the pier and took a little meal break and smoked. I’m all stoned. I’m going to walk to Sanjon now. Hopefully I’ve got no competition at my spot. Hopefully I’ll get hooked up with some money so I can go to the thrift store and get some supplies. Oh yeah, at the laundromat this morning I found a little Santa Claus hat for my stick.

                    Oh yeah, I’m kind of glad I parted from Lorenzo. He kind of reminds me of Matt from Santa Ana. He’s all sucking on my weed nipple. He told me, “I should make up a story too. I should play a game like you.” Sarcastically I told him, “Just memorize my story. Change it out to instead of saying Victor you say him, or something. Second person. Or whatever it’s called. Memorize it like that.”

     11:35am  First donation of the day, this guy gave me some change.

     11:45am  No competition at my spot today. It got cold. I had layered down over by the pier, but I’m going to layer up again.

     12:45pm  This bum is harassing me. He keeps asking me how long will I be at the spot. Man, why does everybody always gotta fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace? I’m giving something back. I’m not just another bum. Who cares how long I’ll be here? I’m saving the world!” Wingnuts in this town.

     1:47pm  It’s about time I made an update. I stopped flying my sign. One bum told me he was going to take a nap and hopefully I would be done when he woke up. Then this other bum came and harassed me about the spot. I’m going to leave, but I want to give this spot to the first bum that asked for it. I can see him sleeping nearby. I’m going to cross the street and wake him up. I’ll tell him to secure the spot before the other bum does. He woke up and said he didn’t care. I walked over to Pierpont. I got like eight dollars total. I figure I’ll go to Pierpont and spread the word there.

     2:04pm  I just left the In and Out Burger. I got me a burger and fries. I filled up my bag with ice too.

     2:53pm  I hiked all the way to Seaward, by the Chevron I use to fly my WPTMJ sign at years ago. The traffic is slow. Wait, I see some hippie hitchhikers on the onramp and the traffic seems to be picking up. Maybe I will fly my sign here.

     4:35pm  I walked to the library and it turned out to be closed. I asked this guy in front of the Topping Assembly Room, which is connected to the library, if he would check out my website. He asked me what I was doing and I told him my story and he volunteered me five bucks. He’s there for this Obama rally they’re having at five. He invited me, but I don’t know if I’m going to go. He said he was going to give me a donation on my website. Hell yeah!

     4:53pm  I just had an awesome presentation with this one guy. He listened great. Great presentation. I’m going to go to the thrift stores and look around.

I was bored downtown and I remembered about the shelter and how they pick up at six. So I hiked all the way to Peking Street, the landing, they call it.



                   Oh yeah, my camera isn’t broken anymore. It extends and retracts fine now.

     5:40pm  Mac hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

We just got to the shelter. Another armory. Third one so far on this trip.

********************* Recorder had broken ******************


Next day..

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