


San Antonio, TX

Monday December 16, 2002

                   Okay, so it's Monday morning. I put down a big board next to the fire and got about four hours of sleep in the woods. I woke up and it was all friggin' cold. I ate one of the oranges I had and I put the other one in my pocket. I also ate the other granola bar I had. I'm walking all the way back to the gas station to get more water. Then from the gas station I have to walk like a mile and a half to 1604 where I hope there's a bus. At the gas station I'll use the phone and call and see when the bus is coming. My feet are aching, but it's all part of training. I'm sure they'll hurt more on my trip. Well, I guess I'll talk to you when I get to the gas station.

                   Damn, it's like around four thirty in the morning now. I could've sworn the gas station was open twenty four hours, but it's locked. Nobody is there. I don't get to refill my water and I'm just going to walk to 1604. There's a payphone there but I don't have fifty cents. Ahh, it's not like the bus operator would be working this early anyway.

                   Okay, I'm walking down Stone Oak Parkway and I'm about to pass this big hospital and I bet you I'll be able to get some water in there somewhere.

                   The time is about four thirty seven.

                   This hospital seems to be all closed. Hmm, it says to please enter through the emergency department and I see a big arrow pointing to the left. I'm going to go look for it because I need some water. It's an emergency, hehe.

                   Okay, I went into the emergency room and got some water at the fountain. Ahhh. Okay, I'm going to walk back to Stone Oak and keep walking to 1604. Hopefully, by the time I get there, the buses will be running. Hell, I don't even know where the nearest bus stop is. Oh well, what an adventure.

                   Okay, I'm still on the hospital grounds. There's a bench here and I'm going to sit down and eat my other orange, then I'm out of food.

                   Singing: "I took a little nap where the roots all twist. Squished a rotten peach in my fist and dreamed about you, woman. I poked my finger down inside and made a little room for an ant to hide. Nature's candy in my hand or can or pie."

                   Okay, now passing Sonterra Country Club. The time is about five oh five. I think I still have a long way to 1604.

                   Yeehaw, Loop 1604. The time is about five fourteen. I'll go to the Diamond Shamrock and get some more water and maybe bum a cigarette.

                   Okay, I don't know where the hell I am. Well actually, I'm on Stone Oak Parkway right inside 1604 in Hollywood Park neighborhood. I called the bus operator from the Diamond Shamrock and they didn't start work until six. I asked the worker at the gas station if he knew where there was a bus stop close by and he said right across the street. I went outside and didn't see any though. I'm just going to walk through this neighborhood and hope I run into a bus route. It's five twenty right now.

                   Badass, I just got to the intersection of Voigt and Sage Crest. I looked on the telephone pole and I saw one of those arrows the bus drivers use to direct them on their routes. I look across the street and there's a 648 bus stop. I guess I'll just walk the route until the bus comes. Later on.

                   Whoa, crazy. I'm just walking through the neighborhood here and I just spotted five deer just hanging out in a yard. I stopped and they're all staring at me motionless. That's crazy. Deer with big antlers and everything. I'm glad I got my stick, hehe. Okay, I'm going to keep going.

                   Okay, I'm turning left on Voigt Drive and Meadowbrook. That's where the bus route turns. I can see the marker on the telephone pole. I'm going to walk to the next bus stop and smoke the cigarette the guy at the Diamond Shamrock let me have. Oh yeah, there's some more deer at this intersection here.

                   Okay, I stopped and smoked a cigarette at Meadowbrook and Voigt like I said. The bus stop number is 8811-S. Route 648. I'm going to walk the route some more.

                   The time is five thirty six right now. Hopefully, the bus will come soon. Maybe not for another hour. Who knows?

                   I was walking down Meadowbrook and I saw this older lady walking out into her yard. I said good morning and she asked me how I was doing. She was a very nice old lady. I wasn't sure if I was still walking the bus route so I asked her if the bus passed through here. She said that it used to, but not anymore. I asked her where the nearest gas station besides the one I had just been to was. She told me over by Highway 281. I asked her how to get there and had her record some directions for me into my tape recorder. She told me to go all the way down Meadowbrook until it ended. After that, I was to turn left twice and end up on Mecca Street and that the highway was very close and I would be able to hear it from there. I asked her if she could estimate the mileage to 281 and she told me it was probably one mile away. I told her thanks a lot and to have a great day and walked off.

                   The bus doesn't pass by here anymore, bummer. Let's see what happens. What a nice old lady that was. Cool, by 281 there will be some restaurants I can hit up for free food.

                   Okay, the time is now is six oh five. I just passed Meadowbrook and El Cerrito. I don't see any more markings for the bus, so I guess she was right and it doesn't run anymore over here. Unless the route turned somewhere and I didn't see it. Man, I'm really hungry.

                   I just passed Meadowbrook and Fleetwood.

                   Meadowbrook ends at Sequoia. The lady told me to take two left's so I'm turning left on Sequoia. I'm looking for a street called Mecca.

                   Okay, I'm at Sequoia and Mecca. Turning left again. Cool, I can hear the highway from here. It's about six twenty. Badass, I can see cars going by through the trees. I see some big billboards and hopefully I can get something to eat pretty soon.

                   Mmm, Chester's Hamburgers. One of those would sure hit the spot right now. I doubt they're open. Nope, they're not. I wonder if there's a donut shop nearby. They would be open this early.

                   Okay, I see a bus stop on the access road of 281. Cool, a Taco Cabana. I've gotten hooked up there before bunches of times, because the ladies working in there are usually Hispanic, Catholic mothers and you know how much they love feeding people.

                   I just passed the 502 bus stop. Whoa, there's a Jim's up here. I'm going to go see if they'll give me a free salad. A free salad would hit the spot. Hell yeah. I bet I can bum a cigarette off someone in there too.

                   Wow, the coolest shit. I walked into Jims and I gave the cashier my line. I told her I walked from Bandera and 1604 to Stone Oak Parkway yesterday and I crashed in the woods and walked all the way there. I asked her if she could hook me up with a salad, something cheap so I can keep walking. She went to the back and talked to the manager and the manager came out and I talked with him. He was a nice old man. I shook his hand and told him my name was Victor and I'm a long distance walker. I told him my story and how I was training for a very big walk soon. He said he understood and asked me if I wanted something to eat. I told him to surprise me and he told me to have a seat and he would bring it out.
                   Here I am sitting down. I took off my backpacks, unlaced my boots and took them off. I massaged my feet a little while I waited. It had already warmed up a bit so I took off one of my t-shirts leaving my Don't Mess with Texas shirt uncovered. They brought me out a badass breakfast. Egg and hash browns with sausage and toast. Yummy. Great breakfast.

                   Okay, I just left Jims. The time is now seven exactly. I wonder when the bus is coming. I wonder where I am, hehe.

                   I'm at bus stop 3464-S on the access road of 281. There was this dude waiting at the bus stop and I asked him if he had a cigarette. He was some Asian guy and didn't understand me so he kept nodding his head yes. I said, "Well, can I have one?" I brought my fingers to my mouth to show the universal smoking gesture and he shook his head that he didn't have one. I asked him if he knew when the bus comes and he told me soon. My feet are tired.

                   The time is seven twenty. Here comes the 502.

                   Anyway, the time is about eight twenty now. I'm at University Hospital already. I was smoking a cigarette and the 605 pulls up, the doors opened and I asked the driver if he had a wait. He got all mad and told me to get my cigarette away from the door. I told him, "Fine, I don't need you!" and I walked across the street hoping the 620 hadn't come, which goes to the same place the 605 does.

                   Okay, I caught the 620 going to the grocery store. I then caught the 622 to the elementary school and I'm walking my happy ass home now. I'm about ten minutes away from a hot shower. I'm going to massage my feet, hop online, check my email and maybe crash out, maybe not. I don't know. Oh yeah, I'm not that tired. Maybe I'll type up my great adventure I just had. I even bummed an extra cigarette for later.

                   Oh yes, I'm home and nobody else is. Okay, this is where I'm going to end this shit. I'm going to take my gear and my boots off and go take a shower. Let me check my email first.

Next day..

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