


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday December 17, 2002

                   Okay, today is Tuesday, December 17th of 2002. It's about seven twenty four in the morning. I'm going to walk, umm I don't know. I'll probably catch the bus and I'll go to Carlos' house. See, I'm bartering with Carlos. He has a lot of Double-A batteries that I need for my trip. I told him that I would do some chores at his house in exchange for some batteries. Today I'm going to go do that. Later.

                   Okay, it's been quite an interesting morning so far. Let's see, I got on the computer. I woke up around six this morning. I went to bed early last night. I got on AOL and went to the San Antonio chat room. My presence is known there. Everybody thinks I'm crazy and talks shit about me. I was just idling in the room and everyone started going off on me. I would simply remind them all how much I owned them and to just look at how much time of theirs I'm wasting. Me, some stranger on their computer.
                   Well anyway, my mom came in and started bitching(as usual) about how much the room stunk and how I have to clean it. She was just bitching and bitching. For some reason she just loves starting her day like that. I decided I was going to get out of there. I'm going to go catch the bus and do some shit. Last night, I had called Carlos up and said, "Hey man, I need to barter with you. You have something that I want and I don't have any money. Therefore, I want to exchange some services for it. A couple nights ago, I noticed you had a big 24-pack box of Double-A batteries. I want as many of those as my chores can pay for." Carlos went and looked around his house and came back to the phone and said, "Yeah, we need the bathroom cleaned(which probably hasn't been cleaned since the last time I cleaned it) and the house needs vacuuming too. I asked Carlos how many batteries he would trade me and he went to see how many were in the box. He came back and told me he would give me eight if I did those chores. I told him, "Well, I want them all. I'll do some more chores." He said I might be able to dust too, but he couldn't give them all to me. He told me to come around nine today and it was like seven thirty when I decided to leave. Man, I can't go that early. Hmm, screw it. I want to get the hell out of my mom's house. I'll just show up early and see if he minds. If he does I'll go walk around for an hour. I just left. I had to rush for the bus and I totally forgot to eat. I didn't even brush my teeth. I was hurrying getting out of the house to catch the bus.
                   I was walking out the door and my mom goes, "Victor, will you take the trash out for me?" I was like, "Sorry mom, I have to go catch the bus. If you take me to the bus stop I can take the trash out for you." She's always trying to find someone else to do the dirty work for her. She said she couldn't so I just took off for the bus stop. I caught the bus by Braun Station Elementary. I thought I would be able to smoke a little weed at the bus stop, but there was a cop right there so I didn't. I ended up taking a hit on the bus instead. Then I thought hmm, I'm going to go do chores and I haven't even eaten anything today. If I ask Carlos for food he'll get pissed and think, "And you want my batteries too?"
                   I rode the bus all the way to University Hospital. I'm going to try and go steal me some Boosts from the hospital. I'll go load up on some of those liquid nutrition drinks and get a good charge for the cleaning. Then, I'll probably get to Carlos' house around nine.
                   I got off the bus at the hospital and I bummed a cigarette and I'm smoking it now. I'll be back later.

                   Shweet, I rode the elevator up to the sixth floor and when I walked past the big room where all the therapists usually are, it looked like the whole staff was having a big meeting. Badass, the nourishment room should be empty. Sure enough it was. I grabbed three of those Two-cal drinks. I got about fifteen hundred calories in my bag right now. Which means I'll be fueled up pretty good. I'm hungry too. I'm going to go downstairs and wait for the 91 Extended Trip to Babcock North(Carlos' neighborhood). The time is about eight thirty five now so I should get there around nine. I should make my appointment with a full stomach of everything I need and nothing I don't. Ha, to the victor go the spoils.

                   Okay, some interesting stuff has happened this morning. When I was walking over the bridge that connects University Hospital to the VA hospital(where the elevator to the bus terminal is) I saw the 91 Extended Trip pulling up. That's the one I need to be on so I quickly hit the down arrow on the elevator. I was hoping, hoping, hoping it would hurry up so I wouldn't miss the bus. I didn't though. I ran outside and caught it just in time. Badass. I'm still hungry. I haven't eaten any of that stuff I snagged. As I was on the bus I thought hmm, maybe I can get off at West Telemarketing and bum a cigarette and drink my stuff. Then I can get on the next Babcock North bus. I checked the schedule to see when the next Babcock North bus would be and found that the bus I was on was the last one to go out to Babcock North for another four hours or so. Shit. I can't stop and smoke a cigarette. I'll just stay on and ride all the way. Hopefully Bob will have a cigarette I can smoke. At least I won't be wasting time just standing around. Okay, that's what's happened so far.

                   Okay, I'm at Carlos' house. Out of a total of twenty four batteries Carlos said he would give me eight if I cleaned the bathroom and he would give me ten if I vacuumed and dusted too. I'm thinking maybe I'll only take advantage of eight and just clean the bathroom. I'll just go shoplift some batteries somewhere. Alright, so I'm going to drink some of my stuff. Too bad Bob's not awake so I can get a cigarette after I drink this but oh well. I'll go ride the bus around and bum one somewhere.

                   Okay, the time now is ten twenty. Man, that was a joke at Carlos' house. I got me eight batteries cheap. Carlos told me that the bathroom was worth eight batteries alone. He said if I did some other stuff he would give me two more. Oh big whoop, two more.
                   I cleaned up that bathroom real quick. It really wasn't even that dirty. I just polished it off and I just got me eight batteries. Alright, cool cool. Oh yeah, and I saw that Bob had all this survival shit in the garage, even though he never uses it. He had some ready to eat meals and some more camping survival stuff. On the day before I leave, I'm going to see if I can weasel some out of him. Alright well, signing off.

                   I'm done at Carlos' and I checked the schedules. The 91 extended trip doesn't come for a long time. I checked the 604 which is the closest walk, but that doesn't come for like another hour. I'm just walking. Maybe I'll go over to Andy's house and see if he's got a cigarette.

                   Oh yeah, the 605 passes close to Andy's house and I'm right on time for it. I'll just go back home and jump back on the computer. Badass, the Braun Station bus. I forgot all about that. Man, I love having options.

                   Okay, I just got off the 605 by the elementary school and I'm walking the ten minute walk to my mom's house. I'm going to get on the computer and mess around. I already got some stuff done today.

                   Okay, it's about one thirty right now. I've been on the computer for a bit now. I was bored shitless. I couldn't find anything to do so I just sat down and started listening to my tapes and typing them up. Just then, my friend Andrea called. She asked me what was going on and I asked her if she wanted to smoke. She gladly accepted and was on her way over. Umm, she just drove over here and called me on her cellphone and told me she was in front of my house. Weird.

                   Okay, so I'm going to go hang out with Andrea and smoke some weed.

                   Okay, Andrea was about to come in my house and I walked out and said, "Hey Andrea. Nobody is home, do you want to just go smoke on the back porch?" Andrea told me no, that she wanted to go to OP Schnabel park today. I was psyched! I told her, "I'm going to get to show you my hideout!" Andrea said, "Actually, let's smoke first then we'll leave." Shweet. There we were in the back porch. She brought her little pipe. Man, I love getting stoned with Andrea. We have so much fun with each other. She's like my best friend. She's so good a friend that I wouldn't want to risk our coolness on a petty relationship. Ya dig? We're just cool. Anyway, she's got a boyfriend in Dallas and shit. I don't know. Well, she's back and I'm going to stop recording because I feel stupid when I tape myself in front of other people. I'll be back.

                   Ahh, it's about six now. I'm out here smoking a cigarette which I bummed from Andrea because she's cool. We had gone to OP Schnabel, but first when I had asked Andrea for a cigarette she asked me, "Don't you have anything to pawn?" I told her I could check the garage and look through all my shit. The only thing I could find was a toaster. It had a little scroll on it. It looked like a designer toaster and it worked. I wonder if I can go in a pawn shop and tell them, "Hey, I want a pack of cigarettes. Is this toaster worth it?" It's not dirty or anything. I asked Andrea to take me to a pawn shop. We went to the shop right next to the gambling place we had come a while back. When we got to the pawn shop and Andrea said she was going to stay in the car and smiled at me. I went inside with toaster in hand and asked the guy, "Hey, will you give me anything for this?" He looked at me and laughed and went, "No man, we can't take that." Hehe, I got all embarrassed and I walked back to Andrea's car.
                   We took off to OP Schnabel. We hiked all the way up to my hideout. I asked Andrea if she wanted to go downstairs to the lower level and she said no, because she wasn't wearing the shoes for it. I told her, "Okay, then lets go upstairs," and started climbing the tree. I climbed to the top and sat on the platform and hollered down to Andrea. She looked up and told me, "Umm, I don't want to go up there." I whimpered, "Come on, I brought you all the way up here to see my spot and you won't even check it out? You have to see this view, Andrea." She reluctantly agreed, but only to go downstairs. We went down where there's a wooden board you can sit on and smoked some weed and cigarettes. Eventually we just left. Andrea asked me, "Whatta you want to do now? I just finished school and have nothing to do." Andrea decided to go back to her house so she could walk her dog and I tagged along. She drove all the way to her house close to Babcock and 1604. When we were almost to her house I noticed, "Hey, the same bus that passes by the elementary school is the same one that comes out here." I told Andrea that she probably wasn't going to have to take me home today.
                   We chilled out at Andrea's and watched the second half of this funny(but way unrealistic) movie called Meeting the Parents with Ben Stiller. It was pretty entertaining. I haven't watched movies for such a long time. Last time I had was when I lived with Chasity and I would download them for her all the time. This movie was pretty funny. This guy was screwing up at everything. When it was finished Andrea took me home. I got home and to my surprise the computer was free. I couldn't believe it. My little brother is home watching TV. ::yawn:: Man, I'm all tired. Maybe I'll take a nap.

                   I've had a pretty good day. All for nothing too. Didn't cost me anything. Okay, so I'm out here smoking a cigarette. Like I said, maybe I'll take a small nap so I can stay up on the computer all night. Oh yeah, I also just realized that this little tape recorder has a speed setting on it. If I record all my stuff on half-speed and play it back at half too, it should use less of the tape and they'll last me longer. I have a couple ninety minute tapes and they'll last me forever like that. I have enough tapes to go on my trip with. When I fill them all up I'll have to manually write down my entries because I won't have a computer. Hey, I can practice writing with my left hand while I'm out traveling.
                   Oh yeah, it also occurred to me that I don't have to stop in California. I've got a whole country to see. Andrea was telling me all about how beautiful Yellowstone National Park was in Montana. I'm going to go see Yellowstone. That will be one of my stops. I'm going to go traveling. For free. Teehee. I'll be a modern mendicant. I'll be a drifter. It'll be a blast. I won't have to call anyplace home. I've got a whole planet to explore.

Next day..

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