


San Antonio, TX

Thursday December 19, 2002

                   Okay, I think today is the 18th of December. I don't know. I'm not sure if my watch is right. It's about 7:26am and I'm walking to the bus stop to start my day and have a good one. I think today is Thursday. Let me check my calendar. Ok, it's the 19th. I couldn't find anything to eat at my mom's house. All I found was a chocolate pudding and I ate that real quick. Today I'm going to try to donate(sell) some plasma for some money. I had been going for months and months like a year ago back when I lived with Chasity. I used to go all the time. It was easy, simple money. I would be saving lives and making money at the same time. I had mastered the whole process. Stupid-me though, when I got back from my trip to Big Spring, Texas I made the mistake of telling the girls there, who knew me already, that I had been on some crazy adventures and landed in a state hospital. I told them how I had placed myself there to get out of jail, and that I had been in jail for doing good. Since I had mentioned going to jail they asked me how long I was in. They asked me if I had been in more than three days. I told them I had been in for four. They then told me I wasn't allowed to donate for another year. I was pissed. Plasma was like my lifeline. I could make up to $185/month just donating plasma.
                   I hadn't donated plasma for months. If I could have been donating all this time, I could be so much more prepared for my tripWest. But, they're not the only plasma place in town, so I'm going to go see if I can go donate at another place. Now the whole time I've donated plasma I've always been stuck in my left arm, because that vein's better or something. I have a scar there and they always check your arms to make sure you're not donating at another place. If I thought they might notice, I could just use my right arm. Even if they did notice the scar, I could tell them I used to donate like over a year ago. Hopefully, they won't call the other place and find out I've been to jail. Even if they do find out I'll tell them, "Listen, I was only in jail for 4 days, which is only one day longer than you allow. I've already gotten my stuff dismissed from being there. My record has been cleared. I should never have gone to jail. I just want to do some good with my life-saving plasma. What's the big problem?" Hopefully, they'll let me, but if not, I'll just go try another place. Hopefully I can get some money today and go buy me some Muscle Blast 2000, so I can be more prepared for my trip.

                   Okay, so I'm out here waiting for the bus. It's about 7:47am. If the bus isn't here soon, it's not going to make the transfer point at the grocery store. Damnit, I only have three minutes to get there. I'm going to miss it. Damnit. That sucks. Well anyway, I was going to try and go to University Hospital and try and snag me some of that liquid nutrition stuff, since I couldn't find any food ay my mom's. If I donated plasma on an empty stomach I could pass out or something. Hopefully I'll luck out and there won't be anyone in the nourishment room again and I can steal some more stuff.

                   Damnit, the bus is going to be late. That really sucks. Ahh, I'll figure something out. It just pulled up and it's 7:49am. I asked the driver, "Hey man, what are the chances we'll be at the grocery store in one minute?" The driver told me he had no idea. I told him thanks anyway and now I'm walking back home. I'll catch the bus next hour. Later on.

                   Okay, so anyway, I walked out an hour later and I caught the bus, which was on time this time. I saw this dude who's name was Steve or Chris. He was eighteen years old. I asked him what's up and he asked me if I did drugs. I told him no, that I just smoke weed. He said he does everything, that he lost his mind. I told him I was going for a long walk soon and told him about my trip. I caught the bus and now I'm almost to University Hospital. I'm going to go try and get some liquid nutrition(for free). Then I'll find out where another plasma place is and go try and get some free money for saving lives. Okay, later on. Oh yeah, the time is about nine fifteen right now.

                   Okay, the time is about nine twenty six right now. I just scored so big at the hospital. Total score, no one was in the nourishment room. I saw Gabe my old therapist and he took one look at me and my stick and said, "Hey, what's up, Moses?" I told Gabe that I was almost ready to go. He asked me where, I guess I never mentioned to him about my walk. I told him I was going to California. I told him to guess how I was going to get there. He said, "What? Hitch-hike? Hop a train?" I told him nope and tapped on my boots. He went, "Oh man, didn't you just get hit by a car not too long ago?" I told Gabe, "Well Gabe, I'm going to go get some gasoline for my stomach." Hehe, he knew what I was doing. I walked into the nourishment room and popped four of those bitches into my bag. They don't have Boosts anymore and I can never remember the name of the ones I get now. They're called Hi-Cal or something. They have almost five hundred calories for every eight ounce drink. Cool, I have two thousand calories in my bag.

                   I went out to the bus terminal and rode the elevator down. I was like, "Man, I got my drink and I want a cigarette after my meal." Lemme see if I can find someone smoking cigarettes around here. Nobody was smoking cigarettes, boohoo. I waited a little bit then I saw some dude sparking one up. I asked him if he had a spare one and he hooked me up. Now I have a cigarette in my mouth and I'm digging through my bag for one of my drinks. Ahh, at least my bag will be five hundred calories lighter now.  Shit, I don't even know where there is another plasma place in town. I'm just going to ride the bus downtown and ask people. Hell, everything's walking distance downtown. I'll get there eventually.

                   Okay, its about ten twenty eight right now. I still don't know where I'm going. You know me and not wanting to plan shit and playing things by ear. I just had an interesting conversation on the bus with this one lady about donating plasma. This one lady was telling me she had Hepatitis-A and if I had Hepatitis-B I was worth a lot of money. That they pay you good money to do research and stuff. I gave her a weird look and told her, "Well, maybe I should go out and get it." I was totally being sarcastic and patronizing her. This lady just wouldn't shut up about Hepatitis. When the bus got to Travis Park I got off and started looking around for a cigarette to bum.

                   Wow, what a good turn of events. I was walking in Travis Park and I asked this one guy, "Hey, do you know where there are any plasma places in town?" He told me no, but these two guys walking by overheard me and said, "Did you say plasma? Follow us, that's where we're going." Badass. I followed them and jumped on a bus. It was like ten forty five and I had already found the plasma place. I didn't even have to wait that long. Right when I got there I signed in and some chick took my ID and started the new-donor process. Hehe, I'm going to do it. I'm following through on my goal for the day. I'm going to get some money. Those guys I followed here told me that that this plasma center shouldn't call my old one unless I had donated there a couple days before. Badass. I'm going to get some money. I should have been doing this all along.

                   Ugh, it's twelve fifteen right now. I went to the plasma place. I was so happy because it seemed like they were going to let me donate. This guy gave me a bullshit physical and told me, "We did a check on you and called the other place you used to donate at. You were deferred for being incarcerated for more than seventy two hours." I told him I had only been in jail for four days and all charges have been dropped. I have a crystal-clean record. Everything's been cleared. I shouldn't have gone to jail. He gave me this big line of bullshit saying, "Oh, when someone is in jail more than seventy two hours we can't get their medical records." I told them, "Man, it's not like I was in prison. All you guys care about is me having AIDS or TB or something. I walk everyday and I'm probably healthier than you. Because of a stupid technicality like that I can't give my lifesaving plasma and help people? Stupid rules like that mess everything up." He apologized but still said I could not donate. What a huge waste of time. This sucks.

                   Damnit. I can't even donate plasma in San Antonio. I need to get the hell out of here. My lifesaving plasma, oh they don't want mine. I went to jail for one day longer than their stupid rule allows. Big deal. Damn, this shit pisses me off. It's just another reason I have to get out of this town. Ugh, I need a cigarette so bad right now. A cigarette would hit the spot. Today was going to be such a good day too. Stupid ass rules.

                   Ugh, what a terrible day. It sucks.

                   Okay, the time is now a little after two. I went to Travis Park and caught the 92 to Medical Center. I got off a little early and I'm going to walk over to Easter Seals. I'm going to play it off and ask them to tell me again where I can get one of those pocket calendars. I'm going to see if they got their order in. Maybe they'll end up hooking me up with one. I don't know. Nothing much else can go wrong today. I don't know, but even if they just tell me where I can buy one I can go jump on the bus and go try and shoplift one. It's a pocket calendar. It'll go perfect in my pocket and out the store, hehe. Like I always say, "There are appropriate occasions where lies, deceit and ignorance should be practiced. Especially when the end-result is good. Choose them wisely." Here goes, I'm going to finish this cigarette in front of Easter Seals. Hmm, I think I'll leave my walking stick outside so they wont think I'm crazy.

                   Ugh, I went into Easter Seals and walked inside. I went to the staff office and knocked lightly on the door because it had the Do Not Disturb sign posted. Shit, they probably saw me coming. Alright, so I'm just going to hang out and wait here until someone comes out of the office.

                   Okay, that was a whole lot of not fun. I went to Easter Seals and they had the Do Not Disturb sign displayed. I decided I'd just hang out there and wait for someone to come out. When I had stopped to smoke a cigarette before I came in, I was right in front of the window to the staff office so they probably saw me walking up with my stick and locked the door and put the Do Not Disturb sign up because they all think I'm crazy anyway. Dude, they are hear to help people. I went up to the front desk and told the receptionist I needed to speak with someone from the treatment team about obtaining a 2003 pocket calendar. Dumbass Lupe came out and I asked her if they had received their order for 2003 calendars. Lupe said they had, but had only received enough for patients. I asked her if they had an extra one I could buy from them. She said nope, but I could get them at Walmart or Office Max. I told her thanks, that that was what I needed to find out also, where I could go get one. Here I go to Office Max. I'm going to go steal one.

                   Okay, so after I left Easter Seals, I walked up to the bus terminal and caught the 604 all the way up to Dezavala and I10. There's an Office Max right here. If they don't have one there I can walk all the way across I10 and check at the Walmart. Then, I can just jump back on the 604 and stop at Carlos' house and say hi or something. Well, we'll see what happens.

                   I'm walking to the Office Max right now and I'm thinking I should stash my stick somewhere. You know, Chasity used to steal CDs from this Office Max all the time. She would just put the CDs in her purse and the alarm never went off. I'm thinking I shouldn't have much to worry about, but I thought what if they've upgraded the alarm or something like that. Maybe barcodes set if off. Of course I'll look to see if there's a barcode on the calendar and peel it off before I walk out the door. If by any chance the alarm goes off I'll just take off running. They'll never catch me. I was thinking if I am going to take off running I should stash my stick somewhere and take off my hat and put it in my bag. If they come after me running I'll go hide in some corner and cut my goatee off with some scissors I got in my bag. Hehe, alright, I'm going to walk into the Office Max now. The time is three oh five right now.

                   Shweet. Mission accomplished. At least I'm getting something done today. I just got out of Office Max with a new pocket calendar. It was simple. It's nothing near as good as the one I have already though, but I'll just keep that one in my bag so I can use the maps and shit. I just need the days. Anyway, I'm walking to the bus stop now so I can catch the 604 again. Maybe I'll stop at Carlos' house. Well, this has brightened up my day a tad. At least I got my calendar that I've been needing to be ready to go on my trip West with no money. When I walked in there some employee came up to me and asked me if he could help me. I told him I was looking for a pocket calendar. He told me exactly where they were. The one I took cost six dollars. I grabbed it, peeled the barcode off, put it in my back pocket and just walked out. Easy as pie. No alarm, no nothing. At least I got one thing that I wanted and I didn't have to pay for it. Oh yeah, when I walked out of the Office Max I saw some guy smoking a cigarette. I asked him if he had a spare one and he ended up giving me two! Badass. My day's turning out a little bit better.

                   I walked up to the bus stop and I saw this guy waiting there. I asked him what bus was he waiting for. He told me the 604 had just passed by and I had another hour to wait. Shit, so what do I do now? Hmm, I'm kind of hungry. Maybe I should drink one of my things in my bag. Oh man, all these restaurants are tempting me. I want some other food. Maybe I'll go ask for free food. No, no, I haven't been walking that much today. I don't deserve free food from a restaurant. Well anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do. Oh well, I'll think of something. Let me smoke this cigarette.

                   Maybe the 603 will pass by that I can take to UTSA. There I can catch the 622 over by my Mom's house. Or maybe I can just ride the 622 to Andrea's house and say hi to her. I don't know. I have options.

                   Okay, I caught the 603 at Dezavala. The time is now three twenty six. On the 603 I'll go to UTSA and catch the 622 home. The one that goes by my mom's house.

                   I'm at UTSA now and I have a big half hour wait for the 622 which goes to the elementary school ten minutes away from my mom's. Alright, let's see what happens today. I'm going to just chill here and smoke a little weed on school grounds. I'm kind of hungry so I'm going to eat one of my umm, here I'll tell you what it's called. Its called Two-Cal HN, high nitrogen liquid nutrition, complete balanced nutrition, now with FOS(whatever the hell that is), ready to use, artificial vanilla flavor, 475 calories, eight fluid ounces, 2 calories per milliliter. It says 'Use under the supervision of a physician,' hehe. Two-Cal HN high-nitrogen liquid nutrition is a nutritionally complete high-calorie liquid food. Complete balanced nutrition, caloric distribution. Protein - 16.7%, Fat - 40.1%, Carbohydrate - 43.2%. Meets 100% RDI for 24 key vitamins and minerals and 1900 calories, one quart. For stress patients and those requiring low-volume feeding. High in protein - 19.9 grams. 21.5 grams of fat. 51.8 grams of carbohydrates. 166 grams of water, Calories per milliliter is 2.0, Calories per fluid ounces is 59.4. Okay, I could just sit here and read off all the stuff. It's got vitamin A, D, E, K, C, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, B12, niacin and a whole lot of other shit.

                   Okay, so after I drink this I won't be hungry anymore and I can smoke a cigarette.

                   Singing NOFX: "Possessions never meant anything to me. I'm not crazy. Well that's not true I've got a bed and a guitar and a dog named dog who pisses on my floor. That's right, I got a floor. So what? So what? So what? I got, pockets full of Kleenex and lint and holes where everything important to me, just seems to fall right down my leg and onto the floor. My closest friend linoleum, linoleum. Supports my head. Gives me something to believe. That's me, on the beachside combin' the sand, metal-meter in my hand, sportin' a pocket full of change. That's me on the street with a violin under my chin, playing with a grin, singing gibberish. That's me, on the back of the bus, that's me in the cell. That's me inside your head, that's me inside your headddddd."

                   Okay, I have until four twenty one for the bus to come. It's about three fifty five right now. I'm going to walk in the college and look for a water fountain and a restroom.

                   The time is now about four forty five. I just got off the bus at the elementary school and I'm walking the ten minute walk home. Man, I'm tired for some reason. Maybe it was the shitty day I had.

Next day..

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