


San Antonio, TX

Friday December 20, 2002

                   Okay, today is Friday. The 20th, I believe. I'm not sure. Anyway, today I was all bummed out and I couldn't think of anything to go do. I wanted a cigarette so I decided to go catch the bus and go somewhere and bum a cigarette. So, I walked out to the bus stop at about 10:30am and caught the bus at 10:45am and got to the HEB at 10:50am. I thought maybe I could go jump on the 605 and go hang out at Bob and Carlos'. I didn't even know if they were home. I said screw it and I just got off at the grocery store and walked around hoping I would see someone smoking. I walked over to the Taco Cabana to see if anyone was smoking a cigarette. Nobody was so I just kept walking. I decided I was going to go down this little old road behind the Bill Millers that leads to this old farmhouse behind the woods where I used to mountain bike years ago. The woods were in between Guilbeau and Mainland, close to Bandera. Man, they're building houses everywhere now, so I doubt that place is still around. I just cut through the woods without a trail and I'm just walking around. I have all this bullshit construction all around me. Bastards killing our wilderness. Anyway, I'm just going to walk around a bit and wait for the buses to come back in about another hour. Then I'll walk back to the HEB.
                   Man, I really need to get the fuck out of San Antonio already. I'm getting really restless here. I'm bored. I'm thinking about telling Chasity she can go ahead and take my bed to Florida with her and I'm not going to help her move. She doesn't deserve my help. All the fucking shit I do for her and she still thinks I'm crazy and doesn't want to talk to me. She gets all mad at me when I show up without calling, even if she's not doing anything. Fuck her. She's only nice to me when she wants something for herself. Selfish bitch. Last night, I called and left her a message saying, "Listen Chasity, I'm not going to be able to help you because I need to get out of town way before you leave for Florida. So, you're going to have to find someone else to help you." I'll try and get someone to get my bed from her before I leave, but actually, I'm considering just letting her keep it. Even though she would be getting more stuff she doesn't deserve, I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. I don't know what I'm going to do.
                   Alright, I'm just walking around in these woods without a trail. Man, they're fucking tearing everything down and building neighborhoods right here. That's so sad.

                   Well, this little road got a little interesting. I bet you nobody comes all the way out here. Wow, it's an old road. It's all broken up in some parts. I wonder where it will lead to. I haven't been back here in years.

                   Hmm, this road ended up in some neighborhood, so I'm just going to double back. I don't want to be in some concrete neighborhood right now. I like being in the woods.

                   Maybe I'll cut through somewhere and walk without a trail. Hey, I'll just go in right here.

                   Man, it's December 20th. It's not supposed to be this hot. It's supposed to be cold. Why doesn't anyone else realize that the ozone layer is going away? Argh.

                   Whoa badass, I just came across a badass platform up in a tree that some kids must've built or something. Damn, it's all heavy-duty and shit. Wow, just what I was looking for, just a place to stop and smoke some weed. I think I found it. I'm going to go up there. Wow, cool. It's got three levels.

                   Man, this thing kicks ass. The second level is a lot more wider than the first. And then there's a third one up there, but I'm not going to go up there. What I did find was a hammock up here, which I'm going to take because it's real lightweight and will fit in my bag and I can crash in the woods on my walk to California.  I'm all about not planning shit and this is just perfect.

                   Man, this is one professionally built treehouse up here. Wow, so I'm taking this hammock with me. Actually, I'm going to test it out first and smoke some weed in it. .

                   This day is perfect. this hammock is real light too. This hammock was one of the things I needed to be ready to leave. Like in my list I made in my head, one of the things on it was a lightweight hammock. I got the idea from my bastard father. Perfection, I love it.

                   People tell me I should practice what I preach and not care if people are different and want to drive cars. Thing is, as much as I preach about accepting differences, I'm trying to make everybody the same. I'm trying to make everybody happy. Who the hell doesn't want to be happy? Come on, get happy already. It's easy.

                   Wow, finding this awesome treehouse here in the woods really brightened my day. I just walked right into it. It fell in my lap. I was having a shitty couple of days. I didn't have shit to do. I was just wandering around. I thought I would go see if I could go bum a cigarette. Hell, I haven't even smoked a cigarette today and I'm still having a great day. I found me a hammock, I'm chilling out laying back here. I bet people crash up here all the time. This place is perfect. It was meant for me to find. I just wandered into it. I didn't know where I was going to go when I got off the bus. I just walked past the old K-mart, which is shut down. I just walked through the parking lot of the shopping complex. I got the idea to walk in front of Bill Miller's and if I saw anyone in the smoking section, I would go in and ask for a cigarette. There wasn't anyone in there, so I walked behind Bill Miller's and I came upon this old road. I remembered the road led to the old farmhouse I used to explore back when I mountain biked years ago. I walked through the old paved road that led to the farmhouse, but I didn't see it anywhere because they're building all these houses back here. Well anyway, I came upon a ditch to a neighborhood and I turned around and just went left into the woods with no trail, like I do sometimes. Out of the blue, I end up here at this treehouse. Every level of this treehouse is level. They must've used one of those thingies with the bubble to make sure it was level. They're perfectly flat. They're built off two trees too. An architect must've helped these kids build it, if they were kids at all. Maybe it was kids my age who designed this thing. It looks like it took a lot of work. I wonder how quick they put this thing up. It's sturdy and very stable. You could throw a party on each level. It's just badass. Okay, that's enough about how my day turned out so good. I think I'm going to walk all the way home now. Fuck the bus.
                   Before I left earlier, I left the computer reinstalling Windows XP, because my cracker program kept giving me an error. See, I plan to take my hard drive with me when I leave and I don't want to have any of my shit on my mom's drive. I think my cracker program was on her drive and now that I moved it to mine, it's not working. Maybe a reinstall will fix it. If not, oh well, I've cracked plenty of AOL accounts to last me on my journey.
                   Since I dual-boot Windows 98 and Windows XP, I checked to see if it gave me an error on 98 and it didn't. I remembered that that was the whole reason I downloaded XP, so the cracker would work because it lags on 98. Oh well.
                   Oh yeah, yesterday when I was bored, I put all the master accounts I had cracked on my AIM buddy list. That way, I know when not to sign onto them. Also, when I'm on a different screen name, I can view their habits so I know when is the best time to use their account. Also, I put all the San Antonio accounts that I've cracked on my buddy list. When SA people come online, I IM them and tell them, "Hey, you're password is this. Be sure to change it and this time make it something that's not so easy to guess. I'm from San Antonio too and I just wanted to give you the heads-up. Other people are doing this shit and not all of them are going to be nice enough to tell you about it and they're going to get your account killed." I've already warned like 5 people and most of them told me thanks. They get scared at first and want to know why I'm cracking their passwords. I'd tell them I didn't do it on purpose, that they just had a really easy-to-guess password. I tell them that there are programs out there where you can load up a list of screen names and a list of passwords and they'll go through and try each combination. Just don't have an easy-to-guess password and throw some numbers in it or something. Alright, well that's enough talk about that.
                   I'm going to go. This is a good time. It's a beautiful day, even though it feels like Spring and its Winter. Then when fucking Spring comes it's going to feel like hell. Damned cars. This is where life should be enjoyed. Out in the wilderness. Where everything is different.
                   Man, I'm totally going to take this hammock. I think this is an appropriate occasion where I should practice deceit. I'll give it back when I come back, I swear.

                   Okay, it's about 11:45am. Shit, can I get to the buses in 5 minutes? I don't think so. Maybe I'll just hang out here for an hour. That's right, I was going to walk all the way home. I need to get my exercise. Maybe I'll just hang out here a little longer and smoke some weed. I'm thinking maybe I should just leave the hammock here and crash out in these woods until I'm ready to leave West. This place sure beats my mom's house. Then I'm thinking, maybe I should take the hammock with me and practice finding places in the woods and setting it up. Maybe I should take a hammer and nails.

                   Okay, the time is 12:23pm. I'm out of the treehouse and walking now. I'm going to walk home and write about this.

                   Whoa man, badass. I just walked this path from the treehouse and it comes out to the ditch that's right behind HEB where the bus stop is. It looks like I will make it by bus. It's 25 now and the buses leave at 50. Kickass. Today is going great. Hey, maybe I'll have enough time to walk around and bum a cigarette.

                   Damnit, it's only 12:32pm and I gotta wait all the way till 12:50pm. That's a whole like, umm, I don't know how many minutes, over twenty minutes I'm sure.

                   Okay, I got ten minutes for the bus. I'm going to go inside HEB and see if they have any samples I can have. I'm hungry.

                   Haha, that was so badass. I passed the Goodwill Donation Station outside. I was walking by and I saw a person inside. I couldn't tell if it was a guy or girl. I thought I would stop and ask them if they smoked cigarettes. I went in and it was this chick. I went, "I don't suppose you smoke cigarettes, do you?" She nodded yes and I asked her for a spare one. She smiled and agreed. Got me a free Marlboro Red 100 at the donation station. Hehe, how funny is that? Now I get to smoke my bigass cigarette which I have exactly enough time to smoke until the bus comes. Shweet.

                   I'm out here smoking a cigarette. The time is now 12:42pm and I'm looking at one of the ads on the buses. It says, "Engineer, music teacher, software programmer, coach, chemist, accountant, biologist, sculptor. BE SOMEBODY! Make the smart choice." Man, screw that. I am somebody. I don't need to be called any of that shit. Damn labels.

                   So now I'm sitting on the bus. I'm just going to chill and listen to my punk rock. About four minutes until this bus takes off. Badass, I got a hammock in my bag. I'm leaving soon.

                   Okay, the time is about 3pm right now. I got on the computer and talked to this one guy, PANACEA from California. He tells me he believes in my stuff and he thinks I'm "hella-smart." He lives in Martinez, California, a suburb of San Francisco. At first, I was planning for that to be one of my stops on my trip. Well anyway, today he told me he would've voted Republican in the last election, had he been eligible. He was disqualified for five years because he had a DWI. I started telling him my stuff on politics and how Gore had won the last election fair and square. Man, I never thought someone who agreed with my thinking would ever vote Republican. I can't trust any Republican. After a while, I told him I was going to go eat something and come back and type up another chapter to my book. I couldn't find anything to eat. I finally found some soup that I added water to and stuck in the microwave. For some reason, after I eat I always want to smoke a cigarette, so I'm going to walk to the Cigarettes Cheaper by my house and they'll always give you a cigarette if you ask. So it'll be a nice little walk. It's still a beautiful day. Time is about 2:49pm.

                   Okay, I just got the idea to go up to the Cigarettes Cheaper and see if they'll barter with me. I'll tell them I really want a pack of cigarettes and if they'll look through my bag and see if there's anything I could trade them for.

                   Well, that sucks. I went into the Cigarettes Cheaper and I told the lady I was just walking by and if she had a spare cigarette and she said no.

                   I'm going to go in the liquor store and see if they'll bum me a cigarette. There was people in line so I just waited outside so I could ask the cashier for a smoke. I told them I had been walking all day and was wondering if they had a spare cigarette. Them alkies told me they didn't smoke. Shit, strike two. Hmm, there's a Little Caesar's Pizza over here and people who work at pizza places smoke cigarettes all the time. I'll try my luck there. Let's see what happens.

                   Hmm, there's a skater there. Skaters smoke cigarettes.

                   I asked the skaters and they don't smoke. They looked a little young anyway. So what to do? Hmm, the bus doesn't come for a while. Where am I going to get a cigarette?

                   I was going to wait in front of the little Caesars Pizza for all the customers to leave so I could ask the cashier, but all these customers showed up and it's going to be a long time. I'm just going to walk up to the gas station on the corner. Grease-monkeys always have cigarettes.

                   Ok man, it's only 3:15pm. The days still young. I'm going to go to Bob and Carlos'. Maybe I'll go downtown. I don't know. I got the whole city to explore. I'm going to go find new shit.

                   Hmm, there's this grease-monkey who just walked out of the shop and is standing around the dumpster doing nothing. Maybe he'll spark up a cigarette and I can ask him for one.

                   I walked up to the grease-monkey and I asked him if he had a spare cigarette. He wasn't doing shit, just walking around. He told me he didn't smoke and turned around to see if his coworker was there. I saw this guy walk out with a cigarette behind his ear. I asked, "Hey bro, you got a spare cigarette?" The dude told me sure, no problem. He gave me an oily cigarette since his hands were all full of grease. He apologized and I told him not to worry about it and thanked him a lot. So I finally got my cigarette. Mission accomplished. I'm going to go to the bus stop and smoke it.

                   I just passed the Kinder Care Learning center over by Guilbeau and Tezel. I walked in there. This girl was on the phone. It's a daycare. This little kid stuck his head out the door and said, "Wow, you're big!" I told him, "Yeah, and you're small!" The kid asked me what my name was and I told him Victor. Then some lady came and told the little boy to get away from the door. The girl asked if she could help me and I asked her if she could get me some water. She said sure and I handed her my bottle, telling her not to fill it up all the way so the filter could fit back inside. She said ok and brought it back filled all the way. Ahh, it's Okay, I just drank some. So it's about 3:26pm right now. I'm going to walk down the hill towards the grocery store until the bus comes.

                   Okay, I'm going to walk into Children's World Learning Center, another daycare. Now, this is the daycare that back on election night of 96, when I had my first head-injury, Darrel Azar had snuck his parents Kia Sephia out and was showing off and we T-boned a Ford F-150 pulling out of this daycare's parking lot. I know that last sentence was all run-on and shit, but I don't give a damn. I'm going to go ask people here if anyone's been working since 96 and I'll tell them I'm ok.

                   Okay, so maybe I won't, I just walked in that place and nobody was there. I stood there for a couple minutes and no one came. So screw that, it's not that important.

                   Whoa, that was awesome. I was able to walk all the way down the hill to the grocery store. It's like 50 right now. Perfect timing. On the way to the buses, which were all there, I stopped at the donation station again. I poked my head in and saw that girl who had hooked me up earlier sitting there with some guy. I asked, "Please, please, please, can I get another cigarette?" I told her I was training for my walk to California with no money. The girl seemed surprised and I told her all of my goals. She gave me another cigarette! I'm going to go to Carlos' and see what happens there.

Next half..

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