


San Antonio, TX

Saturday December 21, 2002

                   Wow, what a kickass morning so far. Well anyway, shit, it's a whole other day already. I slept in my jeans and thermals last night and I woke up this morning. Sam asked me if I wanted to brush my teeth and he had this foreign toothpaste that was all badass. It was all foamy and stuff. I got all my gear together and Sam and I walked out to the bus stop. Sam was going to catch the 91 to his work at West. We got on the bus, the time is about 7:42am right now. Sam was still tired so he crashed out on the bus and was going to try and take a little nap before work. I saw this black dude I recognized sitting in the back and he said what's up. I didn't really remember who he was, but I wasn't going to be rude and ask him. He asked me, "Where's the weed at, man?" I told him I had my pipe on me and if he wanted a hit we could take one. I asked him, "Did you wake-n-bake this morning? Want a hit?" It turns out he's this guy named Melvin who awhile back, when I worked at West I scored some weed from him for my old boss. He lived out by Marbach, way the fuck out there. Now the 91 after it turns on Medical from Fredericksburg, goes to the University Hospital bus terminal and comes right back up Medical again. So we got off, took some hits and we just waited for the bus to come back around. He thanked me and said he felt much better.

                   Dude, stupid me. The bus was going all the way to Babcock North and I got off at West. I got time to kill. I'm going to walk to Babcock North. Hopefully I'll be there by 36 of next hour so I can catch the bus to the grocery store. Shit, I should've stayed on the bus. Oh well. I'm happy. Sam gave me like three cigarettes and I'm at West Telemarketing. I can always get more. I got a little weed too. I'm going to have a badass day today. Another one.

                   Badass, the next 91 that's going out to Babcock North comes in about 3 minutes. Sweet.

                   Well anyway, I was waiting there at West and just realized, "Shit, that bus that's supposed to come in three minutes was the bus I just got off of. It went out to Babcock North and is circling back to West. This is the end of the line. It's 8am right now. That bus will probably get to University hospital before 20, when all the Braun Station buses get there, so I'll just jump on that. That's cool, at least I wont have to waste any time waiting, like I would have at Carlos'. Cool, I'm going to get home in pretty good time. Alright. Cool.

                   Sweet. All this time and I just realized I had gloves in my bag. Cool, it's fucking cold.

                   Okay, right now is about 8:55am. I caught the 605 to the HEB at Braun Station and I guess the 622 isn't here yet. I'm hoping it'll come soon so I won't have to walk. Hmm, the 605 got here five minutes early so I'm hoping the 622 is just really late. If it isn't, I'm going to have to walk all the way home. I don't care, it'll be exercise. I am hungry though.

                   Damnit, it's already 9am and the bus never came. I know I didn't miss it. When I got out there was only one bus on that side and it was the 87, which goes down Bandera. Where's the 622 which goes to UTSA? Damnit, it's a weekday, there's no excuse. Hmm, I don't wanna take off walking because I might miss it. Damnit, I'm hungry.

                   Okay, it's about 9:05am now. I'm pretty sure the bus isn't going to come. I'm just going to walk the mile home. I'm going to go into the grocery store here and take a healthy shit, since I didn't have time to at Sam's. In the bathroom, I'll have some privacy and I'll load a bowl and take a hit.

                   Shit, there's a guy in the bathroom using the toilet, so I have to wait for him to finish. I'll be sure to put toilet paper down on the seat when I use it.

                   I'm walking right past Wickersham. I'm passing this wooded ditch that I remember one time, when I had time to kill, and was walking to the HEB all the way from my mom's house, I cut through and it was this cool little nature walk that goes all the way to Guilbeau. So, I'm going to walk that up to the elementary school, then walk home. I'm still a little hungry though. I was thinking about walking over to the Taco Cabana and asking them if they'll hook me up, but I think I've done that before there. Hmm, I don't want to bother with any other restaurants around here. I think they've all hooked me up before.

                   Okay, I just got an idea for a screen name, JUST IGNORE ME.

                   I'm walking through this ditch. It's a nice little nature walk. All the ground is washed out and I'm walking on rocks. I came upon a metal pole in the ground with a handle. I thought it was a big poker, but after closer inspection found it was an old golf club. I didn't want to keep it, so I just spun it a few times and flung it up into the trees. I'm just bored.

                   Yuck, I just passed a dead dog.

                   Cool, I found another treehouse in the woods. I think I've been here before actually. I think I smoked here once.

                   Wow, what an interesting little hike this was. I like it. It's much better than walking down the street. I should've timed how long it took me from the beginning, so I'll know how long it'll take going the other way around.

                   Good thing that bus never came, this is fun.

                   Ok time is now 9:55am. I just came out of the ditch and I see the front of Coke Stevenson Middle School, where I went when I was younger. I'm over by the elementary school too. I'm going to keep walking through the ditch. I don't want to go on the street.

                   I'm here by the tennis courts at the neighborhood club in front of the elementary school. Ten minute walk to my mom's house from here. I'm going to look around for tennis balls.

                   Nope, no tennis balls.

                   Okay, I'm coming up to my moms house. The time is about 10:10am. Damnit, I see her car in the driveway. Isn't she supposed to be gone or something? I need to burn some CD's for my trip.

                   Okay, I just got home. The door was locked so I grabbed my key out of my wallet and I opened it. The chain was on the door so I yelled inside. I hear some kid's voice ask who is it. It was my little 6-year old nephew. The burden's child, hehe. I told him, "Hey, what's up, monkey?" and he said, "I'm not a monkey!" He came and unlocked the door for me. I walked in and saw my little brother and said hello. I asked my nephew Charles, "Hey, is your mom here?" He told me no and that he had just gotten dropped off. He said he was going to stay until Christmas.

                   Okay, it's about 10:30am right now. Actually, more like 10:15am. I looked at the clock in my mom's room and she always sets it forward. I bet you anything she was up all night playing dominos on the Internet.

                   Haha, I'm sitting here talking to my little nephew, just playing with him. I asked him, "Is there anything to eat in here, Carlos?" and he told me, "I don't know. Look for yourself." I started complaining and told him I was too tired to look for myself. If he could please look for me. I told him, "Charles, gimme something to eat, please, I'm very hungry." He was all, "You get it!"
                   Then, I grabbed a loaf of bread and he asked me, "What are you going to make with that?" I told him, "Nothing, I'm just going to eat the bread by itself. If I do, I won't be hungry anymore and that's all I want to happen." He looked at me weird and I asked him why the weird look. He said, "Because you're crazy." I asked him if he really thought I was crazy and he said, "Uhh yeahhhh." Hehe my little 6-year old nephew thinks I'm crazy, hehe. I asked him why he thought I was crazy and he told me it was because I don't mind my own beeswax. I told him to make me and he brought up his hand. I told him, "You can't hurt me Charles, you're just a little kid." Then he said, "I'll kill you!" Whoa, goes to show how good a job my sister has done raising her son, eh.
                   Haha, he just saw my tape-recorder and he asked me what it was. I told him I was writing a book and that he was going to be in it. He said, "I hope so, but if it's dumb I'm going to kill you."

                   I got the idea to try and tell my 6-year old nephew Charles what I want to do. I told Charles, "Ok Charles, I'm going to get rid of money and everybody will stop killing each other. I'm going to get rid of cars and get everyone walking and umm, that's about all I'm going to do." Hehe, I can't tell him about the marijuana yet. Charles told me, "Well, that's dumb." I asked him why and he said, "Because it's going to be a bet." I asked him what he meant and he told me none of your beeswax again, hehe. He then told me he was going to kill my beeswax and bust me up. I told him, "You're the one that's crazy, Charles." He said, "Don't mention it, but you are crazy."
                   See, my crazy sister recently converted to Muslim and she tries to teach her son that stuff. I asked him, "Are you Muslim, Charles?" He told me I knew he was and to mind my own beeswax again.

                   Ha, I just realized why that bus never came. Because today is Saturday and I don't think that bus runs on Saturday. It might run, but at a different time. Man, I totally forgot. Like, when I came home I asked my mom why she wasn't working today and she told me because it was Saturday, but I wasn't listening to her. Hehe, every day is a weekend to me.

                   Okay, my mom's on the computer now. As soon as she saw me coming, she darted over and secured her throne. There's nothing to do. Maybe I'll walk up to OP Schnabel and go hang out at my hideout. Then I remembered, "Hey, I have all my stuff that I got back from the U-Haul people, in the garage. I've been without it for months and I don't really need any of it. I really should have a garage sale or something. I gotta get it ready though. I'm not going to put any prices on things. If people see something they like, I'll tell them to just make me an offer, that I'll sell it real cheap.
                   I got all these clothes and I have to figure out how I'm going to display them. With all my stuff from the U-Haul, I had a big long cable TV cord. I'm going to string that up somehow, somewhere and just have all my clothes hanging up. Lemme walk around and look where the best place to string this up is.

                   Damn, my mom's all tripping because I'm going to have this garage sale without getting a license. She's all scared and telling me I have to have a license. I asked her, "What are they going to do? Give me a ticket or send me to jail?" I don't care. If they came I would just tell them I'm giving it all away. It's just one big giveaway. I'll tell the cops if they see anything they like they can have it. Shit, I don't have to pay taxes if I'm not making any money, right?

                   Okay, so what I did is, umm, I'm like having a garage-sale. Garage-give, is more like it. I didn't put up any signs or anything. I just have it all in the yard and people have already come by. I already got twenty bucks from these folding chairs Chasity had bought when we lived together. They were in perfect condition and worth so much more than 20 bucks. They got a good deal. That's cool.

                   Okay, I didn't record any more for today. Not too many people came by and it got dark soon afterwards. My mom started bitching at me to put the stuff back in the garage, so I'll wake up early tomorrow and put it out again. Later.

Next day..

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