


San Antonio, TX

Friday December 17, 2004

     9:26am  I just woke up. I'm going to get back to typing.

     11:17am  I woke up again. Man, I spent all day yesterday typing. I cleaned and stuff.

                     Today is Friday, December 17, by the way.

     6:32pm  I just woke up. I took a long nap. Oh yeah, my mom gave me twenty five dollars! I want some weed!

                   My mom has to go around 7:30 somewhere. I thought, "I guess I'll go for a walk in the neighborhood and see if I can buy me a sack of weed somewhere."

                   Please Love, help me score a sack.

     7:00pm  No-go. I'm back at my mom's house. I'm going to call Bob.

     8:05pm  I just got dropped off over at Sam's apartment. My mom gave me a ride. She was going with that guy Gus to Chopstix Buffet. I'm going to see if I can score some weed from Teo.

                   See, Teo wanted to buy some new shoes. He had asked me what time Burlington Coat Factory closed. I told him maybe nine, maybe ten. So us three go out to the bus stop. Teo was going to pay my fare, but I told him, "Don't worry about it. I'll get a courtesy ride." When the bus came I asked this bus driver and she said, "No, I gave you one last week." I told her, "I've been at home for two weeks straight." Teo hooked me up and paid for me.

     11:00pm  Oh, dude. I've got an update to make. This dude Teo, he's a scam, man. He's all sheisty. He lied to me, I'm sure. I went over there and asked him if he could score me a half ounce. I told him I had twenty five dollars. Just the other day he was all bragging how he paid twenty dollars for his half ounce. Tonight, he kept telling me, "I might have to throw in five dollars, it might be thirty." I told him, "Man, just be honest with me. Don't pinch it and don't be lying to me."

                     Oh yeah, and he told me and Ashley that we had to crowd into the bathroom when his dude came over because he didn't want us to hear him talk business. I told him, "Man, you live in a room. We'll hear you from the bathroom anyway." He was acting all peculiar and when he got the sack I pulled out two big chunks and gave it to him. He wanted more! He was all, "You can throw in more than that. I smoked two joints with you. You smoke two joints with me." Then I realized, "What the hell. I have a world to save. I need to conserve. I like to be high to tyoe my stuff." I told him, "I'm not going to give you any more. I already gave you two big nuggets and you have a plate full of weed over there." He had a big plateload of weed and he was all trying to get more. Screw that. I'm going to go smoke Sam out.

                     Oh yeah, I gotta talk about Ashley. Ashley is Teo's girlfriend. I have so much love for this girl. The minute I saw the way Teo treated her, I've been all on her side. I was telling Teo straight up. Like today they were arguing and Teo all asked my opinion. I told him, "You treat her like shit."

     11:43pm  I came to the Pizza Hut where I always score. I asked them, "Hey, do you guys have any mistakes you could hook me up with?" He promptly hooked me up with some food. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.


                     Man, that was so sweet I got hooked up at Pizza Hut. I'm going to go back to Teo and Ashley's and share. I have yummy breadsticks and cinnamon sticks too. I told that guy at the Pizza Hut my story. I was on camera and everything. My whole presentation. Before I went to the Pizza Hut I ran into Richard, this crazy dude.

                     I hope I don't wake up Teo and Ashley. I'm going to see if they let me crash there.

     1:50pm  I just decided I am going to walk all the way home. I called my mom from the Taco Cabana. They let me use their phone. I called my mom and she told me she wouldn't come pick me up. That sucks.

                   Sam wasn't answering his door. I ran into this guy Richard who was looking for Sam too. I know him from when I first met Sam. I told the guy at the Pizza Hut, the manager who hooked me up all my stories. Well, not all of them. He hooked me up phat. I'm going to walk home now.

                   Oh yeah, I gotta tell you about Ashley. I went back to Teo's apartment to share my food. Teo wasn't home. There was another dude there! Some guy Tony I had met in Travis Park a long time ago. He knew about me. All of a sudden I noticed that Ashley was getting close to this guy. Touching him and stuff. I thought, "Oh shit, I'm proud of her, she's finally going to leave Teo." She told me that they had something going. Like they screw around. Then she told me Teo knows! She said, "Yeah, Teo knows. He set this up." "He wanted to have a three-way conversation," she kept telling me. I finally figured it out that she meant three-way sex. Dude, Ashley is screwing this dude, and she was all crying and complaining about how she better never catch Teo cheating on her with another girl. But the thing is, that Teo is okay with everything! Damn. Ashley was all telling me before, "I don't want him to cheat on me." Dude, this girl totally flipped my lid. I had hated seeing her get treated like that by Teo. I'm thinking my respect for her has gone down. I had even told her when we were talking, "You know I have a lot of love for you, Ashley. I wish I could be free to rescue you from this." I have come to realize she just likes it.

                   When they were arguing I told her, "Yeah, she told me she was going to leave." Teo looked at me, laughed and said, "She's not going anywhere." So if Ashley likes the role she's playing, I guess she can keep playing it. I'll back off now.

                   I had told her, "You deserve so much more. I think you're beautiful."

     2:36am  I walked the 410 access road from Fredericksburg. I am just now getting to Bandera. Holy shit, I've just walked nonstop. I just took off. I'm going to walk all the way home. Screw it.

     2:44am  Crossing Huebner Creek.

     2:54am  Passing Huebner. I've been speed-walking this whole time. Ever since I left Fredericksburg. I'm proud of myself.

                   I'm going to walk all the way home without resting.

     3:01am  I just rewound my recorder to check what time I left. I left at two. At 1:50 I took off on Fredericksburg. I've only walked for an hour and I'm over by the Racetrack, well Diamond Shamrock now. Over by Eckhert road. It was real quick too. I hauled ass.

     3:15am  Passing the Walmart. Damn, I'm almost there.

     3:22am  Did I mention I'm already on Guilbeau?

     3:30am  I'm coming up on Wickersham. I'll turn right and walk all the way to my mom's house.

     3:48am  Crossing Tezel. Almost there. Almost there.

     4:00am  I'm at my mom's house. Wow, it took me exactly two hours to walk here. Hmm, at my quick gait I can estimate averaging fifteen minutes per mile. Cool, I just walked eight miles from Sam's apartments.

                   But, her car isn't in the driveway. I hope she's not out looking for me.

                   I'm going to surprise her. Where could she have gone?

     4:03am  It's really weird. My mom is not home and her cellphone isn't working either. I came in the back door. I really hope she's ok. Please Great Spirit, let my mom be ok.

                   I'm going to eat a bowl of cereal and crash. I'm tired. I can't believe I walked all the way from Fredericksburg and 410 without resting one time. I hauled ass. It only took me two hours.

Next day..

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