

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Wednesday December 19, 2007

     6:40am  Let's see, I woke up around six this morning. I got a good seven hours of sleep. I'm getting ready to take off. I ate a big bowl of Total cereal. I'm going to take some Riovida with me. I'm going to start walking around Loop 410 today.

     6:56am  I am off. I just took off. It's all foggy this morning. I'm going to walk to Walmart and catch the bus to 410.
     7:21am  Man, I'm going to start walking Bandera to Bandera today and the greedy ass bus driver wants me to pay a dollar. I was walking down Guilbeau and noticed the 606 was about to pass. I paused for it to come and when it pulled up the driver waved me on real quick. I thought he knew I was going to ask for a free ride. I get on the bus and he starts moving then he tells me, "That'll be a dollar." I told him I thought he knew I didn't have any money and he told me he couldn't read my mind. So I tell him, "Let me off then." We were like about a mile from the Walmart. He just drove on, all pissed off. I told him, "Thanks for proving me right, man. Nobody wants world peace!" Haha, I got mine!

                   Haha, I just got off at the Walmart. Watch me get a free ride to 410 too. Haha!

                   See, I had walked up to the bus stop at Guilbeau, right by the power line trail. I noticed it was about time for the 606 to come. When the bus pulled up I asked the driver, "I'm walking all the way around the loop today. Can I get a courtesy ride?" He waved me on the bus so I got on and he kept driving. Then he tells me, "That's a dollar." I told him, "I don't have a dollar. My job doesn't pay me money. I work for free. Drop me off if you want to." He got all pissed off and just kept driving. When I was getting off I told him, "I appreciate the ride, brother. Drive carefully," hehe. He was all mad and yelled at me, "That's the last free ride you get from me!"

                   I had told him, "I'm going to be on the news pretty soon." Greed shall be his downfall. I don't know his name because his nameplate wasn't there, but he knows who he is.

                   Oh yeah, some guy at the Walmart told me Loop 410 is like eighty miles long! Hmm, I'm not going to be back before Christmas, so maybe I'll just walk downtown today. Yeah.

                   Hmm, I'm going to take off soon, so I don't know. Walking around the loop is one of the goals I had set before I left again. I don't know. Maybe I'll just walk to 410 and see how far I can get around the loop.

                   Hmm, eighty miles. I've got like four or five days. Let's see how far I can get. I'm going to start walking Loop 410, just like I've said I'm going to.

     7:41am  See, I asked the 88 driver for a courtesy ride to 410, but he told me no. So I took off walking towards Bandera, thinking I'd just walk to 410. I then had the impulse to check my wallet and I had two dollars in there I had forgotten about. I ran back to the bus and hopped on. I'm on the 88 now going to 410.

     7:55am  I just got off the bus at Bandera and Loop 410. I'm going to turn left and go North first. I'm going to walk outside the loop so I can wave at cars and be seen. I'm going to put my wig on, hell yeah.

     8:09am  I took a pause, smoked some weed and took a piss. On the access road a little before Evers. I'm going to keep walking. I'm all stoned now.

     8:25am  I'm walking 410 right across from Red Mccomb's Pontiac. They have the big Indian doing the Heil Hitler thing. I took a picture of it. Oh yeah, as soon as I put this wig on the honking started.

     8:27am  All I had for breakfast was a bowl of Total cereal and I took a shot of Riovida. I brought some with me and I'm walking. I even brought with me an extra pair of socks and a sandwich Ziploc to put the dirty pair in. I don't know. Loop 410 is pretty damn long. It might take me like four days.

                   I will be sorry to cancel the plans I made with my mom to help her clean the junk room out, but I have a world to save, mom.

     8:33am  I just stopped and put on my Fuck Bush shirt. I had my green Liar one on before. Right in front of the DMV, I think. Close to Callaghan.

                   Did I tell you I found a sound clip from the radio station here 99.5 KISS about some guy who saw me flying my WPTMJ sign on Bandera the other day( skip to 40:20).

     8:40am  About to pass Babcock.

     8:52am  I am coming up to Fredericksburg. The Interstate 10 Interchange here makes it a bit difficult to stay walking on 410. I'm going to walk on the shoulder of the highway. I kind of have to. I hope the cops come, hehe. Let's see if I can manifest the police.

     9:15am  I'm walking on the highway, the loop. All of a sudden I see this guy on the side of the highway holding a big Ron Paul '08 sign to the traffic. I walked up to him and told him, "I'm walking around the loop. Will you check out my website?" and handed it to him. I asked him, "Can I take a picture?"

     9:24am  Passing Vance Jackson. I'm waving at everybody. I have my wig on, hehe.

     9:32am  Passing Jackson Keller. I'll take a two-hour rest at ten 'o clock. I won't rest for two hours, that's just how long it's been since I started this morning.

                   I feel just great, man.

     9:35am  Passing West Avenue.

     9:43am  Passing Honeysuckle.

     9:55am  I'm coming up on Blanco. I'm kind of hungry, so I'm going to go hit up Guajillo's. The Shortcut to Mexico.

                   Scratch that, they're closed. I'm going to keep walking. I wasted a picture.

     9:59am  I just passed Blanco, I think.

                   They totally remodeled the Jim's over here. It's like a whole shopping center now.

                   I think they changed the name of Central Park Mall to Park North.

     10:02am  Another random fortune cookie I found. "Don't be hasty;prosperity will knock on your door soon." Hmm, don't be hasty. What does that mean? Don't be in such a hurry? Hmm, make haste means hurry. So I'm going to take my time walking around the loop. It's not a race circuit.

     10:06am  I'm walking by the pyramid building. I took a picture of the side of it. Let's see if I can get one from the front. Hmm, Illuminati symbolism.

                   Spectrum Building

                   I'm going to look out for a taqueria somewhere. I'm hungry.

     10:10am  Just crossed San Pedro.

     10:19am  Jake at the Chick 'fil A hooked me up with a lot more food than I had the money for. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man.

     10:24am  Hell yeah, I got hooked up with three biscuits! He gave me an extra one. I had noticed I had some change in my pocket. Like a dollar seventy five. I Went in the Chick 'fil A and asked them if there was any food I could get for the money I had. I told the dude I was walking around the loop. He hooked me up and I logged his generosity and gave him my website. He said something about Jesus. I said, "Praise Love. It's all we need."

     10:41am  I had a smokebreak right in front of the Chick 'fil A. Right behind the TGI Friday's. I sat down and took a couple hits of weed and smoked a cigarette. I found some sunglasses on the side of the road. I'm going to give them away to somebody. I'm going to keep walking the access road.

                     Loop 410

                     Next rest at twelve thirty or one.

     10:58am  Walking by the airport. I took a picture.

     11:02am  Sweet, some guy right now yelled, "Fuck Bush!" out the window and took my picture. Hell yeah, document me, please.
     11:08am  I just passed by all these construction workers working on the highway. I took a picture.

                     Oh yeah, I'm walking on these big cement things. I'll take a picture of them so you know what I'm talking about.

     11:18am  Man, what an effective publicity-stunt I am putting on today. Everybody is honking at me and waving. Fuck Bush! My clown wig! I'm going to be everywhere pretty soon.

                     I am the chosen. I'm the one.

                     And I won't stop until I'm done.

     11:19am  About to pass N New Braunfels. I passed some big intersection a minute ago but I didn't know the name of it. I think it was Austin Highway, but it's been a while. I'm going to keep walking. I need to take a piss pretty soon.

     11:26am  Just crossed Nacogdoches Road. I took a picture looking back.

     11:35am  I am going to pause at Macarthur Park and use the restroom. I'll be sure to check the tennis courts for balls.
Sweet, I already see one.

     11:37am  I am done taking a piss. I'm going to sit down and smoke. I didn't walk until one like I thought I was going to. I'm not stopping so much because I'm tired. More like I want to smoke, hehe. I'm addicted, remember? I'm hooked.

                     I'm a mothafuckin' weed-fiend, hehe. I'm just kidding.

                     Like the fortune said, don't be hasty. So I'm taking a little smokebreak.

                     I remember at Macarthur Park they used to have a big tall rocket you could climb up into. They don't have that here anymore. I don't see it anywhere.

     11:59am  Walking in front of the Greenspoint building. I don't know what it is.

                     People are going nuts honking at me, hell yeah.


                     I'm coming up on Starcrest.

                     Everyone is honking and smiling and giving me thumbs up. Fuck Bush!

     12:14pm  Passing Iron Horse valley Apartments. 1214. Right across the highway is Palace Men's Club.

     12:21pm  I hooked these kids up with my website right now. They were just walking by. "I'm walking around the loop. Check out my website."

     12:23pm  Cool, now I know where the Academy is. I was wondering. I came here with my sister not too long ago.

                     Perrin Beitel

     12:34pm  I just got through the 35 Interchange. It was a little confusing. I thought I was walking the wrong way. I'm going to keep walking 410 South.

     12:39pm  Interchange Parkway/Perrin Creek Drive next right.


     12:40pm  I just found me a knife on the ground. I took a picture of it.

     12:58pm  I just hit Walzem and I crossed to the other side because I had been walking with the traffic. Inside the loop. I'm not that hungry yet. I still have an extra biscuit in my bag which I'll eat on a smokebreak soon.
     1:01pm  Passing Windsor Park Mall.

     1:05pm  I came over here by these trees by the mall. I'm going to sit down and smoke.

     1:21pm  I'm going to keep walking now.

     1:33pm  Passing Eisenhower.

     1:38pm  Coming up on Rittiman Road. A quarter mile away.

     1:48pm  About to pass Rittiman Road.

     1:49pm  I'm going to hit up the Denny's. Screw it.

     1:52pm  The lady said no, that she had to call it in and get it approved. Oh well.

     1:57pm  Walking in front of the HEB Retail Support Center.

     2:00pm  I see signs for Brooke Army Medical Center.

     2:03pm  Passing Space Center Street.

                   Maybe that fortune means I shouldn't take off so soon from San Antonio and not to leave after Christmas like I'm planning to.

     2:19pm  I stopped by some railroad tracks and took a leak. I'm going to keep walking.

                   I just passed Space Center Drive.

     2:24pm  I think I'm in the town of Kirby. That's what it says on the water tower.

     2:34pm  Umm, I'm on I10 now for some reason. I'm going to hop over the highway and get back on the loop.

     2:39pm  Damnit, another time-wasting detour. Now I'm on the other side of the highway and I can't give people peace signs. I'm hungry. I hope there's a taqueria nearby.

     2:59pm  Haha, right now this cop was all yelling at me, "Get off the freeway!" I took his picture.

     3:16pm  I have decided to stop and rest. I don't know where I am.

     3:55pm  Cool, I see a Taco Cabana down there and lots of food places. I'm going to eat for sure.

     4:02pm  Gina Martinez is helping me out with some food so I can keep walking around the loop. I appreciate it, Gina. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     4:16pm  I just took my last half a hit of weed. I've got some resin to scrape though. I'm going to keep walking now. I only got two bean and cheese tacos. That's alright. I'm going to walk to the next food.

     4:38pm  Passing Port Entry Street.

     4:45pm  W.W. White Road 1¼ mile. Exit 37 to Southpark Blvd.

     4:49pm  Found me a crazy spider.

     4:59pm  Walked in front of Legacy Middle School.

     5:03pm  Some old guy just pulled over and asked me where I was going. I told him I was walking around the loop, gave him the peace sign and kept walking. I gave him my website, of course.

                   Hell yeah, I just realized that all I need to do for food is find an HEB. I have a foodstamps card with eight bucks on it! From this girl Kyra I met at the Ingram bus station. I don't know. I'm far from everything now. It's like boondocks now.

     5:14pm  Passing by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. IBEW Local Union 16. Founded July 1893.

     5:25pm  I've got a mile to the 37 Interchange.

     5:39pm  Coming up on the 37 Interchange. Dude, I walked 410 East at first, over by Bandera. Then 410 North and it's already saying 410 West.

     5:41pm  I found some porno magazines. Some smut. I put them in my bag. I'll give them away. Yeah right, hehe.

                   Lately it's just long stretches' of nothing. I hope there's an HEB nearby. I'm hungry.

                   I came to this part where I have to cross over all this shit. I don't know if there's a creek with water down there, but probably. I have to cross all that stuff and get on the other side and go up the grade to keep going on 410. Okay, time to get gonzo. I took a picture of the shit that I have to go through.

                   Shit, there is a stream of water. I can't cross it. Too bad I don't have my camping gear. This is the perfect campsite.

     6:01pm  Mission accomplished. I crossed it. I got my foot in the water and one boots is soaked now. It was a bit complicated. I couldn't find any spot to get over the water without getting my boots wet. I noticed where the shallowest part was and climbed down this slim tree and roots and dropped into the water and pivoted over to the other side. I totally submerged my left foot and planted it and swung over to the other side. I'll take a picture.  See, where it says 12/19/2007 is where the water is and I had to climb down those roots.  I was surprised they supported me.

                   Okay, I jumped the river. Time to smoke a cigarette.

                   It sucks that my left boot is now soaked. Oh well. I have extra socks.

                   It's not time to smoke that cigarette yet. I still have to get through this patch of woods right here under the highway.

     6:18pm  S Presa, quarter mile.

     6:31pm  Hell yeah, there's a Whiteside's Gas and Diesel gas station. I'll take a picture of the sign.

     7:09pm  I am not going to keep walking. I'm going to call it a day. I've walked for eleven hours straight. I'm already more than halfway around the loop. This cool old dude at the gas station, he gave me a map. I have already done the longer half of the loop. It's so awesome. I can't believe I am actually doing this.

                   I should've called my mom but I can call her in the morning. I was told there's an HEB five miles away. I was all wondering where I was going to crash. I came to these woods behind the gas station. I didn't have a tarp or nothing and I wasn't looking forward to sleeping with bugs in the grass. Luckily, nearby I found a big election sign panel. I dragged it over and unfolded it and laid it out. It's longer than me! How perfect. I've already layered up. I put on my green tights and jogging suit pants and warm hoody. I am so beat. I feel like I walked fifty miles today.

     7:30pm  I'm all layered up and I'm going to sleep. Oh yeah, I have a cigarette to smoke. I'm tired though. I'm not going to smoke a cigarette.

Next day..


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