


San Antonio, TX

Sunday December 26, 2004

     5:05am  I can't believe I woke up so early, dude. Rachel(4-27-04:9:25pm) called me last night and she came to San Antonio with her family. They got a wild hair up their ass, "We're bored. Let's go to San Antonio." So Rachel wasn't by herself and she didn't pay for the motel. Rachel is supposed to call me again today.

     4:39pm  Okay, today is a monumentous day. I just caught up on my typing. I am complete now.

                   Oh yeah, this morning Rachel called and we were having much difficulty uniting. She's with her family and has to leave tonight. In the end they drove over to my mom's house so Rachel could get her purse that she had left here earlier this year. I got to see Rachel for a couple minutes before they left. I told her, "Come back and see me after you get back from New York and you don't have your family tying you down." We were both sad, but I was anxious to catch up on my typing, so it was for the best.

                    Wow, I don't have any more to type up. I just can't believe I followed through so hardcore. Look how long I've been glued to this computer. Man, I just checked and I've been typing nonstop since November 23rd, when my older sister bought me a new tape recorder. No actually before that. I was typing my stuff up on November 16. So over a month.

Next day..

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