


San Antonio, TX

Saturday December 27, 2003

     6:54am  I woke up around 6:30am or something at Sam's. I brushed my teeth and took a shit. I packed up my clothes and took my socks out. Now, I'm going to go see what happens to me today.

     7:15am  About five minutes ago the first 92 passed and he wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. I'm going to go hit up the Taco Cabana for a taco, or something.

     7:17am  Cool, I'm going to score at the Taco Cabana. He's going to hook me up. He said yeah.

     7:18am  Eddie is hooking me up with two tacos. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:25am  It's so cool I scored breakfast at the Taco Cabana. Two bean and cheese tacos.

     7:45am  Hortencia was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister.

     7:52am  I walked up to Crossroads Mall and had a great presentation with the security guard here. He first shook my hand and told me, "What's going on?" I told him, "I am the happiest man in the world. I'll tell you why if you will listen." He nodded his head up and down the whole time.

     8:02am  Holy shit. I just saw the headline on the newspaper. In California, in San Bernardino they just had these big mudslides. It said,

                   "The mudslides were set off on Christmas day, after a downpour fell on hillsides that had been stripped of vegetation by wildfires in October and November. With nothing to hold the soil in place, trees and rocks went soaring down the hillsides, along with the dark, brown mud. "I thought I was going to die," said Brian Delaney, 19, who was trapped up to his neck before rescuers pulled him out of the mud. It crushed into the recreation center at a trailer home encampment in Devore."

                   Man, I wish I could keep that paper. It costs fifty cents, damnit. That was mess up what happened. These people must've thought it was the end of the world. I mean, shit like that happening on Christmas day. The caption over the big picture of the front page reads, "THIS IS THE APOCALYPSE."

     8:05am  Orlando, this twenty two year old bus driver, is hooking me up with a courtesy stop on Fredericksburg. The 91 is a Limited Stop bus and I would have a five minute walk otherwise. But Orlando is being cool. Thanks, brother.

     8:26am  Frank hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus stop. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Oh yeah, the paper that had THIS IS THE APOCALYPSE wasn't the one about the mudslide. It was the story about the big earthquake they just had in Iran. A lot of people died. An estimated five thousand people killed.

     8:51am  The weirdest thing. I was reading all the bad news in the paper. Right before we got to Travis Park this couple on the bus walked by and the lady said, "Hey, we found Waldo. All he needs is the striped shirt and the walking stick." I told them, "Yeah, I just lost my walking stick." Then another dude who got off the bus asked me, "What language are you speaking?" I told him, "Umm, English." He says, "Oh, I thought you were talking Egyptian." He then asks me, "Where do you work?" I tell him that I am on a mission. He just sat there and said, "That's good to know." He reached into his pocket and gave me some gum. Whoa, badass. Somebody's gotta do it. I guess he understood what I meant.

     9:14am  Ryan is hooking me up with a whole pack of Djarum clove cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

                    Damn, like three quarters of a pack, he just gave it to me. I had seen him smoking a cigarette, so I walked across the street and asked him for one. The minute I opened my mouth he handed me the pack saying, "Here man, you can have the whole pack. I'm not supposed to be smoking anyway."

     9:20am  I walked past the Travis Park church and saw these two kids sleeping out there. Some guy just gave me a whole pack of Djarum cloves. I asked the kids, "Hey, you guys smoke?" I gave them like three. I should've given them my line, "I didn't pay for them. They weren't mine to keep."

     9:25am  Freedom is hooking me up with a courtesy ride to West. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Dude, that was awesome. I got on and he asked me, "You don't got any money? Come on."

     10:32am  I rode the bus out to West Telemarketing and went to The Rocks. Nobody was there. It's kind of early still. I went over there and scraped a really good resin hit out of my pipe. I'm all stoned.

     11:32am  I'm walking. I'm going to wait until noon to see if anybody comes out to the rocks and smokes me out. I'm just walking around West, talking to people. I'm going to go check out my old trail and see how overgrown it is already. If it's bad, I'll clean it up again.

                     Oh yeah, I talked to some guy at the bus stop earlier. He looked at me and smiled asking me, "Hey, how's the mission going?" I told him it was going great. He recognized me, but I didn't recognize him. It's so awesome. People know me in this town.

     11:40am  I went into the 8000 building to see if I could get some water. The security guard tells me, "Do you work here?" I tell him, "I will, starting the fifth." He told me he couldn't let me in there, because I don't work there. I tell him, "They let me get water every other time. Now, why won't you let me?" He told me, "You can get water at the Subway."

     11:41am  Minerva gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Minerva.

     11:47am  I ran into Richard, a fellow Puertorican. He came to cash his check. Sweet, he just offered to smoke me out!

     11:57am  Richard just pulled out and handed me some weed! Badass! I even got enough to smoke some people out with. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:15pm  I just ran into some lady that I helped her move her couch into her apartment years ago. I asked her if she had a cigarette and she only had one. I told her my stories and in the end she just walked off and wouldn't listen. She agreed with me, though. When I told her about marijuana she was all, "Yeah, that's the key right there."

                     Oh yeah, and she had one yellow-ass tooth, hehe.

     12:30pm  The bus driver was a dickhead. I hit him up for a courtesy ride and he said no. I pulled out my tape recorder and said, "I am writing a book on generosity the whole world will read . . . and you'd be in it." He still didn't let me on. He told me he had twenty minutes to wait, so I asked him if he would listen to my story. He said sure. Maybe two minutes went by before he started butting in and interrupting. I was explaining to him how people didn't listen and he was all, "Yeah, that's me." He wouldn't listen to me at all.

                     What a pussy.

     12:42pm  I'm at the corner of Fredericksburg and Huebner. At the red light some lady stopped and yelled something at me from her car. I was all, "What?" She was yelling at me. I don't know what the hell she was telling me.

     1:26pm  I've been walking down Fredericksburg all the way from West Telemarketing. Right now I'm by Datapoint. I just found a dime on the ground! Badass, I got thirty five cents because some dude gave me a quarter for bus fare. I said screw it and took off walking.

                   My feet hurt.

     1:37pm  Lucy at Blanco's Cafe, this Mexican restaurant right next to the Papa John's I used to work at is hooking me up with some tacos. I appreciate it, Lucy.

     1:41pm  Sweet! They hooked me up phat at that place. Even gave me a big soda.

                   Now, I'm going to sit right here in front of Papa John's and eat. I found a snipe on the ground I can smoke afterwards. Awesome.

     1:54pm  I walked over to the Coastal across the street. I'm going to go to the bus stop and when a bus comes I'll tell him/her, "Hey, I just walked all the way over here from West. My feet are sore. Don't suppose I could score a courtesy ride?" I came into the Habib-mart across the street from the Blockbuster. I went in and asked one of the Arabian dudes, "Do you have a spare cigarette?" He tells me, "Well, we sell cigarettes here." I told him thanks anyway.

     1:57pm  Mr. Bustos, the nice bus driver is being nice enough to give me a ride. He told me, "Only if you give me five dollars next time I see you." I told him, "Okay, just put it on my tab."

     2:02pm  Mr. Bustos hooked me up with a transfer too. I appreciate it, brother.

                   After I told him all my stories, I went back and asked him, "Don't suppose you could spare a transfer for the cause?"

     2:03pm  Some girl who didn't want me putting her name on my thing gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister.

                   Today is the 27th, by the way.

     2:48pm  I rode the bus to Fredericksburg. I need to go to the thrift store and gets some shirts and ties. I passed the thrift store on the bus. I rang the bell late. I'm going to limp, well not limp really. Just walk real slow. The soles of my feet are all sore. I'll walk to the thrift store and see if Olivia is working. If not, I can't get my stuff.

     3:03pm  Mission accomplished. Oh yeah, Olivia was there. I gave her my big update and told her all the places I went. Then I tell her, "So that brings me to the present. I'm starting West on the fifth of January. Don't suppose I can grab a couple shirts and ties?" She smiled and told me to just go in the dressing room and put them on under my clothes. I told her, "Come on, look at what I am wearing. With all these rainbow colors, you don't think people are going to notice a difference if I come out wearing something different? She told me, "I promise that they won't notice." They didn't. I just walked right out of there. Anyway, I am ready. I'm ready to go back to West. At least I got one thing done today.

                   And, I got some weed!

     3:35pm  I walked out to the bus stop and I saw this dude David. I asked him if he had a cigarette and he gave me the rest of his. I offered to smoke him out and we crossed the street and went back behind the plasma place. There's a big ditch. I used to smoke out there back when I donated all the time with Chasity.

                  Oh yeah, he's going to hook me up with a cigarette.

     3:47pm  I'm going to walk to Sam's apartment and smoke him out. I got some weed.

     4:12pm  Sam's playing this punk radio station I like off the Internet. There's a cools song by Agent Orange playing. It's kind of based on the Pulp Fiction song. It's badass. What's the name of the song, Sam?

     5:25pm  Sam and I are watching this weird ass Japanese black and white movie called Tetsuo. It's so strange. These guys must've been on crack when they made this movie. It's weird.

     5:43pm  It's so cool! The return of the hot water! I'm going to take a shower! I haven't showered in like three days because there hasn't been hot water.

     6:42pm  Sam asked me, "Hey Victor, do you want to go to Taco Cabana to get dinner?" I was all surprised and told Sam sure. Sam just got paid and he said he would take me out to dinner. Thanks, man. We are walking to the Taco Cabana, which is right across the street.

                   Hehe, I scored breakfast here this morning.

                   Sweet, I'm walking around Sam's apartments. All of a sudden, this old Mexican guy I've talked to about my ideas before, like six months ago asks me, "Hey, are you still writing that book?" I tell him, "Oh yeah, every day is a new chapter."


--- Victor Antonio <>
> Kati,
>     Wow, how tempting.  Now, I start work January
> 5th.  I am really excited about going back to work
> at the telemarketing place.  Man, I've been having
> the greatest time talking to people there recently.
> People recognize me every day and hook me up and
> give me rides.  Nowhere do I feel as welcome as here
> in San Antonio.  I have much work to do here.  If I
> wasn't starting work soon, I would already be in
> Houston visiting you.  I need to hurry up and get my
> digital camera and webpage up, so I can show
> everyone exactly how much fun I have here.  How long
> did you plan on staying in Houston?  Ahh, if I went
> to Houston I would just get sucked into Babylon with
> you again, hehe.  I don't deserve the break yet.   
> So can I call you at your sis'?
> Love,
> - Victor

From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: the path of the rightous man is beset on all sides with evil...
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 11:41:12 -0800 (PST)
I will not be able to get to SA or accept visitors until after the 4th.  could it be that we shall not be
able to meet?  I never feel so welcome as in h-town.  this place, while emotionally draining is
intellectually stimulating.  I found a passage in Alester Crowley's "BOOK KOF LIES" that I find


At four oclock ther is hardly anyone in rumplemeyer's.
I have my choice of place and service; the babel of
apes will begin soon enough.
'Poineers, O Pioneers!'
sat not elija under the juniper tree and wept?
was not mohammed forsaken in mecca, and jesus in
these prophets were sad at heart; but the chocolate at
rumpelmeyer's is great, and the mousse noix like
nephthys for perfection.
also there are little merengues with chestnut pulp,
very velvety seductions.
Sail i not toward (katitexas) in seven days?
be not sad at heart O prophet; the babel of apes
beging at present.
Nay rejoyce exceedingly; for after all the babel of
apes the silence of night."

the thing about choosing your own path, is that it is often a lonely one.  there is no end, as there was no begining.  your place in my heart and my mind is secure even tho we are not together.


--- Victor Antonio <>
> Hi my Kati-pie,
>      I am really sorry it's taken me so long to
> respond.  I have been extremely busy(and I haven't
> even started working yet).  I tell my stories like
> crazy in San Antonio.  Everybody knows me here.  I'm
> quite famous.  It's so rad.  So, are you still
> planning on swinging by?  From your last mail it
> seemed you stopping by wasn't a sure thing anymore.
> I understand if you can't make it.  We will see each
> other when we are meant to.  I went and got a blood
> screening which I will get the results for January
> 14.  
>     I miss you, Kati.
> Love,
> - Victor

From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: after my mom'd birthday, and before my flight to portland...
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2004 10:36:41 -0800 (PST)
oh victor,
i had a dream about you last night.  how i miss you
so; my only refuge in this lonely world of indifferent
strangers and uh... horny strangers.  I'm trying to
earn enough money to get gas to san antonio, but i
need to be able to find you.  tuesday i could drive in
maybeeee.  i love you very much. i'd love to see you.


From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: Timing is everything.
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 12:14:08 -0800 (PST)
My Dearest Victor,
  I had a dream about you last night: you and your big
head.  Sometimes I feel all strong and cocky, like
nothing can touch me.  I'm hovering along inside my
caseing, impervious and shiny.  Those times I think of
you and say, "Well maybe it's better this way.  I can
keep my life uncomplicated, and decide my own path."
  At night the outer shell of my little craft becomes
opaque.  All the knobs and lights power down, and I'm
there inside, and you're there with me.  You and your
big head.  They say an object in motion will remain in
motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Well, we'll see I guess, just how unballanced a force
you are.
  First the world then me.  I hope you're working
hard, gaining focus.  You'd better be, cause I'm
waiting on you.  (well, not "waiting" so much, but you
know what i mean.)  Don't be afraid to listen.  It's
important to listen.  It may not seem productive, but
it is important.  You're out there to tell people
things they need to hear.  There are people out there
to tell you what you need to hear too.  I know you
have a lot of drive in your engine, just make sure
you're paying attention to the steering.
  Maybe I won't see you until after the polar
holocost/train accident.  That would make me sad, but
if that's the way it must be... keep your becon
burning for me.
I Love you madly!

From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: Re: Timing is everything.
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 21:00:24 -0800 (PST)
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Sorry about the knife love, but if you go looking for
trouble you shouldn't be surprised when you find it.
I don't think it's going to work out me getting to San
Antonio.  I'm out of gas, and I have $1.  I'm at my
sister's house right now in Sugarland.  I leave
I'll write more soon, i need to go talk to my family.
I miss you.


From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin...
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 23:09:23 -0800 (PST)
My Glorious Victorious,
I'm watching StarTrek Voyager right now at my sister's
house in Sugarland.  I have $1 and a quarter tank of
gas, so I'm stuck here until Thursday.  Then I shall
go to town and visit a few museums with my friend
Charlie, and head out to my mom's house.  I fly out
Friday at 5:40 pm.  I can't tell you how saddened I am
by the idea that I've come within 200 miles of you,
and won't get to hold you.  You can call me tomorrow
if you like.  I should be here all day Wednesday.
The Guytons: 281.277.9795
It would be good to hear your voice.
It would be even better to cook you dinner a couple of
nights a week while I'm going to school.  You could
write while I paint, we'll leave the dishes for
Here's to the next time I get to kiss you goodnight.
Your Devoted,
ps.  how lucky are you huh?

From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: I gotta go, my dad is making fried grits.
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 10:58:19 -0800 (PST)
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  I don't mind you using my AOL account.  Just
remember please thas it is my mom's account, and she
needs it during the day.  This explains why I signed
on the other day and someone asked me to tell him a
story.  Also, maybe you should read my profile,
everyone you talk you is.  
  I do intend to go to school, I wish to study
physics.  I should like to work in a band at night,
and study near the trees during the day.  My friend
Zilla has been talking about moving up there with me.
That would be nice.
  I hope you find a work station.
Stop smoking.  put them down, and don't pick them up
again.  after a little while you won't want them any
more.  Your will is strong, so turn it towards
something important.
  I am missing you too dear.
  We shall meet again.  I'm sure.
Thank you for the promise.


From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: baby...
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 23:35:36 -0800 (PST)
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I suddenly find myself at home, and very lonely.
Please call me.


From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: a short irritable letter...
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 17:47:38 -0800 (PST)
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  I have a headache.  I smoked alot of cigarettes in
Houston, and now I've stopped, so my dopamine
receptors are rebeling.  I've taken drugs, applied
heat and massage, I even masteurbated in the shower.
Still I am in pain.  I have to go, looking at the
screen is killing me.  Oh, and my name is spelled
Kati.  There is no "e" on the end.  I still love you
ps You're so sweet to bug strangers just to try and
call me.  I hope you had a good day on the bus!


From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: baby...
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 21:28:45 -0800 (PST)
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remember me?  Remember my calling card?  Please use it
to call me on someone's land line maybe.  
card #7448 4162 4334
home #707.822.3713
i miss you.


To: Victor Antonio <>
Subject: Of course you are.
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 18:44:44 -0800 (PST)
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I would never say, "I told you so."  Especially since
you said it for me.  I hope this puts your anxieties
to rest darling.  I've been thinking about you alot
today.  I had a stressful morning on the phone, and I
kept looking over to the couch.  You were sitting
there typing, and I laid down with my head in your
lap, and felt all better.  I got drama.  I also got a
great lover in San Antonio who thinks about me sweetly
sometimes. I miss you.
More to come...



Next day..

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